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Delete This Account

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  1. “That flag right outside my office window was starched for three years." _ greggo. some might say that wasn't the only thing starched at 1 Bills Drive during those three years. jw
  2. to be clear, that's not what he said, and Beerball is quoting from my story. and i denote that Fewell said he's confident a four-man rush will be enough. and then i also note that the Bills haven't been conventional in attacking the quarterback this season. there was one interesting play against the Bucs near the Bills goal-line where Marcus Stroud actually dropped back and was near the goal line and tipped a pass away. the play didn't count because the Bucs were called for some kind of penalty. my guess, and this is only a guess, is that the Bills plan to continue to be exotic, something Brees noted in his conference call, crediting the Bills for being very good for disguising what they're doing. and Fewell didn't tip off what he was going to do exactly. in fact, he started out one answer by saying, "Here's what we're going to do ... " and then stopped short with a laugh, saying, something to the effect, "no, I'm not going to tell you what we're going to do." i don't think the Bills have the horses to keep up with the Saints this weekend, but if the wind blows and the rain falls, it might prove to be an equalizer. another thing i think to look out for is whether the Bills offense can play to gregg's ego and trick him up, or whether the "all-knowing one" has learned his lesson. that's my take. jw
  3. quite a challenge, but not impossible. ... jw
  4. hey, kept it clean. and that was a one-taker, thus the dropped words and "who" supposed to be "how." but i'll leave it unedited for posterity. a week in which the world of music has been righted by a Westerberg release shall go unspoilt. jw
  5. dunno. and i'd write that if i did or didn't know, because if i did, then it would be on the wire first. otherwise, haven't heard much on that front aside from the speculation. jw
  6. ok, button pushed. step back from the keyboard and take a breath. this is sacriligious and i am lost for words as to who to approach this post. and then you go on to disparage one of the best albums to have come out of the 80s, and make references to the flaming lips for chrisake. i can barely see straight murra, you have done more than jwwsss and that ilk has ever pushed me. ok: strumming 4 chords might have been the ramones and it certainly did well enough for them. though i would suggest you listen to the 'Mats before making such a claim. perhaps their first two albums were 4-chord stumming, however the range of their musical taste -- from alt country to punk, from straight-ahead finger in the air rock and roll -- is unquestioned and well represented on the breadth of their releases. that you do not appreciate the iconic and anthemic "Bastards of Young" on said Tim release, or "Here Comes a Regular" or "Waitress in the Sky," or "Left of the Dial," suggests you have either a tin ear -- and hey, i've watched enough American Idol casting tryouts to know that's a distinct possibility here -- or are actually holding a copy of "The Replacements" movie soundtrack. or both. i am, as my wife likes to put it, a music snob. and please don't take this altogether personally (though i am at wits end and holding back as much as possible) ... and i'm supposed to write here that everyone is entitled to their taste in music, though i'm not sure how that applies to dave matthews band fans or michael bubble for that matter. however, when everyone on down from Robert Plant to Tom Waits to Billy Joe Armstrong to Kurt Cobain pay tribute to The 'Mats and their sound and the rock and roll torch that they carried through the dark years of the 1980s, well, i believe i stand on firm and solid ground. and i end this by saying, good day, sir. jw (murra: in all sincerity, please don't take offense, i do not mean this personally. you did hit, to pardon the pun, a chord and this is the one of the few times i do allow myself to be a fan.)
  7. i may or may not have posted this before, but here goes: you think Mr. Wilson is harsh on Buffalo. he's pretty hard on his native Detroit, too. maybe even harder. that said, i don't think i've been uncritical. rather, i hope i've been fair. The AP was among the first to start writing about Bledsoe's demise half-way through his first season in Buffalo. The AP has questioned several moves the team has made, from draft busts to free-agent moves. nearly every big-picture story on the Bills that's moved on the wire has noted the team's playoff drought and compared it to the team's success in the 90s, while also noting the drought is now tied as the longest with Detroit. have wrote this consistently on this board, too. Mr. Wilson is a straight-shooter and he has my respect, but that doesn't mean he and this team aren't open to some of the criticism that's been raised here and elsewhere. that said, i'll go no further in providing my opinions here on the radio or tv than i would in any piece i'd write for the wire. to do otherwise, would be unfair to The AP, its members, readers and those whom i cover. thanks for listening. jw and JohnC, i realize now you might not have been referring to me here. but i won't delete this post because i think it's important to remind those that wonder what the heck it is i do, and why i won't involve myself -- and will distance myself -- when it comes to some of the bashing some Bills members take on this board.
  8. should the Bills lose to New Orleans this weekend, i think the pivotal game follows at Miami. a win there and it exorcises so many ghosts and also gets the team back at .500 going into a weekend against Cleveland. that also allows the Bills a little breathing room in not having to win at Carolina (who knows about the Panthers, these days), and i think they should have enough to beat Houston in November. so, they should beat the Browns and Texans by my count, which gets them to three wins. they need to beat Dolphins or Jets, and at this point i think the Panthers game is 50-50. 5-3 not out of the question, and i think they need to be there at the bye to have a shot. jw
  9. damn, you Senator, you didn't put a smiley face on it, so i didn't know what to think. ... however did society ever communicate without smiley faces ... no wonder there were so many conflicts during the dark ages and such ... and so, this: jw
  10. cool, so my neutrality leads to vile reactions. this amuses me. jw
  11. but that's all i got. ... jw
  12. but where do the realists go? i mean, i've got the Bills with the potential of being 5-3 at the bye, but not sure if that'll be enough to get them to the playoffs. damn, me and trying to maintain my objectivity. jw
  13. i think i've made my point in regards to what i thought about the word total. jw
  14. i think you overlook the word "total." that said, Tooth's blunt response takes away from some valid points raised by the original poster, who went out on a bit of a limb here in going against the grain of what some -- many? -- on this board truly and absolutely believe. the problem then becomes is the blunt response saps the momentum of the discussion of this thread, and i guess i'm contributing to it by in some ways defending the OP by questioning Tooth's response. and of course, as in the past, i am the one who is attacked because i chose to humbly put my pithy two cents in. but what are you gonna do. i maintain that The Replacements remain one of most influential rock bands to come out of North America, and Westerberg's latest release continues to show that he -- unlike the blather Springsteen released earlier this year -- remains relevant and progressive. jw
  15. Mr. WEO, in fear or continuing to repeat my point, my issue was with Sir Tooth's absolutely characterizations towards Jauron and Obama. i have not gone any further than that. and my point toward the age of immediacy is that more often than not, we seem to need to address the fast-food-junkie craving by making absolute assertions that are questionable at best and wrong at worst. mediocrity is not a bad term based on Jauron's record. total loser, well ... that's inaccurate. and even as big of a Replacements/Paul Westerberg fan as i am, i'm not going to call this new release as His best. it's good, though. jw
  16. BVet: you make valid points, though i'll maintain that it was Jauron who fired Turk, thereby, actually throwing him under the bus, as you put it. the contention raised in my post was in regards to the absolutes that were presented: "Total Loser!!" etc. actually, the Lions were "Total Losers" last year as they failed to win a regular-season contest. the bills were and have been for quite some time, depending on your half-full/half-empty perspective, inconsistent or a little better than average losers under Jauron. what truly disappoints me BVet is that you cut out the best part of my post: the Westerburg stuff. jw
  17. with either assessment, you leave absolutely no room for gray area. it's not just you, but merely a reflection of where we are in this age of immediacy, so please don't take it personally, though i'm sure you just might. so i'll take no offense. it's always one or the other. black or white. euphoria or depression. great? no: sucks! i'd hate to live in that kind of world that lacks noble nuance, a place and time which forces us to actually have to make assessments on our own rather than knee-jerk every immediate reaction and send it out on twitter because the information beast needs to be fed. it's always thumbs up or thumbs down. but what do i know because you can count me among the sudden few still trying to figure things out. jw BULLETIN: Paul Westerberg has released 6 new songs, which are out on amazon. 4 are very good, 2 so so. i am excited with this.
  18. heck, even i stopped by. c-lady's got the pictures to prove it. jw
  19. i'm not miffed, seemingly or otherwise. was just curious. missed that tweet that's all. found it though, thanks. jw
  20. to whom, might i humbly ask, did TO make such an admission, considering he's declined to talk to most -- and all by my knowledge -- reporters over the past three days. jw
  21. yes, verified troll. jw
  22. well, then, if that's the case, it's your fault ... jw ADD: i happily think this is irony. and i meant no offense JR.
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