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Delete This Account

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  1. it was reviewed. please. jw
  2. Thanks, folks. Got a little sidetracked with several developments. jw
  3. Little help here folks: Putting together a story on memorable weather-related events that have affected Bills games. Of course, I've got the game in Cleveland in 2008, when the Bills were forced to bus home. Then there was the 2009 season-finale against Indy played in front of 25,000 or so fans. Trying to recall any others dating back to before my time. I know there was one game in which the Bills flew home and were forced to land in Niagara Falls. Any idea on that. Any help would be appreciated. And I think it's not a bad discussion starter either. After all, what else is there to do jw
  4. here's the deal in my humble opinion: stuff happens. it always will. and no matter how many cameras they post at games from every angle, including crotch shots, there is never, ever going to be an ideal solution to determine what, when and why. it's impossible. the pendulum, at this point in my opinion, has swung to such a degree where everything has become open to interpretation in a game where stuff happens at such a fast pace where it's difficulty to determine intention versus occasion. how far do we need to go to suck all the life out of imperfection. have we become such a digitized, paranoid, the sky-is-falling, conspiracy theory nation in which we pick nit-pick millimeters. should we do so, then, yes, let's prolong games to never-ending commercial breaks and video reviews. why not parse every play to ensure nothing went wrong. good luck with that. i happen to believe that everyone gets screwed sometimes, and there's nothing wrong with that, because i live a life of pure imperfection. so why should sports be any different. sure, there will be many -- mostly and probably rush fans -- who disagree with me, in believing it's only the bills that get burned. puh-leeze. must we cater to x-box society to such a degree in which we become trapped in some neo-driven matrix of purity. i'll risk a mistake rather than another series of verizon-sponsored commercial breaks. jw really. the games are shorter now, and less insipid with networks hiring actual and former referees to provide an interpretation of a call that they get wrong half the time because they're no longer under the hood, and merely guessing, like the rest of us, sitting in our underwear on a couch, hoping the call goes against or for you, because you just may have the player in your fantasy league, and hope the call doesn't cost you a point for, say, a turnover. c'mon, the fantasy leagues -- and i'll admit i'm hooked, too -- have contributed to the demise of sports as we once knew it. and i'm old enough to back that up. jw
  5. yes, let's turn already endless games into day-long sagas. we'll call it cricket or something. jw
  6. and yet the Bills had said all along through spring that they had confidence in EJ and his two backups before deciding they needed a veterans. you seem to suggest that they had vision and foresight all along, when I'm suggesting they didn't, especially after giving Jordon Palmer a three-day tryout before committing a lot of money to lure Orton to Buffalo. it's not as if the QB concerns snuck up on them. jw
  7. right. this is how most teams who haven't had a proven quarterback last more than three seasons as a starter handle their quarterback situation. you're right. the bills have been the model of success when it comes to making numerous decisions, and it has showed in their record and their ability to have continuity at the starting QB position. jw
  8. Dean: with all due respect, the Mats were/have never been a three-chord and done rock band. there's far more depth to their sound, which is what made them important and relevant and vibrant. no more than the Beach Boys, but very much unlike the Beach Boys. they are The Kinks. with an American Midwest twist. I doubt I'd ever change your mind, but if you're into music, give them a spin, some of the songs I mentioned, or even the link to the live video in this thread. I've given jazz a try and, it's left me wanting. so I understand taste. it doesn't mean I hate jazz. but, allow me to posit here, if you're willing to participate in this thread, shouldn't you sample the sound (unlike chef, who gets an unusual kick out of trolling every thread on music i become involved with, simply to tell me how wrong I am to the point I've ignored him) just sayin jw thanks for that. jw
  9. guess, that's where we differ. raw and untrained is, to a degree, the foundation of rock and roll for me. Westerberg made it a point to include takes that included a mistake, a wrong note, perhaps, on the cuts placed on the actual albums. imperfection was the key, because who among us is perfect. adolesence, sure. i have no problem with that. i hope i die before i get old. and it's the flaws, i think, that help reveal all of us. jw
  10. give "Skyway" a listen, or "Achin' to Be." try out "Nightclub Jitters," or "I Will Dare." The various versions of "Can't Hardly Wait," are full of fear and desperation. and what to dislike about a band that summed much of its reason for being in these lyrics from the mats iconic anthem, "Bastards of Young:" The ones who love us best Are the ones we'll lay to rest And visit their graves On holidays at best The ones who love us least Are the ones we'll die to please If it's any consolation I don't begin to understand them jw just checked: i still don't like the flute band. jw
  11. not sure if it was from a review, but in their ever amusing self-deprecating way, The Replacements adopted the nickname placemats -- you should hear their version of "Send in the Clowns" -- and that was then shortened to simply: The Mats. jw mutts, is also acceptable pray tell, what do you find offensive with the mats music? not sure I understand. jw
  12. the 'mats rocked the Tonight Show. anyone who doesn't "get" them is fine with me. i'll stake my place that they continue to carry to carry the rock and roll torch, of what is good and pure about a finger-in-the-air concept that has always been at it's best when giving voice to the dis-enfranchised and rebels without a clue. jw
  13. ¶ dear bono, if that, of course, is your real name: ¶ thank you very much for the generous gift you provided us addled, grammyfied, maroon 5 masses. it's not every day a world-acclaimed and renown "rock star!" chooses to or is capable of reaching a multi-million-dollar deal with a corporation to provide us the courtesy of having our itunes accounts hacked for the privilege of receiving what you so gently call "a gift." ¶ ¶ some would call this an act of desperation to bring much-needed buzz to two fading, aging has-beens. but don't worry, i happen to chalk it up to sheer self-indulgence. after all, it's not fair that all these spammers get to fill our inboxes for free and without name-recognition. why not cash in on the nigerian prince junk-mail wave while you can and have the, ahem, "edge," in suggesting that this, in fact, is art. ¶ ¶ good for you. i hope it works out well and you continue to produce more tin-eared bunk that i'll continue choosing to ignore. ¶ but who am i to dictate taste, as this is a personnel issue after all. and i'll not begrudge what others consider to be hip or hep, except when it comes to the closeted nsynch poser jason laconfora (but that -- he? -- is an inside joke, after all). ¶ ¶ we could stop here, but why, when there are more important issues to address, holes to dig, and windmills to tilt. ¶ the real problem some of us humble listeners have is this sudden attempt by you to reclaim your supposed "punk-rock" roots by including an ode to the ramones, the clash and johnny thunders, of all people. ¶ we're going on 40 years of u2's existence, and we're far closer to zooropa than we ever were to boy or october. and i'm not entirely sure either of those two albums had actual "i wanna be sedated" revelations as opposed to "rock the casbah" hot-hit pretentions. perhaps, i'm guilty of stretching things just a little, because there was an actual time when you and u2 actually provided a voice to the dis-enfranchised, and stomped a doc martin or three. ¶ ¶ but to suggest now, 30-plus years later, that this has been your reason for breathing, your inspiration and muse all along seems very much like a boldly calculated attempt at revisionist history, as if the pithy anthems and disco rhythms you delivered for much of the past 15-20 years never existed. ¶ i'll certainly give you your punk-rock roots, but let's agree that they spent much of the 90s devolving into coldplay aspirations. ¶ this reeks of another sellout, a chance to, as they say on wall street, to rebrand a tired label. ¶ ¶ what's worse is how convenient it is to cling to the past by comparing yourselves to dead artists incapable of defending their reputations in the face of a corporate sellout band cashing in on the degenerate legends who paid the price the hard way in a rigged business where the beautiful losers usually cash out far too early and the survivors keep growing old and fat. ¶ ¶ jw
  14. it's not three weeks old. it happened last week. jw
  15. i'm not saying that something didn't happen, or that words were exchanged. i'm told that the word "fired" was never used. it was something else. jw
  16. pretty sure that's not what Marrone said. jw also not sure whether Monos was present.
  17. what, a guy can't have a little fun? jw
  18. there might be a hoax all right, still not sure what and who can be identified as such. jw
  19. so, it's not the o-line? jw
  20. what's yer point? jw
  21. again! they cut him yesterday. geez, that's mean. jw
  22. Nothing's changed. Pegulas are still the front-runners, likely candidates to win. jw
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