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Delete This Account

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  1. or a couple'a drinks or 12, eh! :censored: :censored: ... etc. jw
  2. thanks, Kelly. Sully, Brown and i just had a hootfest in the media room on this one. jw
  3. well, i was disappointed for being eliminated. my apologies. jw
  4. i appreciate your concerns, Cincy. but it's ok. it's regarded as a badge of honor among us ink-stained wretches to be considered a drinker. and the fact that Hunter S. Thompson is counted among my heroes, and Chuck Buchowski running a close second, well, that might well say it all. there is no slander or libel when it's true, so LABillzFan is on firm ground. i am, however, not a drunk, merely an imbiber with a well developed liver. jw
  5. in german, i believe that can be translated into: "The thread ... The!" which leads me to an amusing quote, though can't remember who said it. some curmudgeon back in the 80s, i believe observed how there were all these coffee shops popping up in NYC, including one named "Bonjour Croissant" or something precious like that. the person then observed, that would be like going to France and finding a place called, "Hello Toast." jw
  6. thanks for that. i won't change my mind with one or 20 drinks. Hamden's got to get a grip and realize that not everyone's going to like him. best bet is to find people who do and hang around with them, ignore the at home baloney, quit being a drama queen and learn how to say "no," every once in a while. jeez louise, it took how many posts for this? i don't give two hoots who gives a flying crap about my stories, so long as they're correct and true to what i see. same approach to life. screw 'em all's my motto ... heh, heh. jw
  7. i'd quit worrying about what people think, and ignore the dumb looks. pay the rent, buy a tv, stay in your room, keep your car keys with you and find some friends you can hang out with. why worry about these guys. life's too short, man. jw
  8. wouldn't the Toronto game have the potential for the Bills to wear their "throw-forward" unis, considering many here are convinced that's where they're headed in, oh, say, a day or two? jw
  9. you're right. it's sometimes tough to "read" sarcasm, which was the intent of my little diatribe. ... jw
  10. as this is an ESPN text with an (AP) reference to it, i must note that the AP is not reporting that. jw
  11. but if the vacuum cleaner is worth its weight, it's function then is to suck at an extraordinary level, ergo: it really, really sucks. that's truth in advertising. heck, a hair dryer company should go out and say it's product really blows. or what about viagara, a product that can get a rise out of you? ... what's this thread about? jw
  12. well, that's a more sober explanation following your initial throwdown. as Lori explained in an earlier post, time is extremely precious and thin on mondays following the game because there are so many items on the checklist to ask coach. and the Bills usually provide between 6-8 minutes of access time. that leaves room for between say 10-12 questions, and several of those generally deal with injuries. there also generally a few questions from the writers who are working on features to move on Tuesday. as it's structured there is little time to go over the nuances of the game, which leads us to take a more big-picture approach. and given the general negativity of questions that have been directed at coach for the past three weeks, well, there wasn't a real need or time to go there after a win. my opinion. jw
  13. neither do the Bills against the run ... jw
  14. and then there are always times to be negative, right Mr. Antifan? jw ADD: Bills blunt criticism and then read my piece to see whether i was fair ... need i spell that out again, fair ... or not?
  15. Dan: i was kidding. my sincerest apologies. jw ADD: damn. you got me. ... what's the emoticon for Homer shakes fist ... well, i'm doing it now.
  16. Hopefully, JW Dan accepts my post with the smile in which I was writing it as well. jw
  17. Dan: the sarcasm expressed in your post is palpable and bordering on the obvious. it particularly lacks those precious emoticon happy/flirty/pirate/thumbs-up faces that provide the lazy among us to show that we're merely kidding, rather than expressing that sentiment through words and tone. you should be ashamed because your nuanced display makes a mockery of much of the serious debate that goes on here, which rarely goes beyond the "yeah?" "oh yeah?" stages, before lumbering into a regular dose of name-calling. you idiot. do you realize now what you've done by attempting to elevate this thread into some kind of literary debate on sarcasm and irony? god forbid you come up with some kneejerk response or something pithy as in reference to a hitler video on T.O. you sir, are an obvious fart-sniffer attempting to seduce me with these uncalled for compliments. i will not stand for that. and i'd note that you had misspelled flabbergasted, but it's already been pointed out, so why waste my time on that. jw
  18. just what i need, an editor! and a Go Go's loving one at that. thanks, Rock
  19. don't think he/she realized i was the one who asked one of the sucky questions. without speaking for TG, wanted to address why i suck so much. jw and speaking of sucking, always wondered why some upstart vacuum cleaner manufacturer never came out with an ad campaign about how much their product truly sucks, i mean really and absolutely sucks. think that might be a winner.
  20. thanks. why did I ask the question about how significant this win was at a time the team is crisis? because that's the story i'm writing today. in an objective world, the Bills win to some degree blunts some of the criticism that's been heaped on coach and this team. they won a game they weren't supposed to. did it with a injury-depleted defense and with no one believing they had a shot. there's something to taht. there are times to be negative and there are times to hold back. the bills won, and ugly as it was, they won. the better questions after that game should be directed toward Rex Ryan and the Jets for forgetting they had a running attack. this was not a day to be critical. j (guess i suck) w
  21. if it's adolph, then see ya, T.O. adolph's already on record as being against that signing in the first place. jw
  22. according to the game notes provided to reporters by the Bills, the Bills rank 7th on the list of AFL teams with 349 wins. jw
  23. i go back and forth between there being a 40 and 75 percent chance of the Bills moving to Toronto. and the only thing i know is that there are many hurdles to cross for the team to move north of the border. -- what will the Canadian dollar be valued? -- is Rogers prepared to lay out $2 billion -- and that's with a capital B -- to buy the team and build a new stadium? -- what influence will Chuck Schumer have in representing Western New York interests, and this can't be discounted because the federal government has some influence on the NFL in regards to labor laws etc. -- what will the NFL look like post new CBA. -- Roger Goodell's influence. as much as he represents the league, there is a sense that he doesn't want to be the one to lose Buffalo not only because he's a western new yorker, but also because he appreciates the history of the Bills. -- i think Ralph Wilson's inclusion into the Pro Football Hall of Fame can't be discounted. a person who established a legacy of against franchise relocation being included in the hall of fame makes for a bit of a conundrum for the NFL to consider relocating that franchise. the NFL has not, to some degree, lived down losing Cleveland. -- Jim Kelly has, i believe, a person with deep pockets ready to make a competive bid. and if he fails, i believe Tom Golisano is also waiting in the wings. of course, all this is all about timing, but i'm convinced the Bills relocation is NOT a fait accomplis. jw
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