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Delete This Account

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Everything posted by Delete This Account

  1. condolences. sorry for your loss, Dean. jw
  2. i can't believe you're serious. really? my supposed arrogance doesn't come near to the high-and-mighty bully pulpits from which some preach. but i could be wrong. jw
  3. right you are. just filed. jw
  4. your bad? i think you owe at least one poster an apology. jw
  5. you're kidding right. un-be-liev-able. rather than spending time crafting your witty retort, perhaps you should follow your own advice before sticking said foot in mouth because, it's apparent, that your comprehension skills need a bit of work, aside from the fact, of course, that you should've twinned Jamison's last name "Hensley" with "Schefter." or you could've gone "Jamison" and "Adam," either would've been better. but you then you stoop further by actually playing the "mommy" card? what, no reference to farts? good one, smapdi. you've actually managed to single-handedly (and pardon the current debate raging elsewhere, if i may) to have brought this board down a peg. jw ADD: got no call, so no update as far as i know. and with all due respect to what others are reporting, i had asked and been told there was no agreement. had there been, i would've reported that.
  6. reminding you once again, JJ, no. jw
  7. not in the way Gailey put it to us today. he made it clear with his comments today that Donte Whitner is and will remain a key part of the Bills secondary. jw
  8. still no deal agreed to. talks ongoing as of 3 minutes ago. jw
  9. in fear of muddying waters further, talks aren't done. jw
  10. told that no deal has been agreed to or signed. jw ADD: that's all i know.
  11. nah, glen frey's not my style. jw
  12. what do the Bills have on their website? jw
  13. i've been told no deal. jw
  14. said the person accusing me of these leftist leanings, when i accuse you of having none. and how we got on the whole middle east arms race, i don't know, but let me ask this one simple question: how did the most recent tensions in the middle east become raised to begin with? Poland? jw
  15. i find it quite amusing that a one-line thread, raising the subject as to whether Ronald Reagan single-handedly undid Communism has created such a sh-storm. i mean really. get over yourselves. this was a test, and you all passed. thanks. there appears -- and i could be wrong -- a far too deep and far too serious entrenchment of positions here, rooted in the fact that people have a self-important belief that this board is somehow curing cancer, ridding the world of poverty, global warming and, perhaps, eczema all the same time. people, it's not. it just might be as important/or no more important than "last post wins" without the humor. jw and the global warming reference was made in sarcasm.
  16. actually, being a fan of the bad-boy Pistons, Jordan was schooled by Laimbeer and Co., a team that actually led the Bulls and Jordan to make changes. so, Jordan didn't save the NBA. the Pistons did. jw
  17. well, i'm glad you're finally on board with my way of thinking. as for your other notes: the debate's relatively open on Bush lying, but ... WMD's weren't found. is this up for debate? as for this thread, i'm not entirely sure how anyone can tell my political leanings, but it's always amusing to be painted into corners by the ultra-subjective ultra-objective. jw EDIT: meant objective.
  18. i know. i find this to be a hoot. should send it to MacGregor. jw
  19. so YOU'RE the one. jw
  20. so, you're saying Jordan was a loser at some point? jw
  21. what's amusing is how some people's opinions get in the way of nuance. this entire post echoes Lori's familiar stand against sweeping generalizations and absolutes. and i think that this is the point that's trying to be made here. but of course i could be wrong. jw
  22. the point was, there are so many people with black and white perspectives that they fail to see the greys. and, in this internet age, anyone and everyone gains a sense of entitlement that their black is blacker, or white is whiter, than anyone else's. and because it's posted on the intrawebs, well, then, it's gotta be right. to say that Ronald Reagan single-handedly undid Communism is such an over-generalization, that it's wrong on its face. to use a sports analogy, it's like suggesting Ryan Miller single-handedly won the silver medal. heck, i've now bumped into people who have made the claim that Miller is not only better than Hasek but also the best goalie in the whole wide world. that's debatable at best. all i did was make a statement and ask if it was correct? bait, sure, but i think it proved a certain point given some of the responses. did Reagan play a role in the fall of communism? sure. might communism in the way it was structured in the Soviet Union unravel eventually, probably. thing is, Mr. Reagan didn't do it single-handedly. jw
  23. my fear is having them blow up and causing a big mess. jw
  24. oh, trust me, i am, though i was drinking last night. what's yer excuse? jw
  25. someone sent me a link to this amusing column Worst. Column. Ever .... which led to this post. jw
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