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Delete This Account

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Everything posted by Delete This Account

  1. no problem, Nostradamus. i've been on the defensive before. obviously, i took exception to your knocks against the media. that said, there are things people do know, but make it difficult to prove. and that's the problem. there are things that i might know, and i'm sure i'm not the only reporter out there. but knowing them or being told something and verifying that information is another thing. that's all i can say on my end. jw
  2. the rogers center is not an option for a full nfl season. another facility needs to be built. LA has no current stadium equipped for a franchise, either. another facility needs to be built. the cost, then, of relocating a team to either city doubles, unless taxpayers are willing to share the load on building a stadium. jw
  3. from what i know, if that question was asked, i think the negotiations would have ended right there. that is not a subject Mr. Wilson is willing to talk about. and note, when I said "region," i meant the NFL desires having a franchise in this "region," preferrably Buffalo-Toronto and not merely Toronto. jw
  4. righto, i'll fire up my mind-reading machine and focus it in on Mr. Wilson's home to get that scoop. you're kidding right. press releases and no insight. and you say that because your sources are impeccable, please. not one reporter has been able to shed any light on the future, because Mr. Wilson hasn't shed any light on the future except to say that he intends to have his heirs sell the team. to whom? don't know. as for Jim's coalition, so far it's been all talk and no substance. and by saying there's been no investigative reporting leads me to believe that you fail to understand the business. quit being so full of yourself. you seem to assume that because there's been nothing of substance written is because nothing of substance has been asked. keep living in that naive dreamland, buddy. you appear to confuse what the craft of reporting is. if no one is willing to talk, then it's next to impossible to write a story beyond speculation. and that's not what reporting is all about. but of course, with a name like Nostradamus, you should be able to enlighten us all on such things as: -- when Mr. Wilson passes. -- when the Bills might make the playoffs. -- who will next purchase the team. beyond the "i heard someone, who knows someone, who said something ... '' all you've done is rehash an old baloney tale that only creates angst and debate on this board. come ahead, name names and then we'll all be more informed. and then you might have a leg to stand on when criticizing the media, which is a pretty easy thing to do sitting from the sidelines. and i don't believe your story because there have been questions i've asked that have led to answers that provide me to believe your story is false. but, what do i know. you seem to be the expert on all. so c'mon, enlighten us with your knowledge. give us a shred of factual information that moves this discussion forward. because you've provided us nothing so far but bluster and accusations that are as meaningless as your handle on this board. jw
  5. you wouldn't have a good picture of that 0.1 percentile, would you? j (in a randy mood) w
  6. i'd discount L.A. for the Bills. i can't see the NFL giving up on this region. note, i used the word "region," one that includes southern Ontario. jw
  7. and still waiting ... jw
  8. well, weehawk, isn't this interesting and convenient. if the media is untrustworthy, your argument in regards to San Antonio is extremely flawed since you reference "the media" in backing it up. so which is it? is the media lying here or have you been caught in some hypocritical Catch-22 that you can't work your way out of? allow me to be amused as i eagerly await your answer here. jw
  9. ? absolutes and buzzwords don't = a response. jw
  10. and yet you still fail to mention the Toronto connection. this can't be overlooked as a revenue-generating source. ask a lawyer, if you dont' believe me. jw
  11. what's wrong with the media reporting on an actual lease? might we have missed something on the existing lease in which you'd like to enlighten us with? you also fail to note that the Bills status is a little different these days with the money-generating connection with Toronto, which will likely continue beyond this current deal, and especially should the NFL up its regular season games. that said, i doubt the Bills are ever going to get $9 million a pop again from Rogers. also, you fail to take into account what the NFL will resemble following a potentially messy labor situation, and the possibility of a lockout. there's far too much in play here to make definitive statements. but why argue, since i'm merely a member of the media, and not a lawyer. ... woe is me. jw
  12. isn't this the rehash of the same rumor that pops up on this board once a year or so, someone, who knows someone, who heard something about Golisano somehow being thwarted by Ralph, who's now relocating the team to _________ city? and then the post grows to double-digit pages featuring endless debates over who's right and who's wrong, and questions about Toronto and the future of the Bills, and whether Ralph's lost it, before it dies a slow death, taking up space in the TBD archives, before someone -- probably in March -- posts something to the effect of: "OK, i'm not saying that the Bills are leaving, but i work ______ and someone told me that _____ and it sure looks like the Bills are in negotiations to move to _______. hey, i could be wrong, but i don't doubt what these people have told me." jw
  13. um ... well ... uh ... hey, what about them bills? ... j (stumped for a response) w
  14. we'll forgive you this time, but i think you've got the next round. only way you'll learn, PTR. jw
  15. to quote Homer: "ummmm bay-con." jw
  16. ok, i'm half drunk here, but you're really not serious? unless you live in some bizzaro world or have a certain masochistic tendency for implosion and diva drama, then otherwise you have made an astute point. if that's the case, why not bring in Donovan McNabb and Tony Romo as well, so then the Bills can have a voodoo doll promotion in which everyone can stick pins into T.O. and see him flinch as if he were in live-wire electroshock therapy. obviously, that would be something -- and maybe the only thing -- people would pay money to see at Ralph Wilson Stadium these days. and while you're at it, bring back Rob Johnson and Mike Mularkey just for effect. of course, i'm assuming you are an anarchist by nature, because no one in their right mind would have even raised this notion. and if that's the case, well, you should be highly credited for your Vince McMahon instincts for promotion because i think you've got a winner here. put them all in a cage and see who bites who's ear off first. and, i can't fail to mention, that you must share these strong drugs you are under the influence of, so we can see the kaliedoscopic colors you are envisioning, because life is too short and there's not enough machavellians among us. you sir or ma'am are evil, and that, short of rush owning the rams, might be the perfect solution the NFL needs in order to overcome this economic crunch. let us all stand and salute this idea, because it's so bizarre it just might be the big money generating ticket to keeping the Bills in Buffalo through 3012. well done. jw
  17. attendance in Toronto is not an issue to the Bills because the deal has already been struck and there's no provision that i know of in regards to whether 55,000 or 55 people buy tickets. the Bills still get paid, which gives an all new meaning to whoever breaks it, it's paid for. jw
  18. hey, she married me, so i'm the one in deep debt already. jw
  19. i discussed with my wife the possibility of winning the lottery tonight ... i hope that makes it true. jw
  20. anyone hear of Michael Vick being spotted at Buffalo airport back in August? jw
  21. yeah, nukalar. 'nother assembly line ivy leaguer. just goes to show you how "right" alaska and joe are ... jw ADD: sorry guys, couldn't resist.
  22. well, one reason Trent was earning raves last year is because he had shown progress in his development following his rookie season. he was both efficient and playing with confidence, and showing a flare for fourth-quarter dramatics. as part of that 5-1 start, Edwards won three consecutive starts when the Bills entered the fourth quarter trailing. of course, his numbers have plummeted since the San Diego win, and he's not playing with any of the efficiency or confidence people saw in him from his first training camp or the first six games of his second season. given the fact that he's not shown much progression -- and far more regression -- since the three-game five interception/two fumble/one safety/three TD stretch in the middle of last season, it's becoming evident that his progress has flat-lined and that either defenses have figured him out or he's lost that swagger (i know how much some of you luv that word). sure the o-line's young and raw. but i don't know if it can be pinned all the blame, because it was far more experienced at the end of last season. ... jw
  23. no 9 a.m. presser. jw
  24. love how this yari guy calls it the "most accurate shot in the history of mankind." how can you miss the moon? what was the previous most accurate shot in the history of mankind? Columbus running into north america? woah, how could you miss that, i mean it's a freaking continent. same deal with the moon, and it's not like it's zigging and zagging, trying to be elusive like those bendy slo-mo guys in the Matrix movies. it's the freakin' moon! has this guy ever heard of golf? has he ever played darts? i mean, we've actually landed on the moon, how is this different? doesn't NASA get some credit for that one as far as accuracy goes? no, Number 1 on the list according to "gregarin" is firing some kind of missile from space and actually hitting the moon? nice shot, what's next, hitting Mercury? and how do you judge the degree of difficulty on that? ok, i'm done amusing myself. jw
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