nice. but i think you broke several rules in regards to style and formality. please, i beg you, leave the drunken rants to the pros, 'cause we know how to do 'em. see, i'd suggest using phrases such as "crooked pipes," as in:
the time's now to bring out the crooked pipes and hail unmerciful jesus crank shots at any glenn beck stool who just might be foolish enough to disagree. and i'd stray away from the pu$$y stuff.
it's a little too cute and mundane.
"internet muscles," i like, but i would'a have them flexing their limp noodled internet muscles. and the whole cumstain thing's a little overboard.
snotnosed, porn-surfing, yellow-bellied, nut-jobs with far too much time on their swollen sticky-fingered raw-rubbed meat-hooks, might have been better.
but, really, what's your point?