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Delete This Account

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Everything posted by Delete This Account

  1. how about Jamesons, there's got to be Jamesons right, or Wisers or something, then how could it be heaven if that's not there. damn you Dr. Demento, provide us with an answer. jw and there better not be any freakin' zima, either.
  2. hey, i got me a question bout music. if you're familiar with the polka sound, well, explain to me if anyone's ever figured out who stole that damn kishka, eh? jw(ski)
  3. keep in mind, the Bills did have 16 players not practicing, so it is somewhat difficult to get much accomplished. jw
  4. 51: never fart within sniff-shot. 52: if fart happens, never call it because everyone knows the drill: "the person who smelt it, likely dealt it." jw
  5. i think it's the curse of Pete Gonzalez, after he failed to make this team ... never been the same since (or "sense" as some posters are spelling it these days). jw
  6. "Get up, shut down!" jw
  7. what, in god's name, does any of this mean? i see a bunch of words here, ellipses there, and asterisk there, a reference to something being too heavy, what kinda gobbledigook is all this? This thread is (fill in the blank) __________ 1. fish. 2. a fish called wanda. 3. one fish, too fish, red fish, blue fish. 4. enchilada. jw
  8. funny about this post, was just talking to someone about how entertaining the game was. little did i realize, and of course i'm here in buffalo covering the bills, that teams can actually string together more than 2 first downs on one drive. i was under the impression that was nearly impossible or, at the very least, there was an nfl rule barring that from happening. jw
  9. Here's the story. i'll update it later this afternoon. AP: McGee has knee surgery jw
  10. CB McGee had knee surgery on Monday, said it was minor and said he's been playing with sore knee since hurting it against Miami. Expects to be ready within 10-days to two weeks, possibly play against Tennessee. AP story moving shortly. jw
  11. really? how? you realize of course, Parrish missed the first five games of his rookie year in Donahoe's final season and produced his worst career numbers prior to, of course, what might be this year. if you're going to play along, why pile on with a comment that's patently absurd? jw
  12. penguins are funny. jw
  13. i've extensively used both for work and for play since the mid-1980s, and i prefer the easy, relatively care-free use of the Apple product. it is, to a degree, indestructible. the only thing that i've used that ever came close in reliability and indestructibiliy were those Trash 80s, which held like 20K of memory. my wife was completely the opposite, wary of using a Mac, which is why our first computer purchase proved to be some HP product working on some windows version put out in early 2000. well, the money we "saved" on buying the HP, was spent on buying security updates and other programs and essentially led to the thing working slower than a sloth. that doesn't include many of the unresolvable glitches that took place that caused crashes because one program or patch seemed to conflict with another. there was also a limit on how much additional memory you could load up on that thing, which made it even a bigger boat anchor once the Internet really took hold. as a result, we had it 4 years, and got, at best 2 years use out of it. we then went the Mac way in 2005, and still have the same machine now. it's cost us nothing more than what we paid for it. it still works fast, has no history of crashes, is adaptable to keep up with technology, and has no conflicts that i've discovered between any programs. my point to my original post was what i find curious about all the new microsoft ads, is that none of the actors ever talk about how they wanted microsoft to make a more reliable program that didn't freeze up its machines, which is one of the big knocks against their systems. since that was not contained in the ads, i'm then assuming that 7 is much like the rest, a common-denominator system for the masses, that will have the masses buying more patches and programs to keep the never-ending cycle of commerce going. it's not a bad business model, but might actually represent some kind of ponzi scheme when you take a closer look at it. as for my phone, the fact that the freeze-ups happen mostly involving my e-mail program, which is directly connected to Outlook on my machine, i'm guessing there is a technical glitch between the microsoft-developed programs on my phone and Outlook. and that is all too common, one program having issues with something microsoft has produced, and an issue that requires dozens of patches to address. j (guess i'm a moron) w. ADD: by comparison, my work laptop, which has what's now the previously most recent microsoft operating system loaded in it, crashes or freezes at least twice a month. again, it's a natural glitch between the programs i have loaded on it. it ain't bad, but it's not always reliable.
  14. an ode to Save an Hour of Sleep Sunday, my favoritest day of the year: there is no day, birthday, holiday or anniversary that comes around once a year that is better, in my humble opinion, then what tomorrow (Nov. 1) brings, when we save an hour of sleep. you can ask Santa for whatever you want, cars, chocolates or pickup sticks, but he can't deliver a longer day, a free hour in which you can do whatever it is that you want with. for all those days in which we wake up, look at the clock and wish we could have an extra hour of snooze time, well, here it is. we can fritter it away by sleeping in, when in fact you're not sleeping in. use it as a hangover remedy, find time to make breakfast, read, have an extra beer or three before tailgating, you name it, it's yours for free. ah, and they say you can't stop time, well, they're wrong once a year. in fact, if i have the privilege of ever making it to St. Pete's gate (and i know the jury's out on that one), well, i hope it happens during the time before that dreaded lose an hour of sleep sunday, because i'll feel ripped off. because, as much as i like Save an Hour of Sleep Sunday, i absolutely hate its spring counterpart. and i have come up with a potential solution to make lose an hour of sleep sunday a little more manageable. why The Man has determined that we lose that hour on "Our Time," is beyond me, and why there have been no revolts in the streets in regards to this is very much infuriating. the way it should work is we should be allowed to lose the hour on, say, a friday afternoon, say 4 p.m. -- when the clock hits 4, it suddenly becomes 5 and, for many of us, it's time to go home, hit the bars, add a few more responses to "The Last Post Wins" thread, whatever. it's totally unfair, and likely the work of the right-wing (i kid, i kid), that we have that hour ripped from us during OUR weekend. but that is all for another day. on this weekend, i choose to use my time unwisely for an hour, by posting this note, and yet, at this point, i can bank it and still have time to spare for tomorrow, the best day of the year. jw
  15. oh, pardon me, i must have missed that, Steely Dan. completely my mistake, but you must understand that there something like 136 pages on this thread, so please forgive me if i missed a post or two. jw
  16. right, morons. so what do PC users have to look forward to in support of their product by comparison. i'm guessing those arguments, to use your post, would sound something like: "microsoft is the greatest, it often crashes, it always needs updates, it has numerous security problems." yay. jw
  17. no, it's Motorola's fault that they're using microsoft 6-point-something as a base to run many of its programs on my phone, including my e-mail, which is also tied to my contact list, which is also tied to the Outlook i have loaded on my work computer. and when the e-mail freezes, it locks up my phone for a good minute. that answer your question? jw
  18. you did, you. (shake fist) biggest microsoft problem i've been having lately is with my motorola gizmo. the damn thing locks up all the time and it's got something to do with outlook and the phone's e-mail system. (note: have Mac at home, crap at work). but i'm sure 7 will fix that (sarcasm meter ON). jw
  19. thanks for the support, but i fail to see how my grammar and spellingj (sic) could ever come into question when making a case against the uneducated masses. jw
  20. being a Mac guy for a very, very long time, i find the windows ads amusing, considering the fact that everyone takes "credit" for being responsible for this new version. so i'm guessing that they're all to blame. and yet, what absolutely astounds me, is how everyone in the ads is so proud of seeking a new and "simpler" version of windows, when no one addresses the one big problem that's frustrated windows users for as long as it's been around. curious that no one says out right, "i suggested that microsoft come up with a version that doesn't crash once a week." heh, fools. blithering idiots. suckers and dunderheads. crap in, crap out. there is nothing new here, just the same old pursuit of ineptitude to create a new version of the same old problems. jw
  21. you're welcome. jw
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