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Delete This Account

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Everything posted by Delete This Account

  1. not a big fan of the town of syracuse. and sorry mike. there's no here, here. trust me, i've looked. jw
  2. damn. my condolences. jw
  3. you know, and this is just me saying, and i'm not laying any bait or anything, but after weeks and months and drinks of thinking, i'm not a fan of glenn beck. jw true story.
  4. nice. but i think you broke several rules in regards to style and formality. please, i beg you, leave the drunken rants to the pros, 'cause we know how to do 'em. see, i'd suggest using phrases such as "crooked pipes," as in: the time's now to bring out the crooked pipes and hail unmerciful jesus crank shots at any glenn beck stool who just might be foolish enough to disagree. and i'd stray away from the pu$$y stuff. it's a little too cute and mundane. "internet muscles," i like, but i would'a have them flexing their limp noodled internet muscles. and the whole cumstain thing's a little overboard. snotnosed, porn-surfing, yellow-bellied, nut-jobs with far too much time on their swollen sticky-fingered raw-rubbed meat-hooks, might have been better. but, really, what's your point? jw ADD:
  5. that's fine. i respect that. i was serious though. jw
  6. when have i attacked your personality? jw ADD: sorry for my flip response. but if you really want a true response, you should at the very least wine and dine me.
  7. no, i was aiming at you, only. jw ADD: balls.
  8. like the rest of us, i guess. buy you a beer? jw
  9. YES? JW i shall be the idiot, as you put it, and you shall be my foil. and the debate society might say i got the better of you. but let's leave the scores to the gatekeepers and leave the catcalls to the fools. once you provide some lucid response that rates relevant attention, we might have it out. because, let's face it, drunk or not, i've gotten under your skin without even really trying.
  10. oh, that's better. my mistake. idiot? really? what's tenture? jw
  11. no worries. perhaps better that i didn't given the work behind and the work ahead. i'm counting on st. pete to be a music fan, and that anyone among us can aspire to make half the mark that Alex did. the bar's set high. jw
  12. read recently where the t-burgers spit at people. is that necessary? jw
  13. aimed directly at getting your personal ire up. so i guess i've succeeded, eh? jw
  14. ah, sonofab... i just checked in after a long week of ncaa stuff to find this. ... for those who don't know who Alex Chilton was, he and Big Star were a truly fantastic band that came out of Memphis when coming out of Memphis wasn't at all cool. and to this day, he was putting out relevant music. and for those who know who Alex Chilton was, well a little glimmer of light has truly dimmed. to quote Paul, i hold a big whiskey to ya. (and if anyone wants to make some remark about my drinking habits, will this ain't the time.) jw
  15. Just Jack, you didn't win again. jw
  16. rumors and reporting have always been at odds in this business. the freer flow of information in this modern age merely makes it more apparent. for me and many of my respected colleagues, i think we'd all agree we'd rather be right than first. jw
  17. fair enough, IAGL. out of professional courtesy, i will not share in knocking fellow colleagues. jw
  18. not true. i started a similar post labeled "Jamarcus Russell" on the off the wall, because the column noted that the mere mention of Russell would trigger the same reaction as Reagan. no one bit. the opposite was the case here. let me state that i did not yell "fire" in a theater or make any disparaging remark against Reagan. i simply posited an innocent question, which sparked what's now a six-page thread, in which i have been labeled arrogant, a leftist etc. insulted the purpose ... really. me and Lori vs. the world. yes, you've got us seeing that many here are always on attack mode, preparing to trample whomever they've labeled as an outsider or one whose opinion might not jibe with theirs, i wonder, at what point do the people who contributed to this thread take responsibility for reacting the way they did. jw
  19. if you say so. jw ADD: is it possible that there were conflicting reports because professional journalists were actually doing their jobs? ADD2: and in no way am i saying ESPN wasn't doing their job. all i'm saying is that the people i spoke to said no deal was agreed to. should i then have made something up?
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