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Delete This Account

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Everything posted by Delete This Account

  1. without going into detail, i'm sticking with what i posted. jw
  2. no. i did things the old-fashioned way and actually talked to someone who might know. but that's me, a throwback kinda guy. jw
  3. can't confirm whether Vick in Buffalo. CAN confirm that Bills aren't interested. jw
  4. no harm. jw ADD: and Dean, i shouldn't have presumed your opinion with my point No. 2. that one was directed at the OP.
  5. actually and respectfully, Dean, i've gotta disagree with you on this one in several ways. 1. he posted that he was "sure." 2. in my many conversations with Lee, he is truly excited about having TO on this team. could he be messing with me? it's possible. yet, i've been dealing with Lee since he got here, and i do believe he has a genuine desire -- personal, professional and competitive -- to make the playoffs however that might happen. and if you recall (or not), i spoke to Lee immediately after the bills signed Terrell, and he was totally enthusiastic then. he is no less now. but, believe what you want. i think this is a non-story, a non-starter, and an issue Lee can't win for trying if anyone wants to approach him with it. no matter what his answer is, your (and i'm using the figurative sense) mind is made up. that's unfair. jw
  6. wow, that's a truly remarkable leap of logic ... but since you're sure, well, go for it. jw
  7. thanks for the help, Lori. am told, and have reported that Kelsay eventually had Rhodes in a headlock and brought him to the ground. Wood was funny talking about it afterward. look for me to add to the story. jw
  8. right, because the insurance industry requires absolutely no oversight and has been working far and above board in matters particularly pertaining to health. that damn government. you make one hell of a case for anarchy, it seems. jw
  9. well, you're all for shipping factories out of the country to maintain a level of competitiveness, so i guess you're the one calling the kettle black. jw
  10. funny, i think i bumped into Russ on one or two occasions in Canton this past weekend. hmm. i, though, have no pictures to back it up. interesting, too, that Overdorf was in Canton on Friday, and so was Mr. Wilson, who would have a certain say in this. jw
  11. socialist! jw (that'll get a rise out of people, oh, by the way, how you been K?)
  12. well, this'll solve things: has anyone thought of starting a thread on whether the Bills should go after Michael Vick? now i'm sure everyone will be on board with that, right? can't believe no one's thoughta that. jw
  13. an astute and brilliant attempt at button-pushing. sir/madam, my hat is off to you, because i am amused. jw
  14. don't get me started on that one, Lori. one-na these days i might tell you about how the third or fourth question was ... nah, one-na these days, though. jw
  15. not true ... yet at least. coach said too early to rule him out. day to day. jw
  16. wha? i haven't done enough, today! sheesh, you people are demanding. jw
  17. that's the one. just filed writethru with quotes (note: these first bites are used to get stories out quickly and also to our broadcast members, so quotes are usually not included) and more details. jw
  18. BGIOP, no problem as this wasn't entirely directed at you, though you took the brunt of it. it's a pet peeve of mine on this board and others where other sites link or reference someone's story -- be it mine or anyone else's for that matter, as the case was here -- and the site that posts the link gets the credit. just want everyone to be mindful that we're all out here doing our work and should be duly noted. ... now, proceed. jw
  19. thanks scribo and stuck. ... you guys are absolutely right on this. jw
  20. will have update moving on AP wire on this shortly, with comments from someone familiar with why talks are stalled. jw
  21. PFT if NOT confirming it's a sore toe. PFT is merely linking you to The Buffalo News piece, which Allen Wilson wrote. ... this post is merely giving credit where credit is due. in this instance, the credit is due to Allen, not PFT, for merely providing a link. jw
  22. that's correct, Lori. wasn't aware of that. also, The AP wouldn't have run this story today regarding the "toe injury" simply based on a tweet. only thing that's unknown is the severity of the injury. stay tuned. jw
  23. and he's got T.O. and to see what role Mr. Wilson played in landing Owens, see my piece today ... "I said, `Sign him.' jw
  24. Galway Girl's my favorite. there's just something about that song that really stick with me, though the makers of the soppy flop 'p.s. i love you' made a real good run at trying to ruin the song by attempting to craft an entire movie around it. ... hacks. that duet is fantastic, too. get this, back in the day, as the kids used to say, saw Lucinda back up Steve at a venue that held about 1,000 people in Vancouver. ... one of my most memorable shows ever. jw
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