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Delete This Account

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Everything posted by Delete This Account

  1. wow, BGIOP, you're on top of things. just got into my familiar -- and previously and notably mentioned in another thread -- stinkhole hotel for one last week, and was gonna go searching for a link to provide an update. you beat me to it. thanks. neither injuries are considered serious. jw
  2. Byrd's way behind, but at least he can finally start practicing. just filed an update that should move soon on AP wire. wouldn't hold my breath on Maybin. jw
  3. i can understand fumbling a post once per season, but not coming back to reply to it and own up to his mistake? this poster is bush league and should join SKOOBY in neverland. he is horrible. jw
  4. that's why i brought it up to pull this thing in another direction. you folks have at it, i'm off to the Big Tree. jw
  5. is there some kind of unwritten rule on this board that a month can't pass without someone bringing up the possibility of a move? why not just pin one thread and have it run 103 pages and have everyone repeat their arguments over and over again. come to think of it, i think i wrote something fairly similar the last time it was brought up. hey, what's everyone think of Flutie-Johnson? or is everyone over that one. cripes. jw
  6. hEy LorI, tHAnks FOr thE KInD nOte. iT waS gOOD sEeinG yOU AGaIn. thIs hELp, WbaY? jW (beInG a smArT#sS) oH, aND nO cHArge foR tHe caPS keY.
  7. wow, what were the odds ... jw
  8. i think they meant Poles, what do the Italians think? jw sorry, it's late.
  9. i probably deserved that, but actually, my shot was more like 30-1, since the Falcons and Redskins had already been ruled out: Falcons didn't want him and Vick's agent Joel Segal ruled out the 'Skins. and yet, it wasn't a guess, Anzaloha. probably, what i should've written was that many Bills beat reporters were spot on with how they handled this thing in the face of all the rumors and innuendo and absolute baloney that was being tossed around this town, this board and the NFL for the past 24-38 hours. The Buffalo News, The D&C and several Buffalo TV stations refused to touch this story and fuel the speculation that Vick was going to be a Bill, or that the Bills were in fact interested. others, who should've known better, went in another direction. and, to help quell the speculation, i posted on this board what i knew even before i was asked to write a story about it. so if that makes me a chump, well, then i guess it takes one to know one, using a phrase you might keenly relate to. but what to i know. jw and at least i understood how to post a reply without screwing the coding up, but why quibble.
  10. Beer, here's a good one. i clicked the link to see if they were sticking to the story, and it came up that the article had been deleted. jw
  11. now can i say i told you so about Vick and the Bills? now, can i say that what i reported was correct? now, in the face of the mountain of so-called evidence of speculation that didn't prove to be worth a hill of beans, can i get just a hint of love? dismissed after Eisen, questioned about what "at this time" meant, even questioned about what influence Tony Dungy might have had on Mr. Wilson to the point where i nearly began to doubt what in fact i had and was told. and yet, the proof is right there: Vick signs two-year contract with Philadelphia. this isn't to say that i'm never wrong, because i have made mistakes in the past. but i put that out there this morning knowing what i had, and knowing that my reputation was on the line, and i'd have to be eating plenty of crow and having plenty to answer to my bosses. but i told you so. j (not SKOOBY) w
  12. i don't dispute Tony's influence in this. i took exception with the "if he has RW's ear, who knows?" part. that re-opens this door of speculation that the Bills are currently interested in signing Michael Vick. they are not. jw ADD: and i apologize for sounding/being annoyed. i wasted the entire day on following rumors and disputing them. i even posted on this board and on twitter that the Bills were NOT interested before noon. and yet the chatter (not entirely here, but elsewhere around the country) continued until some people were made fools of.
  13. i read Kevin's very good article, and saw where Tony had talked to Ralph Wilson in Canton. now, if Tony had such influence and had Mr. Wilson's ear as the poster had suggested, why wasn't the Michael Vick press conference held today or far earlier? if Mr. Wilson was convinced that it was worth it to sign Michael Vick, then the trigger would've been pulled on this one already. that is how it worked with Terrell Owens. so it's likely that's the way it would have worked with Michael Vick. and yet, the Bills continue to stick with the statement they made two weeks ago about their lack of interest. to suggest that Tony Dungy having Mr. Wilson's ear and might sway the Bills to think differently is a little bit of a leap and puts this thread back on the road toward rumor-mongering and falsehoods. jw
  14. right, call me when the press conference is scheduled. ... or did i already miss it. jw
  15. i think you're right about cbs, however, if you read that, ahem, "report," it starts out with the, ahem, "writer," not having much to report and then asking whether it's true or a rumor. not very insightful. jw
  16. though the day's not done and anything can still happen, when do i get to say, "i told you so." jw
  17. that's possible. i think i posted in previous thread that Alonzo Mourning is in town. that i can confirm. though how the two could be mistaken is anyone's guess. jw
  18. i hope you were kidding, beer. jw
  19. sorry gg, Vick was my one and only priority today. will look into it if i can this evening. jw
  21. "at this time" means that the Bills have no interest in signing Vick at this time, because they don't have a need for him: i.e. they have a starting quarterback. logically, if something happened to that starting quarterback and he sustained a significant injury, then there is the chance -- and i stress chance -- that they would revisit discussing going after a starter, and that wouldn't rule out Vick. and note, i wrote, wouldn't rule out Vick. i didn't write they would go after Vick. it's semantics, but it's as close to what i know to be true. jw ADD: and for those who don't follow me on twitter, i posted a tweet much to the same effect earlier.
  22. fair enough. jw p.s. folks, will be filing story on the rampant rumors, while leading with what the Bills position has been all along.
  23. respectfully, i do think the moderators closed the wrong thread on this one. rumor-vick, i think had it all. jw
  24. funny, this still hasn't stopped the speculation. just got back from lunch with two colleagues. one, at the beginning of lunch, got a text from someone saying they know someone who saw Vick and T.O. at the airport. the other one got a text from someone saying they know someone who knows that Vick is in Rochester. i can confirm that Alonzo Mourning was in Rochester last night. jw
  25. in regards to TO, some of us in the media did. i was told hours before the signing that there was more truth than rumor to the speculation of the Bills' interest in Owens. i didn't have enough to go on to write, but started preparing for the possibility. in the case of Vick, i'm being told differently. and i'm not writing anything on the wire only because there is nothing new to report, because the Bills position on Vick has not changed. jw
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