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Delete This Account

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Everything posted by Delete This Account

  1. i'd certainly hope not. heck, don't know what i'm doing on here. jw
  2. at which point we'd be able to call you names? hey, just asking. jw
  3. whew, thanks. now how'd we get here? jw
  4. no worries, Booster. ... what's oddly disturbing, though, is how some take this personally by calling players names, such as todd. ... unless you lost $10,000 on a bet on when Maybin would sign, because the date you picked has passed, well, that's a little strong. jw
  5. you know what kills me about this -- ooops, wrong choice of words ... you know what bothers me about all this, is how many folks here, other than those in the medical/pharmaceutical industries, think that the current system works. take away the whitewash or pinkwash of "socialism," because there are "socialist programs" already operating in this country, and what do you have left? -- the current option of a dysfunctional system that bankrupts people who get sick. -- the option of something different. ... and if Sarah Palin is correct, the way the thing's working now, a consultation on how you want to die might not be a bad strategy (sarcasm switch, shifted to high). jw
  6. i would disagree that Coach Jauron has a "say nothing" strategy. you have to dig a little, and ask astute questions, but he does have plenty to say. i'd not compare him to Belichik. i wouldn't compare him to Lindy Ruff, either, but -- and i know this goes against the grain of what many might think and truly believe -- he's been better than advertised by some of the folks in chicago. an example: Belichik, i don't think would not have updated us on T.O. being out until some time next week. Jauron did. sure, that's small potatoes, but ... he's also been very upfront in discussing criticisms made against him. he shrugs them off, but he does acknowledge them, particularly when asked about the concerns raised by Mr. Wilson when the owner elected to retain him. ... jw
  7. guess i deserved that for chiming in. nothing on numbers, though i did my best to explain the parameters of what he might be worth between Raji and Orakpo, and there's a lot of space between them. ... and once i do get numbers, i think i might share. jw
  8. damn, it was the Courtyard, and i had 3-1/2 quarts of Jameson, no grapefruits and Red Bull. deadline, pshaw, i'm a professional. but so close, so close. ... mulligan? jw ADD: Better hurry up with a respone, Sen, they're gonna close this thread pretty soon for diverging from the topic. ...
  9. i've read Hunter S. Thompson, occasionally drink Wild Turkey and have been to the Woody Creek Tavern, so that means I am him. cool. i like this train of drinking ... stinking ... uh, i mean thinking. jw
  10. you folks still going on about this? by the way, i was the one who complained to SDS ... kidding. jw
  11. right, "messemger." kinda missed that. guess i'm safe. ... whew. jw
  12. hey. just doing my job. jw
  13. oh, brother(s)! (cousins, actually) jw hey, you started it.
  14. got sidetracked by some Kane developments. hoping today, but not until after practice. jw
  15. i realize some might ask you to supply a link in regards to this stunning development, however, i shall trust your sources. jw
  16. he is not a Viking ... yet. jw
  17. well, that's obvious: Juan and Eva Peron didn't enter the draft, or at least went unselected. so, by process of elimination, you are correct. jw
  18. and yet universal health care is so entrenched in Canada -- it tops most every poll every time one is taken as something that the nation cannot do without -- that any government that would even suggest cutting a portion of it would be run off to Greenland. of course, introducing private care is an option, though i do know that many Canadians will be leary of even the whisper of a two-tiered system. jw
  19. Segal is NOT negotiating the deal. Chafie Fields is. jw
  20. funny, how no one on this thread got this joke. never mind the fact that the dog understood the obama plan that people had a choice between public and private health care. the dog, i guess, chose private, which, under the obama plan was fine. amusing how dogs have a better grasp of things than others. cute. jw
  21. i plan to deal with that tomorrow, so the fact that i'm comfortable nothing will likely happen tonight, might provide a hint. jw
  22. mcgee was back practicing tonight. jw
  23. for someone who's "pessimistic" regarding the Bills drafting abilities, you sure have a liberal use of exclamation marks in the case of Wood, whom if i recall correctly might have been drafted by the Bills. i also believe Harris and Nelson fall into the same category, though wondering why they weren't worth at least a half an exclamation mark. granted, it's tough to keep track of these things. of note, Bills didn't discover the sports hernia problem until mid-June, though Byrd complained of a groin injury for part of last season. but i'm sure on draft day, the Bills front office huddled at the start of the second round and wondered, "what stunning and despicable move can we make the slap the fans around?" and of course, Lankster's already better than Byrd because he picked off a third-string quarterback twice. he, they were good plays, but a bit of perspective might be in order (i'll forego the exclamation mark). jw
  24. with all due respect, not ALL the media have reported the opposite. jw FULL EDIT to clarify.
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