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Delete This Account

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Everything posted by Delete This Account

  1. yes, i was warned, and still waded in. maybe the dumbass label fits, to a degree, eh? jw
  2. any writer who doesn't care is a liar. i do care. what i choose not to do is apologize to anyone who might think lesser of me becasue of things that matter to me. i believe there is a need for universal health care, and if you don't, well, fine. how my opinion is wrong or takes some blush off a rose is not my problem and also something beyond my control. you don't like me for that, you think less of me because of that, you think i'm a dumbass liberal, great. you're entitled. however, how i present myself on this edge of the board might be a bit (a small bit, perhaps) of an act, too. thing is, i find some of this as an opportunity to let my hair down and flex some verbal muscles by letting my fingers run loose on the keyboard in a fashion that has nothing to do with my job, the buffalo bills or tim tebow. there's a lot of me in what i write here, but the problem is, some folks take it as gospel or far too serious. i'm glad 3rd accepted what i wrote as a form of entertainment. the fact that i was amusing myself and wound up amusing a few others is what we, in this business of putting finger to keyboard, enjoy doing. jw ADD: and you know what irks me, is that no one noticed how i got most of the capital letters in the right places in that one post. (no charge, Lori)
  3. thanks. i understand what you're saying. however, i shall not apologize for somehow letting you down. and you still don't know who i am to be so quick to judge my credibility or lack thereof. jw
  4. early deadline, i guess. i hope you enjoyed it. i enjoyed putting that thing together. ADD: no hard feelings, i hope. that post was my chance to enjoy some sick and twisted fun. funny, how we're being so reasonable and civil, eh? jw
  5. "i wish i could ... " Ryan Adams at his best. jw
  6. Having put very little thought into this, there's a few things that bug me about your comment, aside from the dumbass reference, because I've never called you names, or judged your opinion or called you a right-wingnut or a glenn beck butt-beaming bumpkin, though I guess I could, because it's apparently pretty cheap on this dark end of the board to issue counterfeit baloney remarks, and have the ribald chorus chime in with monkey applause. So good for you. You're a star in a dimwit sky. The thing that ticks me off about this is that you seem to think that my sports posts are good, and that somehow I should conform to some sellout subjective vision you might have of some goose-stepping sacrilege dogmatic dipweed, or someone incapable of providing insight and reflection, or simply incapable of expressing of what I might think without some kind of pelosi script. What you might think of me and whatever your expecations are, well, I hate to tell you they're as foolish and ill-founded as Karl Marx attending a tea party, I guess. Who the f are you to judge who I am? And if it satisfies your simplistic desires that I'm either for or against something you're for or against, then let that be the thin proof that justifies your life's existence, and allows you to proceed with your morning in America suburban cul de sac reality. Then fine. I'm a liberal dumbass, if that's as simplistic as your world might be. Hell, I might even be drunk, too. And la billz has yet to come up with any reasonable answer to how I've managed to get under his or Her skin, except to post small missives that amount to wet farts and skidmarks. But that's far too easy a target, and I will admit to my digressions. Of course, this will be interpreted as something beyond what it is -- one of my 4 a.m. drunken rants, perhaps, -- so I'll let you guess what it all means because Lord knows I don't know, except that it's mine alone. jw
  7. righto. for people who seem to hang on my every apparent pink liberal word, you folks certainly miss several key points in regards to numerous mentions to my drinks of choice. 1. Mr. Jameson. 2. Sir Wisers 3. When neither on hand, a fine Wild Turkey shall do. appletini my unshaved behind. jw
  8. i consider your post libelous as i do not drink tequila (often), and especially not in the wee hours of the morning. take that back, good sir! jw
  9. For all those who have been patiently waiting .. jw
  10. don't worry, Coach. i'm fine. i can appreciate what might have been your concerns, but it's been a long drawn out day with lots of availabilities and many bites and bits to get through. as we in the AP serve a vast array of media outlets -- newspapers, tv, radio, internet, telephone thingies -- we have many responsibilities, and me, i'm just one guy workin'. in an ideal world, it would've been best to get the Edwards writethru out as soon as possible. i sometimes don't live in an ideal world. and out of respect, i'll leave the agate desk comment alone. jw ADD: oh, and i'm done by the way. Edwards Part II in for editing.
  11. what did i do, now? jw note: am working on longer piece on Edwards, which got pushed back by second-round of interviews and an update on Eric Wood, which i just finished filing a light version and longer version.
  12. no, inside joke. sorry. jw
  13. what you quoted is what whomever wrote that piece wrote. however, it doesn't connect when you read the quotes attributed to Jim in this piece. at no time does he state that he would like to see the bills draft him. at no time. jw
  14. at no point does Kelly in this article or to me say that, as you put it, "he thinks the Bills would win with Tebow." re-read the quotes that are attributed to Jim from the USA Today piece. they're very close to what he told me and one other reporter in January. though he's talked up Tebow, he's never -- to my knowledge, and I could be wrong here -- ever suggested the "Bills Should Draft Tebow" or that he expects "Tebow to Turn the Bills Into Winners." and he's not really said that he even WANTS Tebow. let's not go too far here. jw
  15. i've driven the I-5 to the state of drunkeness. heck, a coupla' highways have taken me there. jw
  16. oh, so you're not exactly driving "across" the "entire" country. well, that changes everything. sorry, couldn't resist. jw have done this several times. -- you need loud and obnoxious music, because the drive is boring, and you'll need something to prod you to keep going. -- once you hit a town, make sure you find the local diner, and not some appledonald's joint in a strip mall. -- liquor. because the night's can get boring in crap motel rooms. -- a trusty roadmap, in case you do intend to get off the highway and check out something off the beaten path. -- a keen sense of spirit, because roadtrips such as these don't come along very often. jw
  17. hey Lori: this is the greatest thread ever. exclamation point. period. jw
  18. wha, i was merely passing on several tips as we await Simon's next eruption. this way, he'll be better prepared. i did fail to mention, however, that for a newbie to this style of writing, it was a solid first punch. jw
  19. GG, your ability to thread old threads together is impressive. jw ADD: i really mean that. though it should be noted some have sold out far earlier than green day.
  20. let me tell you this, i came away very impressed with Da'Sean Butler. covered the Mountaineers for all four tournament games, and Butler was the coolest guy off the court, and the most clutch player on it. i'm a fan. jw
  21. sorry, Jack. did i win yet? jw
  22. ever wonder why some people are so defensive? jw
  23. no, i think our time has been wasted with this post. really, you play the retard card. et tu, brutal? jw
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