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Delete This Account

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  1. after one season, of course. jw
  2. anyone heard about this "Kate Upton"? http://youtu.be/uPq7jVGPs3g jw
  3. is this this person, you speak of? because if it is, well, um, er, for the love of god, woah. jw
  4. "hi, my name is" tag attached to his/her
  5. i can, too. this might be EJ's first NFL season, but the knock against him coming out of college was that he was inconsistent, and had difficulty completing some throws. yep. still the case. jw
  6. so, based on that, you're done with EJ, too, then, right? jw
  7. a suggestion was made that i should repost this from the "disappointed with Marrone" thread in order to liven up this one.
  8. banana-nut bread, which for some strange reason
  9. sure am braced for it. though i'd like to think we can have a calm discussion regarding this without digressing into the usual knee jerkiness that happens with these threads. i respect what SJ Bills Fan posted, which is why i responded to it. i'm sure some might disagree with what i wrote. hopefully, they can provide some actual points rather than throw hissy fits of outrage. jw
  10. you make good points. and i'm not defending Crossman entirely. the questions are merited. however, there is no point at this time to make a change after only one season. last year was a rebuilding year in which many needs required addressing, and new, young players needed to be brought in. that process in itself limits what teams can do to fill their special teams roster, which essentially becomes a bit of an afterthought when it comes to addressing more pressing needs on offense and special teams. it takes years to fill special teams with "core" players under a new coach, and not just one year. had Marrone spent the offseason dedicating players to special teams, then he would be open to criticism as to why he didn't address other needs on defense or offense. it's a bit of a no-win, here. there was no sober expectation that the Bills would be competitive this season. and to suggest special teams was the only weak spot and/or the reason for the Bills 6-10 finish is not at all valid. there remain numerous holes to fill at numerous positions after several holes were filled this past year. Marrone should now have a better grasp of what he needs to continue building a contender this offseason. and Crossman et al will now have more time to develop the players he believes will form his core. if he fails next year, then it becomes a real issue. for now, he deserves to get a slight pass. jw
  11. clutch his hot bun and declare
  12. Marrone said it himself: they're still searching for a special teams core of players. this was a transition year for all three units. the belief/hope is that they've set a foundation for next season. making significant changes at this point would only be regarded as a setback in their opinion. jw sorry. my bad.
  13. wha? 75 percent of special teamers were back this year? that's unpossible. a glimpse at the list of special team tackles alone is enough to indicate there wasn't a 75 percent return rate. Chris Hogan, Evan Rodriguez, Brandon Burton, Marcus Downtin, Jim Leonhard, Ty Powell, Jamaal Westerman, Duke Williams, Jerry Hughes and Ron Woods never played one snap for Buffalo last season. and that doesn't include Easley, who appeared in only three games last season, Ron Brooks, who missed the first seven games last season. nor does it include Dan Carpenter and Brian Moorman. quit passing off silly numbers that do nothing to further whatever case you're trying to make, never mind hurting it. geez. do some research. jw and of the 85 players that were listed as being on the Bills roster last season (including practice squaders), there were only 28 who played at least one snap last year and one this year. they couldn't have all been special teamers, right?
  14. All NFL players are required to make themsevles available to the media at least once a week per rules instituted by the league. Lynch isn't the first player to be fined. Cardinals WR Larry Fitzgerald was fined $10,000 in 2008 for not complying with the NFL's media policy. And after being fined, he never missed another media session, and proved to be an all-around good talker. I can vouch for that, given the time he gave me by phone for a piece I was working on a few years back. This isn't just limited to the NFL. I know the NHL has a similar policy. The Maple Leafs were fined once during the playoffs for not following media policy. jw
  15. January Jones, Jerry's long-lost
  16. , they exposed their pompoms and
  17. haven't heard from SDS in a while. is he still around? jw
  18. uhh, the first question asked was in regards to Brandon's stated objective of transforming the Bills' "tarnished" reputation, and how far they still need to go. as for missing the playoffs for 14 straight years, i do believe many of those questions have been asked and answered dozens of times over the past month. as Buftex noted, what questions might we have missed on? -- EJ's development/injuries. asked. -- adding quarterbacks, including one in the draft. asked. -- Stevie Johnson's status. asked twice. -- Jairus Byrd. asked. -- run defense. asked twice. -- staff changes, including special teams. asked. this isn't watergate. there is no real scandal here. any objective observer of this team understood it was going to take more than one year to turn this franchise around. to badger for the sake of badgering to satisfy the need for a fan's desire for pound of flesh isn't my job description. perhaps, you're not satisfied with the front-office's answers. well, that's another issue. so let me ask a tough question of you: if you're so unhappy with 14 straight seasons of missing the playoffs, why are you still a fan? jw
  19. not a coincidence. actually, our discussion for the story i put together a year ago helped inspire this one. ... guess i coulda put a double-byline on it, eh? jw
  20. there's a couple: "le suck re bleu" and "pepe le pew." sorry, couldn't resist. jw
  21. Pettine will likely get a few feelers. that said, i know he's very comfortable in wanting to stay in Buffalo to continue building what he started. he's in a no-lose situation. jw
  22. hungover a few times, but never drunk. or as Dan Jenkins once immortalized in his very amusing book about a year in the life of a sports columnist: "You Gotta Play Hurt." jw
  23. unlikely, i'll get drawn into this one. jw
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