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Delete This Account

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  1. if that's the case Rginal, let me proceed by answering some of your questions by saying ... some say yes, others question the writing part, though i think you would have been better to have written "Awkward Shmalkward" though i'm not sure why an apparent silent "L" needs to be in there, which leads to your point about ... ... to which i say, no, it's not english composition class, but you fail to score points by misspelling players' names and then make the biggest mistake by referring to this as a ... because it leads us all to wonder, which half you're on, and how much schnapps (schnalpps? silent L again perhaps) you've consumed? jw
  2. funny, when i arrived in Canton, Ohio, to cover the start of the Hall of Fame ceremonies and got the press release that the Bills had signed Etukeren, i had the same reaction. jw ADD: and Lori, i think it's time to begin the nomination process.
  3. right. the intrawebs and such ... and skipping between threads for a moment, there wouldn't have been an opportunity for all this amusement had their been a minimum limit for new members to start threads. so be careful of what you ask for. jw
  4. funny you should ask ... i've extended my streak of missing band camp/boot camp/computer camp/nasa camp/camping of any kind to a career record 46 years. j (46-year-old) w.
  5. ah, i wanted to see how long it would take. and i'm guessing Reg didn't see this post a little earlier.
  6. i attended a few sessions here and there but, for the life of me, i couldn't tell you what number the guy is. sure, he's got potential, they all have potential. but to equate his size and speed to that of Maybin, as you awkwardly did in the original post, might be considered somewhat of a stretch. jw and how could i forget the spelling comments, it's what's made this thread tolerable. but that's me.
  7. note: i don't count myself as a Bills fan, but i'll start using caps if there's payment due! jw
  8. you must have ment (sic) Elis, Mayban and Atukeren, cause you were ded on the splelling of the ohter palyers. jw
  9. good one. and don't forget copelan!
  10. no problem billy joe. jw ADD: been called worse. ... also funny, first AP byline i had in USA Today was mysteriously misspelled as "Warrow." i went back to check the story on the wire and my name was spelled correctly. can only guess that some desk editor at USA Today looked at my byline and said, "This is obviously wrong!" and changed it.
  11. you just may have something there. and forget comparisons to size/weight/speed, it could even go with names: -- Bret Faver. -- LaDanianian Tomlinsin. -- Jin Kelly. -- Bruce Smyth. jw
  12. this is so funny. Internets (that's sick and sic). so, if we get all of this straight: -- Etukeren somehow was overlooked in the draft some 270 times, despite these glowing numbers. -- can blame his agent for not getting top-10 draft pick salary. -- there's someone named "Copelan" who is currently 6-4 253. -- and Al Gore has some competition, because there's more than one world wide websometer. please, this needs to continue. jw
  13. and on we go. g'night to all. jw
  14. not really. they certainly weren't seeking publicity for what they did. and i could name names, of course. but i guess my point is that the people who judge players based on the contracts they signed and when they signed them (holdouts etc.) should realize that many players that i deal with aren't "effing pukes." jw
  15. i'm sorry about the bipolar thing, but ... what's you're view on police and fire and edukation? if guns are a right in this country, then shouldn't there be a right to fix the wounds? (and i realize i'm stepping on two hot-topic issues here, but what the hell). jw
  16. that's ok, i was reading to deaf kids so, that about sums up my dysfuntion ... jw
  17. so i'm guessing you have a good plan, then. jw
  18. that's why you're not perfect. jw
  19. Gary: it goes back to the press release in which Mr. Wilson elected to retain Jauron back in early January, where he stated he shared the fans' concerns about the team's performance, or something to that effect, but rehired Jauron to maintain continuity. i'm too tired to search for a thread. as for Walt, he owes me money, so sure we're related. ... kidding. we could be, but don't know. ... i found a wawrow clan in boston that seems to have some connections, but my dad was an only child. jw
  20. you keep this up, and i'll take it up on consideration ... but i gotta befriend Depp first to have a proper sendoff. what t-shirt you referring to? jw
  21. i hear you. and sorry for straying off topic, as i'm planning to shut it down for the night. two neat stories about players that you would never hear about: 1. one highly paid bills star player was visibly struck after greeting and spending time with a fan Tuesday, who arrived in an ambulance as part of a Make A Wish Foundation visit. 2. one bills player who has a slim chance of making the team asked me for two sheets of notepad paper this morning so he could sign for two disabled fans seeking his autograph. i was impressed by both. jw
  22. righto! ... i heard they pull their pants up one leg at a time, too. i'll get that on the wire shortly ... jw
  23. one of the worst things you can do in this business is misspell a person's name. and it just eats away at you when you realize it's happened and it wasn't caught by an editor (the last line of defense), while realizing it's all your fault. ... i've been there, and for those throwing stones, well, i'd be happy to meet someone who is perfect. jw
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