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Delete This Account

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  1. ok, i'll bite. in light of your critique against the Bills, Mr. Martz, how disappointed are you in how the Saints offense is sputtering these days? jw
  2. this is confirmed. working up story now. jw
  3. Per AP: 4-year extension. jw
  4. yes, it's Hadley, Travis Henry's former agent. looking forward to hearing the story. jw
  5. in my many dealings with athletes, i cannot recall having one directly lie to me. skirt the topic? say no comment? point the conversation to off the record? yes. but lie when asked a direct question? no recollection of this. there's one politician (not local) that did this to me, but that's another story altogether. and there does seem to be some confusion out there between what Sedita said and what Leodis and his agent are saying. i'm not saying Sedita is wrong either, but something's not lining up because Leodis and agent wouldn't be so adamant in their denials. jw
  6. damn conservative! jw
  7. and i hope you accept the potential consequences, legal fees, fines that come from that because, evidently, some people never learn. but at least you've made your intentions clear, so i'm sure some of us will be able to point the authorities in the right direction. jw
  8. what does this mean, insurance claim. there was nothing damaged on his lawn. and what do you mean maybe the Buffalo News had it right and the NFL beat reporters jumped the gun. The AP reported last night that the DA had the right to pursue this matter with or without McKelvin's permission. jw
  9. that link is from WGR, which is a sister station of WBEN. my question is is there anyone other than an ENTERCOM affiliate reporting this, because i can't find anything else. i'm not entirely discounting the WBEN report because they are a very reputable and trusted news outlet, however i'm wondering why other media aren't reporting this. again, i thought this was over when Leodis told me he wasn't pressing charges earlier today. jw
  10. i have heard these reports, but can't track them down other than what WBEN reported earlier today. is there anyone out there with any more confirmation on Leodis' supposed flip-flop. it's strange, because I spoke to him today and he said he wasn't pressing charges. jw
  11. wow. lotsa mean-spirited posters on this thread. i think you know who you are ... the ones who speak perfectly, wouldn't mind having their lawns defaced, and the ones who actually enjoy getting yelled at work. courageous bunch, here. sure, Leodis makes his dough ... still has the same rights to privacy and security like everyone else does. and i'm guessing he's a bigger man than many of his critics based on how he's been able to shrug this off. jw
  12. sure, it's possible the media would not have known about this without Kawika's tweet. though it's also possible that this would've have gotten out any way through another source. that said, i think this episode has brought out several positives: -- McKelvin is a good egg and gets it. -- though initially tarnished, Bills fans I think have rallied well in denouncing what happened ... well, most of you -- and i think this might actually serve as a lesson -- a brief one perhaps -- to any other teen knuckleheads, who might think they can get away with something like this. kept this board busy, too. jw
  13. might be amused to see some Bills fans quoted in this piece that just moved: AP: Bills CB McKelvin Willing to forgive and forget thanks, everyone. jw
  14. i was responding to the poster who questioned what the big deal was about in regards to someone vandalizing Leodis' lawn. i was NOT referring at all to the Bills. jw
  15. be yourself. do what you think's right. isn't that what makes Buffalo unique? or is it still how this town is judged by others that makes it tick? hey, just asking. jw
  16. i think the time we as people become so desensitized that the instinct to muster outrage is gone, is the time to start folding tents and saying prayers. just my opinion. jw
  17. am on this and might have something shortly. there is some truth to it, don't have all details. jw
  18. i know what you're saying, Jerry. yet, Bledsoe's sack-fumble-returned-for-TD with bills ahead -- and after Clements int return put Bills ahead -- had the chance of making up for season-opening loss. in my humble opinion, i rank the Pittsburgh loss as the more devastating one, considering everyone knew at that point what was on the line and Bills were facing Steelers' second-and-third stringers (though, very good second- and third-stringers as it turned out -- Willie Parker, James Harrison). jw
  19. loss to pittsburgh didn't exactly help, either. jw
  20. only seemed like last month that something like this was brought up. to save typing, i'll merely refer to this. i believe my reply still applies: isn't everyone just tired of hearing ... jw ADD: maybin signed yet? oh, and how 'bout that hitler-t.o. video?
  21. With all due respect, the only people that are making fools of themselves are the ones laughing, making fun of or believing it's "no bad thing" to do so regarding someone who has a speech impediment. jw
  22. Did I just mishear, because someone just mentioned here in the media room that Howard Stern just played the Lankster post-game presser and made fun of him? I hope that's not true, but can anyone confirm? jw
  23. I did not interview him. I listened to the audio of the conference call he made to Patriots' media. jw
  24. To be fair, my initial (and brief) story did question Owens' initial comment, while noting he did express concern of being winded and referred to the offense as being "all right." Other media had already reported the comment well before I went to the wire. Upon listening to the actual audio of the conference call, it was still unclear as to whether he was joking or not. He laughed, but there was a pause. There was enough doubt there that it became evident to question Owens' intent. After he posted on Twitter, it became clear he was joking. Though why he started his answer the way he did -- and in these turbulent and sensitive times in regards to the offense -- is open for debate. jw
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