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Delete This Account

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Everything posted by Delete This Account

  1. in my opinion, i don't think Adams' signing was a bad move. the trouble was losing Pat Williams. the Bills front office seemed to miss the fact that it's line wasn't good without two studs in the middle. for example: -- line was solid when Pat Williams teamed with Ted Washington. -- line wasn't solid when Pat didn't have Ted. -- line was solid when Pat teamed with Sam Adams. -- line wasn't solid when Sam didn't have Pat. jw and thanks Lori, dog. off to the wing fest and then await Bills cuts.
  2. this poster's unstoppable and, as i've pointed out before, impervious to reason or logic. a mere trolling name-caller who apparently gets his/her giggles from making bad points and issuing silly accusations. it's astounding this person actually has the capability of typing, never mind citing quotes that might actually refer to him/her. oh, sorry, jwws9999, let me type s-l-o-w-l-y 4 u so you can catch up, and perhaps provide a retort much closer to your level, you know, the one about rubber and glue? geez. jw
  3. Lee's comments were included in my last write-thru (update) of my Schonert-Fired story that moved on the wire some time around 9ish. don't have time to find a link, but it's out there. jw
  4. curious, Lee Evans discussed the need to simplify the offense and hoped AVP would do so, when I spoke to him last night. jw
  5. well, at least you've finally realized what i do for a living. good for you. and yes, you're absolutely right, how could i have been so mistaken. hardly a game goes by in which a player slugs an opposing player on the field after a game and then starts shoving his own teammates attempting to calm him down, and then upon leaving said field, gets it from the crowd and needs to be physically restrained by no more than three people, including a police officer, and nearly dragged into the locker room. yes, i've seen this often. happens all the time and forever. this tradition in fact began with Michigan back in the 1900s, so it's good to see Mr. Blount proceeding ahead and carrying the torch. and no, i didn't major in english. the beer was good, though. jw
  6. your point being ... and please add something constructive while understanding that i am not paid by this board to post here or professionally required to reveal all that i know because i actually get paid by another company to report for them. if you're looking for specifics and want inside stuff, please check the intrawebs because they are full of that, and track down Pat Williams and/or Tom Donahoe if you really must to hash up something that happened 5-6 years ago. otherwise, i've got more pressing things on my plate, which some people refer to as "the present." jw and i'm still cranky.
  7. as one of those aforementioned "idiots," i happened to be at the Big Tree with a colleague watching the game that night, and happened to see the post-game circus unfold. as an "idiot" does, i turned to my colleague and we discussed the possibility that Blount just might be suspended, though we didn't envision the entire season. we though had no 24-hour news cycle to fill and elected to keep our thoughts to ourselves and the bartender. so, long story short, i don't think we had anything to do with the suspension or blowing anything out of proportion. but thanks for thinking of us. jw
  8. sorry, that was a little harsh on my end. it's just that i've been second-guessed through most of this thread and am now a little cranky after losing my day off to cover the latest developments at what's becoming crisis central. again, my apologies. jw
  9. i'll stick to answering the question regarding Pat Williams with what i know and not attempt to parse any logic or illogic to it. jw
  10. look for an update to my story to move soon with Lee Evans reaction ... some concern but confident in Van Pelt. jw
  11. it's true. just moved out of Detroit on AP wire. jw
  12. Pat was offering a slight home-town discount, though, from what I remember his asking price wasn't too outrageously high to begin with. and i believed he was sincere in his wishes to stay in Buffalo. I don't know how far negotiations went, but Tom Donahoe was on record as saying he is against signing players over 30 to long-term deals, or something like that. and off Pat went. jw
  13. no, i was not referring to jwsss, who i noted in the next paragraph. my apologies if you took offense, they were not meant toward you birdog1960. jw EDIT.
  14. no problem, bandit. was waiting to see how long this would go. but, as made apparent by the poster's response to this revelation, it's apparent he/she is impervious to facts, something that has been in clear evidence throughout this thread. and jwww999, no, i make no claims to be an expert on anything. never have and never will. i merely attempt to provide perspective and relay what is told to me and what i observe. and from what i've read from your posts, you come off as rude and obtuse, with a clear willingness to pick fights without realizing how far in over your head you are. but please, proceed and continue this circus of amusement. jw
  15. no doubt the BState guy taunted him, but having watched it last night and having reviewed the replay a few times, it appears he didn't hit Blount on the helmet but on the shoulder pad. jw
  16. can't wait. Mr. Jameson would be a better preference. jw
  17. funny story: the day Labatt had its press conference promoting the golden can deal, they provided free 12 packs to the media. as a couple of reporters were walking past Lee Evans, he made a comment about the beer, to which one jokester replied, kiddingly, "beer's a necessity to cover this team." Lee took it in good fun. jw
  18. oh, and my mistake, when i wrote "here," i was actually referring to where i was at the time i wrote it following last night's game. i didn't mean to infer that i meant "here" as to this web site. jw
  19. evidently i have a small following, considering Joe's heard of me. ... but keep digging. jw
  20. wow, you're really good at make wrong assumptions. jw
  21. if you don't have the energy to look up facts, then i don't have a reason to post them. stick by your theories and i'll stick with what i've been told by Tom Donahoe, Pat Willliams, Jim Kelly and Ralph Wilson. jw
  22. i have no time for literalists, though i think i answered your question in regards to my reference to irony, which has nothing to do with alanis morissette's definition, because searching for forks and finding only spoons (or whatever the hell her line was) was ironic only in the sense she didn't understand what irony meant. blink. jw
  23. there is so much wrong with this post, i don't know where to begin. are you actually aware of why Jim Kelly didn't want to play in Buffalo because he didn't want to play in the cold, and that green bay was another place that wasn't on his list? are you in any way aware of why Pat Williams didn't get re-signed by the Bills after Tom Donahoe said he wasn't interested in re-signing players over 30? did John Butler and the salary cap have anything to do with Black Sunday? were you prepared to pay what Nate Clements earned in free agency? there is so much revisionist history in this thread that you'd swear no one really knew what's gone on? and Lori, you're right. the fiddling has begun and there's absolutely no stopping the Nero player ... the Generation of Swine is upon us and all that's left is to batten down the hatches and pray that some of us are spared, because this thread is speaking in tongues i can no longer comprehend. the degenerates have taken control, and i'm going down for the last time because, alaska, the bartender has suddenly turned up the lights, and last call is upon us. toronto, here we come. jw
  24. funny, i get to see the games for free and get paid to be here, which i guess makes you the sucker in this equation. though why you follow this team with an owner you so much dislike is beyond me, which i guess makes you even a bigger sucker. but please, come back for more, because i'm definitely amused and looking forward to how much lower you can go in further degenerating this thread with your mean-spirited accusations. jw
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