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Delete This Account

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Everything posted by Delete This Account

  1. oddly enough, if some might have their way with walls, deportation and "extreme vetting" vows, some might never have the chance to make their case. my point was and remains that people have the right to free speech. and i take no issue with Colin for expressing his right to his. that he was attacked by those from the far right who called him certain names is absolute bull ****. (and i'm not suggesting you did so, but that it happened is a sad and unctuous reflection of what we've all become) jw
  2. it's not a self-flagellation. it's a reality. i'm white and i'm very fortunate. if you can't comprehend that, then i'm sorry for over-estimating you. jw
  3. but what if Tebow was a Muslim? And that's a very difficult question to come to grips with. jw
  4. this is a nation in which Michael Jackson had to essentially hold MTV hostage to broadcast black acts' music videos. let's stop suggesting this stopped being an issue in the 1860s. jw
  5. right. the elephant in the room in this nation has been racism and something it's failed to resolve. so you're right. one athlete exercising his right to free speech shouldn't matter. and yet. ... jw
  6. i'm on record as saying i'm one of the fortunate ones. i won the lottery being a white male. i can't and won't apologize for that. but i can also appreciate that i'm where i am in part because i of pure dna. jw
  7. please. Kaepernick is not the first to sit down for the national anthem since then. that he's the latest is notable in this time when race is relevant. that other athletes have supported CK with his stance should not be ignored. perhaps, others should follow. jw
  8. too often, athletes stick with what's safe without crossing the bounds of fantasy potential. too bad that this isn't peyton manning or tiger woods for that matter. it would resonate far more. too often the "stars" stay to the script of not rocking the boat. and less often do those in the public sphere speak out today as opposed to the rebellious 60s. this disregard for saying what one feels or believes in is partially what's got us to this safe and ignorant place, where whatever the punce Hannity says is considered to be "factual" by some. that someone, anyone for that matter, is rocking the boat is welcome because otherwise all that's acceptable is that racism is but a mere myth and coldplay is rock and roll. jw
  9. so, because you think he stinks as a qb means he has no right to expressing his right to free speech. it just doesn't work that way. jw
  10. i think you just answered your question. he is in his own way attempting to move the country forward. if you suggest that race is not an issue today then god bless. jw
  11. this year. when was CK supposed to make his protest? sitting out the national anthem at a minicamp practice? please, he sat the first preseason game and has continued to do so. jw
  12. right. so you're suggesting no one should take a stand unless they're an established star. and anyone who doesn't pass your muster should be eliminated for mere publicity seeker. the "moron" card, really. he's a less established star than you might suggest and has far more to lose. that he has taken a stand is admirable because far too many athletes refuse to. you'd rather have them naive and acquiesent? good for you if that nullifies the expansion of conversation. but let's play it safe and have our athletes be acquiescent than real. jw
  13. there's enough racism in canada to make me blush. jw
  14. i might be mistaken, but having stood for enough anthems, i seem to recall the line about the "land of the free." so obviously heaven forbid someone having the freedom to express his or her opinion. jw
  15. Not entirely. New Era, has the right of first refusal with next lease and/or new stadium. jw
  16. Yep. The same guy who included a padlock provision in the last lease that essentially kept the Bills in Buffalo, which many hail as Ralph's last gift to Buffalo. Well done for missing the point, jon bon jovi. good luck with the new album. I bet it sucks. jw
  17. stop that. the AP was the first to report that the Pegulas were cancelling the Toronto series by actually quoting Terry Pegula himself. as for whether or not scouts are mad, it may or may not be true. but it's also immaterial based on the slam-job jason cole projects to suggest. show proof, and meet the standard of journalism rather than hide behind the veil of anonymity to make spurious claims that cannot be verified. jw i report based on the standards and accepted practices of the AP based on what we are allowed to report in citing unnamed sources. at no point -- NEVER -- would i be allowed to cite a source sharing his or her opinion in questioning or disparaging someone's worth based on unfounded speculation. we at the AP just don't allow sources to go off and elicit smear jobs. that's unfair to the people being challenged. if someone wants to attack or question a person's reputation, then it is up to them to have the courage to stand up and have their name attached to their comments. period. jw
  18. no problem. i have no time or patience for these mail-it-in-from-left-field hot takes that are so off the mark that pete gonzalez is considering a comeback. jw
  19. i can tell you what Jason Cole alleges is implicitly not true in regards to ownership and executive management. what Cole suggests is "many people," which is a very easy out to protect himself from being challenged, and a sweeping generalization that is unprovable. it's irresponsible journalism on Cole's part. Absolutely irresponsible to hide behind one or perhaps three sources and make this allegation. This type of reporting embarrasses us all in the business.. jw
  20. no problem. all i'm saying, is that i'm entitled to chime in my 2-cents, as well. jw
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