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Delete This Account

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Everything posted by Delete This Account

  1. jeepers! and then he went on the beach and held up a map, and kicked sand in our face. oh, heavens, we is ashamed. jw
  2. as long as cameron doesn't win best director, i'll be happy. jw
  3. hey, never mentioned if it would be full or empty jw
  4. thanks. but who knew "brian billick" was so out of touch. guess that's why Nix never thought of interviewing him, eh? jw
  5. hey, beer and mrs. beer: i hope all is well, and where do i send the bottle for when he's back on his feet? jw
  6. i hope Beerball's OK. didn't know he/she was down. jw
  7. in my recollection, i think Mr. Wilson asked that Ronnie Jones be fired, not so much Dehaven. jw
  8. i hear you Kiwi ... but ... that said, to have that music watered down on broadway is a complete and ultimate disconnect -- in my opinion, and others -- from what the band pretended to stand for. they're now doing the establishment dance -- dare i mention Ms. Palin -- by cashing in on celebrity. with all due respect, imagine this: ramones, the musical replacements, drunk on broadway the clash, sandi-broadway-nista! nirvana, never-spamalot-mind. it's become evident that macy's day parade seems potentially a trail balloon. and their one big hit now truly applies: "good riddance (time of your life)" jw ADD: and in reference to the cheney administration, how do you now separate them (green day) from haliburton = cashing in? and sorry, my disposition in regards to green day has taken a full 180. i do now absolutely hate them. ... and no offense to you, kiwi, truly.
  9. indeed. i have plenty of respect for Martie and Emily -- and i've always thought that Robison had alternative tendencies given some of the ska-like skirts she's worn. but not having Maines in the group is going to be different. and it just may blunt the group's edge. as much as Maines wasn't a strong lead singer, i think this was a band that was better as a whole than as individuals. jw
  10. no need to convince me. the 'Mats are my all-time favorite thing. though, there's one band that's caught my attention, and i'm scooping up everything they've done: Drive By Truckers. good god, i've got "Something's Got to Give" playing through my head phones right now. wow! gammy that. jw
  11. Eminem is still around? get out. wow. one of my many problems with the gammy's (sic) is that they're always way too late and often too far wrong. this was the weakest Kings of Leon album put forward by the band, which is just like when the Dixie Chicks won. "Home" should've been their winner but, of course, it wasn't a seller. in fact, why does cbs have to do reruns at this time? had they not already presented the peeple's choice awards? what, might i ask, is the difference? i still got a kick out of metallica's reception speech from way back when after winning the heavy metal award: "we'd like to thank jethro tull for not putting out an album this year." ... umm, ok. jw
  12. nobody you'd know, i guess. jw
  13. +8xinfinity. this is funny stuff. this is the biggest laugh i've had in quite a while, "i have a sign," oh god, i think i just pe'ed. thanks for making my day/night/morning. jw
  14. i concur. since when did proficiency = rock. make mine as unseemly as possible, which is why i have an affection toward the 'Mats. Keith would never be a "Guitar Hero" champ, and there's plenty of good to be said about that. jw
  15. ¶ if there was any indication of how out of touch the grammy's have become, and that's a stretch to begin with, well, sunday's annual episode reached a new low, however impossible as that might sound. ¶ the irrelevance meter is long broken and we should all be left gagging over the latest gaga. ¶ all that's left to wonder is when/if elton john dies, will they parade out his carcass on stage to twin with the "latest big thing" to provide some street credibility? what, elvis' corpse was tied up with the graceland crowd? ¶ and then the topper -- or in this case -- the bottomer: green day singing songs from its new broadway show. ¶ as a result, i'd like to thank the grammy organizers for allowing me turn the show off in record time. made it 6 minutes in before switching the pbs, and left the channel there in my own personal bid to skew the ratings. ¶ ¶ it's been a long time since the grammy judges stood anywhere near the time zone of reality and relevance. and it's become evident that the logistics are growing exponentially larger. if i'm on the earth, they're now on jupiter. jw
  16. a drinking friend of mine (is there another kind?) and i have been riffing about uranus for quite some time, but it's my lovely wife who came up with the best line: "have you heard, nasa has sent a probe to uranus?" jw
  17. damn, thought this was an update on nasa probing uranus. .... jw (sound it out: and no offense dev or to "uranus").
  18. heck, i'll put Gordie Johnson ahead of alex when it comes to Canadian guitar players (and that's a short list to begin with). and i knew Gordo when he was a mere bass player standing next to a certain tuba player in a high school band. not a big fan of his new stuff, but i'll tell you his version of "Come Back Baby" absolutely blew my socks off. how Keith Richards doesn't rate on anyone's list, well that's up for debate among the tone deaf .... as for my Johnny Cash reference, sorry, was in a good mood grooving to Mr. Cash that night. ... jw
  19. if i'm drinking with you then i've far bigger issues ... ha! jw
  20. your move EII. jw
  21. i'm on vacation so i have no work to go to. jw
  22. no, i think this buffalo crowd knows its guitar players. lifeson's not on any list, in my humble opinion, because he IS the third best musician in the group, and likely fourth if the band was not a trio. c'mon. if you're going to go canada, at least hit Kim Mitchell. sheesh. ... sorry, i'm sounding a little crass, but lifeson? Strummer. Mr. John Cash. Frusciante. Rik Nielson ... all deserve mention off the top of my head but ... it's Keith Richards hands down 1st. Jimmy Page, B.B. King (who could make that guitar sing), Hendrix and Pete Townsend. Eddie VH ranks 6th. jw
  23. are there any other kind? jw
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