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Delete This Account

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Everything posted by Delete This Account

  1. Reich's name has never come up this offseason. Doesn't mean it won't, but ... jw
  2. these things take time, is all I'm saying. people want answers now. there aren't any. that doesn't prevent me from saying things are afoot and/or fluid, or outline the landscape. jw
  3. Thanks, good sir. jw
  4. yeah, but who cares. jw
  5. it's that confusion that has me stopped short, as well. jw
  6. this makes sense. jw
  7. thanks for helping make it 9. jw
  8. some thing's afoot, based on my round of calls this morning. but still no word on second interviews just yet. need more. jw
  9. I guess you missed the Bills sale coverage. Or who was first to report Rex hired. Or Bills were going to cut Mario Williams. Or when Anthony Lynn's interview was scheduled. off the top of my head. other that, nada. jw
  10. Never, Not once. jw
  11. and that's another stupid thing. i had like 15 wallbashes but evidently there's a limit on how many emojis you can use in one post now, so i had to cut back. this isn't making america great again, either, for cripes sake. jw anything said by anyone on that is a moot point and pure spin. first off, no one's going to speak to it on the record. and i wouldn't be in a position to quote anyone off the record, because it doesn't speak to a "fact," but merely an "opinion," that is open to being biased depending on the source. jw
  12. i can't. there are rules against profanities on this board. jw
  13. i'm getting tired of people's inability to comprehend a simple 140-character tweet by spelling things out entirely. i tweeted: "For what it's worth, #Bills have been leaning toward moving on from Tyrod since October." what is vague about this? you seem to ask for clarity when there is none? was Taylor under contract with the Bills in October? yes. is Taylor still under contract with the Bills on Jan. 6? yes. so he's still on the team. but there's a report that his future is over with. I can't confirm that. but, i can share what the mood has been since October. you're suggesting the reader needs to fill in the blanks. i'm suggesting there's still one big blank there that i can't confirm. i mean, holy crow, promo. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: jw
  14. that's $25 of my own money, plus what i get from being a member of this board. jw
  15. 1) At the AP, we can only rely upon people with direct knowledge of what's going on, and not someone who heard it from someone who knows as in: the person who negotiated the deal, signed the contract or is in a position of approving the deal 2) In certain instances we can go with one source based on high up the ladder that person is. 3) The question to Whaley was relatively unique, but certainly merited being raised given some unconfirmed rumors that have been floating around for past 3 weeks. And no, I won't get into what those rumors are. jw
  16. you seem to be very unfamiliar with what i do, and yet, seem to feel the need to ask an open question to the media, and then proceed to inform me what TBD and Twitter equals. i've been a member in good standing on this board for a few years now, so pardon my skepticism. i've been counseled here by far better. jw
  17. now where do i send you that $25? jw (thanks)
  18. good night all. jw wish i could have time to do this more.
  19. good night all. jw wish i could have time to do this more. fair to say i outlined that in the john wawrow thread. jw
  20. if he took the bullets for Terry, i'm not sure we're having this discussion. jw
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