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Delete This Account

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Everything posted by Delete This Account

  1. That was not the headline of the story that moved on the AP wire. These were the only two headlines that moved: the short one: Manuel confident he can succeed in Buffalo or somewhere else and the extended one: Slipping in QB competition, Manuel confident he can succeed in Buffalo or 'somewhere else' again, he was asked a question and he responded. rather than rush out with a story based on his initial comment "somewhere else," he was asked a follow up question and provided a mixed response, which was fully quoted in the story. it seems that you are attempting to manufacture something with this ambitiously worded post. jw
  2. 25 pages in this thread alone, among the dozens of threads peppering this board and yet, still no resolution. it would be difficult to imagine the number of bites that have used here in debating quarterbacks since the Flutie-Johnson era. it's a wonder the intrawebs haven't run out of space. jw (apologies to all for attempting to hijack what i'm certain is a gripping discussion that's added 2 replies since i began typing this)
  3. unclear, but a happy and focused Dareus would be better than a distracted Dareus. jw
  4. Talks are at a standstill, and there's a real concern a deal won't get done based on how little talking has gone on, because the longer this drags on, the more likely the Bills will be placed in a position to tag him. I realize it's still "early," but some are raising concerns that it's getting a little late. jw
  5. Dear Diary: Gregg Williams has contacted me, and we've exchanged pleasantries regarding our experiences in Western New York, and how the Bills failed each of us by refusing to appreciate how big of an impact we've made on football. Gregg, of course, says he's still a big deal, but secretly I know I'm bigger. That said, I let him buy me a wine spritzer just to make him feel better. And, oh boy, did we ever wind up tying one on. He said he fully expected the Bills to go 19-0 in 2002, and I one-upped him by saying we went 54-0 in 2014, and in the midst of a snowstorm and earthquake and tsunami that paralyzed Buffalo, while I spent time delivering 12 babies -- all named Doug, even the GIRLS! -- at the local hospital. Gregg responded by saying he once tried a buffalo chicken wing at Frank Astors and I failed to have a response. Does that make me inferior? Worried Doug "FIRPA" M. ps: Nate keeps shooting me dirty looks. i chalk this up to envy, but i plan to smooth this out by suggesting he should thank me for giving him an opportunity. And an autographed Syracuse beer cozy should do the trick.
  6. for what it's worth, there are at the very least 5 versions of the Mats "Can't Hardly Wait" out there, not including the numerous remakes, including a splendid one by Justin Townes Earle. so let's just say i've been readily awaiting an entire series of sequels. jw
  7. oh, snap, jumped in eagerly preparing to say something mean and sarcastic about the previous poster, only to discover i'm stuck behind "CowgirlsFan," in which you can't really say nothing bad about her. which, in the big scheme of things satisfies the basis of this thread. jw
  8. absolutely not. --- as for the question posed: Just about anything recorded by Arthur Conley. jw
  9. you've exposed yourself as a complete and total fake by admitting in another thread that you spent the day simply arguing me. it seems as if you did this just because. good for you. i promise this is the last time i'll respond to one of your posts. troll. jw
  10. i think it comes down to reliability, who can "manage" the offense the best. that of course leads to the belief it might be Cassel. that said, it doesn't have to be him. the Bills are intrigued as to whether Tyrod (and EJ early in camp) can provide that efficiency while adding another dimension to the offense. we'll see if Tyrod can carry over what he did against Panthers backups last week into this week, facing Browns starters. jw
  11. Hmmmm? No unnamed sources were used in this piece. EJ was the one who was quoted. Had he not said what he said, this wouldn't have been a story. But he said what he said, and I wrote it, and quoted what he said. Again, i think you have an issue when it comes to what news is and isn't. You suggest that the story was written to get people talking. Well, when there is news in said story, people are expected to start talking. It's the nature of how news works. Something happens or is said. The event is then recorded and published. And people respond to it. It's really a simple equation, I'm not sure how you've failed to grasp it. jw
  12. i won't speak in regards to the cable networks. i can only speak for myself in having, i believe, established a reputation for reporting the facts, whether people (ej supporters, jon bon jovi, doug marrone) like them or not. jw
  13. you guys are great (but don't quote me on that) jw
  14. right, now i remember what sharing exhanges on this board is like. some folks think they're big shots, hiding in the comfort of their anonymity, pretending to suggest i have an agenda or something,and having difficulty accepting something that's written because it doesn't follow their point of view. right ... jw
  15. Not entirely sure what I expected. Having covered the Bills and EJ, i simply understood that when EJ said "somewhere else," it was the first time he's done so. And to be fair to EJ and the story, I asked a follow up question. I then proceeded to do my job. That you might have difficulty understanding exactly what news is, is not something I can help you with. jw
  16. oh, really? at what point did the story feature any conjecture? EJ was asked if he felt his days were numbered in Buffalo. he gave an answer in which he said "here or somewhere else, i don't know." he was then asked a follow up question if he's given any thought to "somewhere else." he said no, but then went on to say that he understands this being a business. not sure if i could have spelled out what he said any better in the story. but, my apologies for attempting to derail your overly generalized narrative. shrug. jw i believe this jw you speak of used up his practice squad eligibility quite some time ago. and sources close to jw say he hopes he doesn't get cut. however, at the end of the day, so long as he continues writing well, he's confident the future should take care of itself, whether it's here or somewhere else. jw
  17. i'm curious, you believe EJ has established himself as a starting QB? jw
  18. really don't give two ***** if you clicked the link or not. i don't get paid for clicks. i get paid for keeping my reputation. unfair to the players? good freaking christ, ej could have very well ended these questions by actually establishing himself as an actual starting quarterback, but the apologists won't ever accept that. there's always some vague meddlesome excuse. hey, i like EJ. i think he's a stand up guy. but to suggest this is a "silly argument" belies the fact that you're actually the one who not only prompted it but continued it by hoping i'd provide you some glimmer of hope that EJ didn't exactly say what he exactly said; that i somehow "tricked" him into saying it. good lord, i've provided you every opportunity of the doubt and yet you persist in perpetuating this myth that the questions the media is asking EJ is the thing that's holding him back. i realize you're a true believer, and will always be somehow miffed that it was the media -- nay MY fault -- that EJ failed. i'll accept that role of being that strawman if you agree to be the blind fool. jw
  19. and yet while suggesting you didn't mean to offend, you persist to question my work, and seem quite incapable of comprehending what i've already written. i did in fact ask him if he's considered somewhere else and he answered it. that you don't like the answer is not at all my problem. jw
  20. i'm not going to read his mind. I asked a question. he answered it. i followed up for clarification. and he provided the answer. all i know is that he's never used the words "somewhere else" before. jw
  21. cough, cough, cough. off top of my head 1. Bastards of Young. 2. Alex Chilton 3. Can't Hardly Wait. 4. I Will Dare. 5. Favorite Thing. 6. Here Comes a Regular. 7. Left of the Dial. 8. I Will Dare. 9. Kids Don't Follow 10. Kiss Me On The Bus. jw
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