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Delete This Account

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Everything posted by Delete This Account

  1. i agree, and also with plenz. my wife and i weren't big Guinness fans prior to arriving in Ireland, but certainly acquired a taste for the stuff there. went down surprisingly smooth, and the temperature of the beer was certainly a plus. the trouble, i think, over on this side of the pond is that not enough people drink Guinness, which means the kegs sit there longer, and the lines aren't cleaned as often. as strange as this might sound, the closest i've come to having a Guinness here taste like the one over there since our trip in July was their canned product. ... jw
  2. great, as if Buffalo didn't have enough penis envy problems, now it must compare itself with Philly fans? that'll score points. jw
  3. and yet forgiveness is an overlooked word today, too. in this quick slick age of immediacy, when people fail to think before they act to scratch that itch, and can't take it back ... selfishness and mistakes have been part of the equation since the day we achieved self-awareness, so i'm not sure what has exactly changed, except for technology and self-help columns. i'm being a bit of a contrarian here, J.A., so don't take offense. but doesn't all of this go back to, and i'm paraphrasing here, "ye, who is without sin ..." bit? i prefer not to cast that stone. naive? perhaps. but why take all the fun out of st. pete's job guarding that gate, eh? j (in a reflective, philosophical mood) w.
  4. way back in the day, 1992 or 93 i believe (god i'm old), while Carrey was just breaking in his chops on "Living Color" or whatever that Fox show was ("Living Colour" in Canada?) ... i had the opportunity to interview him to set up show he was doing in New Westminster, B.C. i didn't like him as a comedian at the time, thought he was a little over-the-top bozoish for my liking. and yet, following the phone interview i was left very impressed. good guy, then. even came up with a bit over the phone when he got on a riff during the Q&A about being a contrarian of sorts. he thought up a potential character, "Contrary Man," who would go against whatever anything anyone said. i could certainly appreciate that. jw
  5. would've been a lot more of a memorable meeting at Danny's had i recalled you buying a round ... i keed, i keed. i'm in an HST mood tonight and the music's cranking real good, and the bartender's pouring a good strong drink. ... it was good meeting you too, "Rocky." and never sell yourself short on the journo front. the way things are going in this business, we'll need all hands on deck pretty soon. and that's no lie. jw
  6. this will get people foaming: i think Edwards' job is in more jeopardy than Jauron's at this point. and screw it, since everyone's piling on JÂy, i'll do it too. sheesh, what's he smoking? jw (pardon me for asking, who's JÂy again?)
  7. while in Dublin last summer, made sure to make a stop at the Guiness factory, where they actually have a copy of the lease he signed. it's pretty astounding. the Guiness complex takes up some 10 city blocks on the west city of town. tour's not bad, but you get a free pint of Guiness at the end, which is always a good thing. what i noted is that Guiness was far lighter (by that, I mean less thick) and easier to go down in Ireland as opposed to the last time i drank it some 15 years ago. actually enjoyed it and have noted that it tastes better over here on this side of the pond since last time i drank it. even so, there's nothing like having a pint or 7 in Dublin. ... like wings in Buffalo, something about the hometown. jw
  8. if i remember correctly, Carrey has some connection to Hamilton, either he was born there or spent time there as a youngster. he did grow up in the Hamilton-Toronto area, and was likely exposed to Buffalo TV news, especially the Action 7, "Three alarm fire in Cheektowaga bulletins," so that might have something to do with it to. jw
  9. Dave: with all due respect, i think this would be a mistake. Marcus isn't that old, is a leader in that locker room and i think Bills fans should remember what happened the last time they fiddled with DT. Bills spent all this time trying to find a nose tackle after the Larry Tripplett experiment didn't work, don't know if they'd gamble away losing another NT, and a good one at that. in my humble opinion, they need another DT to play alongside Stroud. jw
  10. despite this report, am told that Runyan is not ready. if he was, some team would have signed him. it's not money, it's microfracture surgery, and no one's going to take a chance on Runyan at this point because it's considered way too early in rehab. jw
  11. great, another media hack on this board. just what we needed, more liberal-slanted objectivity. jw (welcome aboard Scott)
  12. maybe you can get Rogers Communication to buy a set of 8 for $78 million ... considering what they're getting in return from the Bills, that might be a steal. jw
  13. like to point out that that's my piece. also like to point out that the four times Dick blamed himself today, is four more times than Gregg Williams ever did here, for what that's worth. jw
  14. um ... well ... uh ... how does anyone respond to that comment? let's consider the options. 1) evidently, you didn't see the game, or the final 2:06 of it. 2) evidently, the final score hasn't reached your home. 3) according to the intrawebs, brady brought them back to victory. 4) brady's a proven winner. 5) you're mistaken. 6) you're quite mistaken. 7) getch'er facts straight. 8) i can't believe you posted that. 9) Trent is what guy? 10) did you mean "write?" jw
  15. i've never supported what Obama's proposal was. in fact, i thought the half-arsed option was, well, half-arsed, and didn't go too far. for this to work, they need to go all the way and eliminate this public option, which seems like a wishy-wash nod to baloney. jw
  16. WEO, a very thoughtful post that sheds light on gray areas in this whole debate. and that's all i've every requested, that there be provided certain nod of respect to the numbers that T.O. has put up. he's bad (michael jackson reference), but how bad is he? ok, i respect what my professional colleagues have written about in other places. and i do have a soft spot for impetuous behavior because being a rock n' roller can't be all that bad. i'll now provide nods toward the likes of The Clash, Ramones, Steve Earle and my 'Mats. however, in this instance i think that Terrell has an easy out in that the Bills offense is so inept that it can't incorporate one of the most prolific receivers in the game today. that T.O. refused to throw the Bill under the bus after such a forgetful performance, in my opinion, is a tribute to his character, because I don't know how many "diva" receivers -- and let's face it, there are numerous out there -- would have bitten their lip on this one. sure, prior to Owens arrival in Buffalo, there was a clear sense that he was a distraction waiting to happen. and yet, and this is important, now that he's here, i'm getting the sense that his ability -- from what i've seen of him in practice and training camp -- is being underused with an offense that's not functioning the way it was envisioned. the way that press conference went, i think many are disappointed that he actually DIDN'T call out some people, because that would've been a more apt description of reality as opposed to the "lame" excuses that were provided. and that's Terrell's fault, too, in my opinion. if he claims to be honest to a fault, then he let a lot of people down on this one. jw
  17. thanks, Rich. my bad. fixed. jw
  18. upon T.O.'s arrival, i elected to give him the benefit of the doubt and see for myself how he acted, what he said, and then make up my own mind about him. so far, he has done or said nothing that would be considered disruptive. in fact, he's more often than not gone out of his way to stay out of the fray when it comes to the Bills, and also spoken up in favor of numerous players, and particularly the defense. he has a past, there's no doubt about that, but his present behavior doesn't exactly equate with his reputation as a divisive figure. you have been consistently been the one to provide no benefit of the doubt in regards to Owens, and have persistently brought up his past, while showing some Karnac ability to actually know what Owens is thinking and meaning. jw
  19. the person who called in on GR's whiner line during the preseason i think gets credit for the Captain Checkdown label. AP used that reference back in August, and i believe Sully did as well. while Tim took a different route, and just as good, AP reported on Monday that of Trent's 91 attempts, only 13 have traveled 16 yards in the air. he's 4-of-12 13 on those attempts. his first 20 attempts against New Orleans were thrown 15 yards or shorter, and only attempted 2 passes that are considered deep by NFL standards -- both incompletions to T.O. clearly, the two studies of the passing numbers reflect how the Bills have not opened up their passing attack. jw FIXED.
  20. funny, so's this post. but since you speak for T.O., or at least have the apparent license to put his thoughts into words, well, guess you'd know. jw
  21. what doubt? i merely called it an observation by referring to some quarterback and ended it with a Canadianism, which is certainly within my right, considering my heritage, eh? jw
  22. Lori: that is the juxtaposition T.O. finds himself in, opening himself up to the media in certain situations and then vexed by it in others. it's really no different, though, than other high-profile entertainers who have established a divisive reputation: from Tom Cruise to Brittany Spears, all needing the media and then being bitten by it. for T.O. to claim that he was as one poster put it, "goated," then perhaps he should see Thurman about the animal running around on his lot these days. ... heh, heh. ... in all seriousness, perhaps he thought that was the case, but you'd think he was more adept at dealing with the media. that said, i do think T.O. was put in a no-win situation, in which he did help create by essentially being forced to talk to the media after this game because he failed to do so after the past two. bad timing all around on that one. and while T.O., i guess, was somewhat wrong to tweet back at Harrison, i'm not exactly sure if Harrison wasn't attempting to establish his street cred as a "commentator" by making the clown remark. based on some of the comments posted on this board regarding certain members of the media, players, other posters, i'm wondering if Harrison isn't an honorary member of TBD himself. but how this all erupted from a molehill is far beyond me, however, and how a certain quarterback has escaped blame is another, because all this attention at T.O. seems a little misdirected. observation: if Andre Reed was ever called a clown in the media, i'd guess that Jim Kelly would've heard about it and be among the first to come to his defense, eh? just wondering. jw
  23. i think i just saw Vick at the airport ... oh sorry, got a cold and need to get some Vics i left out in the carport. jw
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