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Delete This Account

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  1. nah, PTR, i hate the fans, too. oh, sorry, is this thing on? jw i keed, i keed.
  2. uh, the CBA has plenty to do with it if the Bills intend to make up the gap between generating money and the escalating salary cap, which is rising more because of new buildings, such as Jones' palace, than it is because of what the Bills have done in leasing their games to Toronto. and the real trouble becomes when owners spending extravagant loads of money on new buildings now need to pay off that mountain of debt, thereby tipping the scales even further against small market teams and those who's revenue-generating ability has been tapped out because of location and/or economy. Jones doesn't need to play games at other locations because he can virtually sell out his own place and make money doing so. the Bills, by comparison, are limited in their options to generate that revenue, thus leading to the deal with Toronto, which, in retrospect, is starting to look like the Bills fleeced the Toronto organizers. jw
  3. i was actually surprised he overthrew him going in that direction of the field (into the wind). jw
  4. for what it's worth, saw a replay angle in press box that showed his left shoulder hitting the ground before he flipped back up again. jw
  5. went through the game books this season and broke down the numbers, shown here in story. AP breaks down Trent's passes: 78 attempts 15 yards or less; 13 attempts 16 yards or longer. and he's only hit 4 of 13 deep passes, with 2 TDs and 1 interception. make of this what you will. jw
  6. right joe, fuming. good god, but thanks for thinking of me. sheesh! jw
  7. but how does that formula work when, say, a team such as the Bills enters Week 17 and is 7-8 and mathematically eliminated from playoff contention. ... must i once again pull out my "obvious" formula? jw
  8. it does work, and it remains odd to say that it doesn't. spending my first 37 years not having to worry about health insurance or going bankrupt because of a catastrophic illness or accident was something i never realized until i arrived here and became "accustomed" to dealing with a fifth-class health insurance system. as for what's been going on this past half century, in my view, i saw a country celebrate Ronald Reagan for bringing down the Berlin Wall, only to spend so much time patting itself on its back that "phew" that's over, when overlooking the fact that China is on the verge of, if not in fact already, become an economic power and capable of being a military super power overnight. not bad for a socialist nation. jw
  9. well, it's obvious we disagree. i don't need an education for that. but why should i proceed when all you and Joe do is resort to the exact same thing you accuse me of. universal health care actually works -- really works, trust me, i've used it -- in many countries, and yet it is made out to be the sole cause of ruination here, that has the potential to suck this nation down some socialist hellhole, which is blather beyond the biblical proportion, and i exagerate only a little. why is it, then, when i enter an actual discussion (you know, talking not sitting behind some keyboard, where we can all fly invective upon each other) on health care in this nation and what they think of the current system, no one -- and i mean no one -- i've encountered likes the status quo. and forget even liking the status quo, it is despised for being a headache-filled, rubik's cube of bureaucracy, fine print and greed. and while there are those who argue against universal health care have certain valid points in making their arguments, too often the critiques go down the kneejerk path of death panels and "you lie" baloney. it's the scaremongers' way to shout down and raise a full-blown pandemic of fear to topple something they don't seem to want to understand or accept. let me be clear, i'm not accusing you or Joe of doing that. jw
  10. i'd propose it be Fox News, because all the chatter should increase their ratings, thus improving their profit margin. jw
  11. education doesn't equal intelligence, and i've never claimed to be a know all in anything. i merely provide my perspective on the views and opinions i've formed in my life's experiences. i trust the same applies with you A.D. to attempt to belittle that certainly doesn't forward your point. i've not questioned your stature or intelligence, nor called anyone a toadstool. jw
  12. glad you're on board. i'd suggest installing universal health care before going ahead with some of your more ambitious proposals. jw
  13. well, it was money poorly spent in the first place, so ... sure, glad you agree with me. so, i'm guessing you'll decline your social security check once you're eligible. how good of you. and magox, i wasn't being sarcastic. the amount of greed i've encountered using "privatized" health in this nation -- whether it's involving the drug companies or how the insurance companies have rejected claims -- well, sheesh, what else would you call it? robbery? and i'm surprised that a health insurance-funded study found data that actually supported health insurance company's position that they're not greedy. phew, i'm convinced now. jw
  14. universal health care would be a good solution. jw
  15. i thought it was pure and simple greed that created the health care problem? and yet you still provide no real solutions as to how all of these problems will be addressed by some phantorgasmical magic wand that will merely wipe things away clean. ... as for lowering taxes, here's a solution, perhaps federal funds would've been better spent had there been no mad rush to judgement on Iraq ... but there i go, bringing up silly details and the past again. jw
  16. keep blaming the "mass media," 'cause that's the solution to all problems? jw ADD: oh, and since you brought it up, some might have come up with the retort that at least i made it to the ninth grade, but that would be mean on my part, so i won't.
  17. Dan III: my leanings against White will likely lead me to wait for the movie to come out on cable. i'll make a point to see it then, and see what i think. not making any promises, though. thanks for at least offering that. and to others above, i think "icon" is a heavy word to be throwing around. don't know if there's been any music icons produced this decade, though John Frusciante made a solid argument in placing himself among his generation's best guitar players on Stadium Arcadium. forceful, yet not overdone, and fully presented within the confines of the song and melody. ... to me, the opposite of Sir White, in my humble opinion. jw
  18. the trouble with the anti-tax movement, which really has absolutely nothing to do with the Boston freaking Tea Party (though it's a real nice patriot blanket people can wrap around themselves to keep their beliefs warm), but more a consequence of the middle class' escape to the suburbs and believing that by leaving the city it can also avoid the responsibility. what a great feeling of entitlement the suburbanites have carved out for themselves by thinking, "we don't live in the city, so why should we deal with city problems like poor education." that's "their" problem. the anti-tax "movement" is a be-all but not an end all, with no one providing any proposals of how to address crime, education, health care. if anyone believes there is no correlation between these three issues, then there's no point proceeding with my argument because i, nor anyone else, has the capacity to make the blind see. so, since i showed my cards, what are yours: i'll call your bluff and ask you to provide some solutions in how to get around and address the still outstanding issues. and Joe, i figured you'd be above the "oh he's Canadian" stuff, but guess not. easy play. must feel real good about yourself. though it once again speaks to the point of my original post. based on how things have gone these past 20 years, is the American sense of superiority justified? jw
  19. first of all, people can't pick and choose what taxes go where, and what anti-government means. otherwise that makes people no better than part-time Catholics, choosing to cherry-pick the church's teachings and the Pope's pronouncments. same thing here. if people consider themselves to be anti-government, then give up the vote and start making your play for anarchy. fine with me. it's anyone's right. and if people are anti-tax, then i'm guessing they're anti fire and police protection, and will soon have their shovels at the ready to begin digging their own sewer lines. sure, Joe, i'm taking it to the very extreme, but you wanted -- no, were dying for -- an answer. and there's no nobility in this day and age in being against taxes. there's far too much wrong going on in society with a crumbling infrastructure, health care that serves too few and bankrupts far too many, and the rising shadow that the U.S. century is coming to a close in part because of this nation's polarized politics and an ill-timed and ill-advised Middle East conflict to push all of that aside in order to debate "taxes." jw
  20. the way he hacked up Loretta Lynn's album, somehow assuming he made it "better" with his guitar fart experimentalism was one reason i didn't like him. thanks to Lynn's still wonderful talent, the album proved to be a winner despite him. Rubin might have/should have been the better producer. as for White's irrational and consistent ability to avoid anything approaching melody, well, if that counts for music this decade, i can see why he fits in for the most part. jw
  21. i'll take that bet this weekend. jw
  22. and this from a Mencken fan ... jw
  23. too bad jack white's in it. otherwise, i'd probably want to go see it. kind of like putting dave matthews in the same movie as Robert Plant and Eddie Vedder. or journey in a movie with the Stone and Replacements. jw
  24. i can't believe i overlooked this post, Lori, because i think you hit this on the head in many ways with one slight exception. i think Bell's emergence was to some degree anticipated, but not this quickly. i still think they rushed DBell into the job a little too quickly for certain reasons that i won't get into becuase of mere speculation on my part. that said, the action/reaction line is astute. jw
  25. well, i had planned to drag up the future, but the past is all that i have to base my views upon. pity, i'm back. jw
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