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Delete This Account

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Everything posted by Delete This Account

  1. well, you dared me .... jw
  2. with all due respect, i do not have the time to look for links in the midst of writing breaking news. and i won't break news on this site because that's not part of my job description. i thought it important enough to provide a hint that something was coming so that others could start looking for it. i realize there's a tease factor involved. if you'd rather i not start a post indicating there is news coming, then i'll not do so in the future. my apologies in advance, then. jw
  3. writethru filed with additional quotes and perspective, including his thoughts on Shanahan ... sorry, i can't break that here. will have more after that. though not the bombshell everyone was looking for, it's evident this thing will be fully reviewed after Jan. 3. jw
  4. Just spoke to Mr. Wilson. Story coming jw
  5. and? jw wow someone named manbeast
  6. and yet another rookie poster with faulty information to back up a incredulous argument. sir or madam, did you even watch the game? and i apologize if in fact your are deaf and blind, or had fallen into some kind of coma from which you just miraculously woke up from and happened to overhear a nurse or doctor inform you of the score and the latest coaching shuffle at 1 Bills Drive. otherwise, good job in enlightening us with your lack of knowledge. thanks. jw
  7. i ain't that smart. the good editors at the paper must have inserted that, to make me look good. jw
  8. rather make the front step of a beach bar in tahiti, but ah, we can all dream. no scoops. sniffing around though. jw
  9. i'll take the bet on T.O., how much? jw
  10. evidently, by your math, they passed on manning, both of 'em. ... hell, i'm too tired to go back, but probably archie too! preposterous. jw
  11. i fully disagree with these guesses and theories, disguised as assertions because why else would you start this thread? Mr. Wilson has never been entirely sold on Trent. that's not to say he's knocked him, but he wanted to see what he was about as much as everyone else this season. jw
  12. thanks, Sis ... by the way, what'd i miss today? jw
  13. thanks for being so agreeable. jw
  14. no, that would make him a candidate to host a Fox or MSNBC time slot. ... jw
  15. no hold on. though it's possible T.O. will miss this weekend's game, that decision has not yet been determined and will, in my guess, a game-time decision judging by Coach Jauron's comments over past two days, and the fact that Owens has been in the locker room both days, as well. jw
  16. what was the tip-off, the first post after mine, which questioned Vick's character? ah, well. i tried. jw
  17. i'll stop posting on this thread if everyone else does. jw
  18. ah, but in "Bam Bam V Slate, Mr." the Surpreme Court explicitly rules that those claiming to be "Ombudsman" must first provide notarized papers expressly proving the validity to said claim to allow Rubble V Flinstone to carry merit. in that event, i have been advised to deposit said damages totaling $1,200,000,000 in a trust awaiting your compliance. and of course, you must be aware of the "Betty V Wilma" case, which places a statute of limitations on filing said papers prior to, and no further, after the 2,859th post of any thread. since there is no proof that these papers have been filed, we find ourselves back at what the laymen refer to as "Square Number 1." etc. etc. etc. jw
  19. got down to Pittsburgh-town, with a side trip to shop in Grove City. wound up spending too much, eating too much (FATHEADS rules!) and drinking not enough. well, two out of three ain't bad, but the latter is generally considered an unreachable goal on even the best of days ... or nights. jw
  20. thanks. been way too busy. i find myself in an odd position to actually be agreeing with an OP ... hmmm. must be swine flu or something. another round of Jameson might cure that ... jw
  21. i think major's point, and excuse me if i'm wrong, is that it wasn't a discussion about Vick, perse, but rather noting that players are questioning personnel in their own locker room. Whitner, as noted in my story yesterday, outright said that players are replaceable when they're not getting the job done. he included himself, but it was in response to a question in regards to whether he's sensitive to the fact that by wanting Vick, he could be stirring the pot with players at that position. it's not just that he wants Vick, it's that he believes Vick is better than the above. and i'm wondering whether that sentiment is a good one to have in furthering a "team" concept. and whether or not Vick lands in Buffalo next season, the observation made by major is that players -- and i'm not sure what Fred Jackson said -- are beginning to publicly question their teammates' value, or at least in Whitner's case, questioning their teammates value by ommission. jw
  22. any chance we could have a thread in which Vick is referred to not be hijacked by the predictable debate in regards to Vick's character. i'm not saying there isn't room for that debate, but i am saying it's been well-trod ground. and the point of this thread, by my reading, is not about Vick but about what Fred Jackson and Donte Whitner had to say, which I credit Major for making a valid point that should be discussed, rather than the "Yeah," "Oh yeah!" stuff that can be easily found on one of the 248 threads ever posted on this board in regards to Vick and dog-fighting. jw
  23. well, then, you've thrown down the gauntlet with your blunt remark, and i've elected to get my legal team involved in filing, what in layman's terms, would amount to a "nyah, nyah" defense. jw OOPS, ALMOST FORGOT: now it's official.
  24. trouble is, i'm a persistent bugger, as you've noticed and have been banned from speaking with people, and have had phones slammed down in my ear, gotten my fair share of no comments. and yet, that hasn't stopped me. if you can explain why -- as a writer and also a member in fairly good (well, that's relative) standing on this board (no one's revoked my privileges yet) -- i am disqualified from taking part in certain reindeer games, well, then i might accept it. but to strickly (as some put it) ban me for no reason except for what i do for a living, well, now, that's "writerism" or something. jw
  25. great, another so-called member of the media. sheesh! don't you people ever give up? jw
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