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Delete This Account

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Everything posted by Delete This Account

  1. cool, no one likes that "Warwow" guy anyway. jw
  2. easier in new orleans, a little tougher in utah. been to both. jw
  3. as we enter a new decade, the selling out of Green Day becomes complete, with news that their musical will open on Broadway ... blah, blah, blah. the idiotic irony of this is far too palpable regarding a band that grew up on punk rock influences, including the mighty Replacements, and now join billy joel and abba by going all times square sabarro on us. it's a sad day, though it was apparent a long time ago that billy joe and the boys were more posers than punk, more pretenders than messengers, more tre cool than tres bien. they now stand as as meaningless fluff, inartistic wannabes, who stand tall only in a new york sewer, and have the greedhead stink breath to prove it. so here, as they enter the american idiot idol era of what's left of their poetically bankrupt careers, let me hail them with a one-fingered salute. sellouts jw
  4. then why do you proceed to lecture us? jw
  5. for that, i'll allow you to finish 2nd. jw
  6. mead, can't end this thread on a downer: there, fixed. jw
  7. yes, and write louder. jw
  8. don't blow the ending, i'm still on page 76. jw
  9. just how many is a "hubdred"? jw ADD: and this being the bills, does Mr. Logan naturally assume things will "unravel"?
  10. favourite, my ornery friend, favourite. ... jw
  11. under NFL rules, teams wishing to interview coaches on teams in the playoffs must travel to the coach, not the other way around. heck, if i were Leslie, i'd want to get out of minus-8 Minnesota and get to balmy Buffalo. ... jw
  12. i cover the Bills. is that not enough punishment? jw
  13. The AP has never reported he's pulled out of the running, and in fact had several mentions to him in today's two stories on Perry and Frazier. by process of elimination, that means he's not out. jw
  14. should start a thread: "I got nothing new." and see how many people respond! jw minor edits
  15. big big letters aside, we cannot he hear this amid the babble and din. so i humbly predict, this thread will result in defining exercise in futility. so let me join you in in hope that your message comes across: jw and by the way, i got nothing more for now on the bills front.
  16. this is great: someone with 11 posts, offers a thread that's been discussed in about 1 million other threads today. and he gets someone with 51 posts to bite and respond. and it takes someone with 68 posts to wonder what's going on. me, i'm approaching 1,000 and hanging out for kicks. jw for those wondering, here are the topics that have already been covered: -- T.O. Hitler video, yeah, it was funny. -- Who should start at quarterback, still undecided, though some still think it should be Flutie. -- Maybin, when will he sign. ... well, he signed in August. -- Maybin, when will he start ... dunno. -- Bills and Toronto, it's a matter of time before they relocate. -- Bills in Los Angeles, it's a matter of time before they relocate. -- What happens to the team when owner dies. -- We're doomed. -- Hey, where's SKOOBY. -- The media are a bunch of hacks. -- No they're not. -- Bill Cowher. -- Leslie Frazier. -- Or do you mean Fraser from TV? -- Time to fire (Fill in the blank name, trust, me, they've all been named in one thread or another.) -- We're more than doomed. -- IEATCRAYONZ is always good for a laugh, so check out the one he had about how losing to non-conference opponents improves a team's chances to contend for the playoffs. -- T.O. Hitler video, anyone see that (part duh) .... ADD: and by the time i got through writing this, there's already 10 responses before I got here, talking about all the same old stuff. funny. too funny. and hey, an even, 1000.
  17. i'm not saying anything, except reporting what Vikings coach Brad Childress said in an e-mail to The Associated Press confirming Frazier's interview with the Bills. jw
  18. it also takes a front-office with a vision to provide the direction, stability and identity to work with the coach. that's what benefited Cowher and many of the league's other successful teams. jw
  19. thanks for reading. had to correct something though, should be 11th NFL season, 22nd as a coach. my mistake. jw
  20. spoke to a Viking PR guy today. he said it was minus 8 at around noon there. "guess i should consider myself lucky," i said. then again, i've got a coaching search to deal with, and they've got the playoffs. maybe not so lucky. jw
  21. from what i gather, the interview has be done at the coach's convenience. so if Frazier wants to fly to Buffalo, he could, but more likely it'll happen there. jw
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