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Delete This Account

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Everything posted by Delete This Account

  1. nope. i continue to stand by my initial post. jw
  2. I see the kneejerk reaction thread is up and running. jw
  3. Without reading one post in this thread, let me begin by asking the moderators to close this thread. jw
  4. Done, and done. Just got back from two weeks off. jw
  5. ignore. jw stop the paranoia. this is not happening. repeat, not. jw Fact: None of these things add up to a hill of beans. And no, Roger Goodell said no such thing in his recent comments about the stadium situation. He said it would be left up to the Pegulas and local interests. keep blowing smoke. ... wait, actually, stop blowing smoke. jw
  6. The Sabres deal with MSG actually strengthens both the cable network and the team. MSG gets to "regionalize" it's coverage with a Buffalo-centric flavor, and adds new content, all of which means it will have far more viewers from here than it had watching endless loops of Knicks and Madison Square Garden retrospectives. And the Sabres/Bills essentially get paid for landing network time which they have exlusive control over, without the headaches of having to start up their own station or revive the Empire model. Plus, both teams already have the media staff to and resources in place. jw
  7. i learnt nothing today, and probably lost some knowledge in the process. jw
  8. My Big Fat Greek Wedding jw
  9. Can't believe this one hasn't made it yet: "Over, Did you say, `Over?' Nothing is over until we decide it is. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!" "Germans?" "Forget it. He's rolling." jw
  10. Oops, one more, from No Country for Old Men: "Well it's a mess ain't it sheriff?" "If it ain't it'll do till the mess gets here." jw
  11. "You know how to whistle, don't you Steve? You just put your lips together and blow." "Badges? We don't need no stinking badges." jw
  12. muzak for the tin-eared. they stole from the worst of u2 and inspired acts such as the mumfords and lumineers, helping introduce the genre of rhythmic chants and bongo beats overlayed on a fancy piano track. jw
  13. as i noted on my tweeter yesterday, told chances of Bills reaching contract extension with Tyrod Taylor this summer are slim. and they're even slimmer for Gilmore. jw
  14. Rex said it was a thumb injury. "not serious." jw
  15. wait, Whaley hand-picked EJ? hardly a solo decision. is this enough content in a post for you, or should i just continue making snide comments. jw (or both, i guess?)
  16. i'm thinking some speculation has seeped into these "facts."
  17. i'm not convinced he's going to be fired. in fact, i'm far more confident in believing Rex will be back next season barring a 6-10 or worse collapse. 1) there was no ultimatum given, trust me. 2) the Pegulas do not act rashly when it comes to making changes. the people they've fired fall into two categories: -- They backed the GM's advice in axing them: Lindy Ruff/Ted Nolan. -- They felt somewhat betrayed (not going to go into detail on this): Darcy, LaFontaine 3) the Pegulas are fully on board with the framework of a plan that was presented them once Rex came in. Address the offense in 2015. Address the defense in 2016. to change course in 2017 was essentially bring them back to Square 1 yet again. gut feeling is that Whaley's job security is more on the line than Rex's. the Pegulas do like Doug, and so does Russ. but Whaley might wind up being a sacrificial lamb if things go south again. but i also still lean toward him having one more year beyond this. jw
  18. yep. One last thing, Vic Carucci also makes a valid point that Roger is laying the groundwork for the Pegulas to eventually make their case, while also taking the focus of blame away from them. It's a good-cop/bad-cop type of scenario which is commonly used in these instances, where the outsider attracts the brunt of attention. That said, it still goes against the narrative that Goodell put the Bills on notice that they need a stadium. jw
  19. there are so many inaccuracies to this piece of aggregation. where to begin: 1) Goodell didn't make this trip to WNY to remind anyone of anything. He was asked about it and gave a very indefinitive response. 2) Goodell didn't "suggest that Bill owners Terry and Kim Pegula might want to think about a new stadium." When asked about expectations regarding a new stadium, he began by saying: "Well, i think that's one of the things Terry's going through and trying to see, what does it take to make sure that the Bills can remain here on a successful basis." ... Say what you will about the second part, but to suggest it's a reminder when the Pegulas are already doing it, doesn't make it a suggestion.. 3) As threats go this isn't a threat, veiled thinly or not. Goodell actually reined back what he's said previously, particularly during the Bills sale process when the uncertainty of new ownership placed the leverage in the NFL's court to try to pray on fears and pry as much out of WNY as possible. It was this fear that drove Cuomo to immediately launch a new stadium study, because Cuomo wanted to make sure any prospective owner's needs and questions were immediately answered. Keep in mind, the stadium study came into play well before the Pegulas threw their hat in the ring, so there was real uncertainty as to who the new owner might be, and whether he was an outsider. A new stadium, To have a design, location and cost in place before the owner took over was considered integral in Cuomo making his case in keeping the Bills in WNY to someone who was not from the area. It was also a move to blunt the designs and plans one certain group in Toronto already had in place. The thinking was, if NY didn't have a stadium plan in place to present a new owner, while Toronto did, then it would be far easier for a new owner to start looking to Ontario. Of course, an outsider didn't materialize as the front-runner once the Pegulas entered the picture. Once that happened, and it started to become evidently clear in late July that the Pegulas were going to be the new owners, the rush to produce a stadium plan became less of a priority. It's also one reason we've not heard a peep from the "New Stadium Committee." There's essentially no need for it with the Pegulas now handling that part. It's quite likely the Pegulas will produce plans to build a new stadium. The timing of it, however, is well down the road. jw
  20. It's certainly can be a racket, this business of ours. And it's not help when bosses apply pressure or impart rules or story angles that are almost impossible to meet. That said, not excusing said reporter you mentioned. That's plain irresponsible. My word of advice has always been read as much as you can, and when you think you're done, read some more before making up your mind on stuff. jw
  21. You should really remove that link. It's uninformative for the most part, and wrong at others. No, Seantrel Henderson did NOT report today (Tuesday). He's scheduled to report on Thursday, a day after having a final check up at Mayo Clinic. jw
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