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Delete This Account

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Everything posted by Delete This Account

  1. when did you realize you were kidding? jw
  2. who was once again going off on a tangent, screaming about The Replacements and more gibberish about being somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the drugs began to take hold. and he kept on saying something like, "I feel a bit lightheaded; maybe you should drive." ...
  3. Republican tea. And Lori was in one corner of the room dealing with ...
  4. i posted something on PPP." Chapter 2: Back in the main cabin where ...
  5. play a song. It is band camp after all." but before a song could be chosen, a scream was heard from ...
  6. yes, and in fact they had plenty to forget. "How else," jw said to damj, "can we rid our minds of seeing Rfeynman ...
  7. Ms. Heidi Klum and Ms. Scarlett Johansson drinking whiskey behind the bandshell. Now at least those two guys ...
  8. in jail, because the majorettes were under age and there was the issue of jw's missing trombone. Unable to contain his laughter, Captain Jack Screed said, "
  9. hid it beerball's shorts. Of course ...
  10. ah, reading's over-rated. i'm guessing he's innocent? jw
  11. a friend of mine wondered ...
  12. hope you didn't make a mess, then. jw
  13. i played t-ball, and there's nothing i can really remember that my coach did to make a difference, which in many ways made that a good thing. the one thing i do remember is playing in our in-house championship game and recalling how one of our scrub batters -- someone way down the order -- hit a rolling seeing-eye home run into center-leftfield in the final inning that helped us win. funny, how even at a young age, we seemed to know who was good and who wasn't, and how cool it was for someone we weren't counting on to deliver in the clutch. and our coach had nothing to do with that -- and if he did, we didn't notice. if that's the case, the one insight is remember you can't spell fundamental without "fun." then again, you can't spell it without "mental," either, which might explain a lot about me, but i digress. jw
  14. quitter! jw
  15. pizza it is, then. jw
  16. yeah, i think we're done here. move along. nothing to see. jw
  17. well played. of course, i was referring to winning this thing in gringo's absence. jw
  18. ok, i'll handle this then. jw
  19. if that's a new brand of beer, i'll certainly have one or six. it is the night to go to the drinking place. jw
  20. why don't you check on your daughter's computer ... oh, never mind. (sorry, couldn't resist). jw
  21. no, i wrote it. jw
  22. well, that's that, then. jw
  23. didn't they hire cowher? jw truthfully, i attended the breakfast and was somewhat impressed by Gailey, though it was an easy forum for him. no different than talking to boosters, i'm sure. and some here are right. what did anyone expect him to say? would a guarantee of a Super Bowl victory next year been it? sure, he has been 10 years between NFL coaching jobs, but it should be noted he has been a head coach since then. what intrigued me more is that the day the Bills hired Gailey, Jerry Jones called firing him one of his biggest regrets. having sat down with him once, and heard him speak publicly twice in past two weeks, he comes off as someone who knows what he's doing. of course, the test comes in 6 months.
  24. very good. thanks. jw should be noted that in my regular line of work, all of the starting quarterbacks i've covered have been righties (right-wingers?) ... make of this as you will.
  25. here's my question about some of the comments here, and how i've been pegged a loose-goon liberal. leanings aside, i'm sure there are none of you who know my voting record in Canada, which many of you might find intriguing. and i've certainly made some comments here knocking one person or another, but it's been knocking them for their utter showbiz foolishness (beck, hannity) or for comments they've made, John Bolton, whom i found to be arrogant. if anyone can find one byte (just one) of a mention supporting pelosi or harry reid, or knocking Ronald Reagan, well then i'm guilty as labeled. i won't argue that i have certain leanings and the perceptions are readily apparent. but in fear of being repetitive, i bring up those who have influenced me, my way of thinking and my style of writing: from HST to Paul Westerberg, from Chuck Bukowski to Graham Greene, from Mr. John Cash to Steve Earle from The Clash and Tom Waits. given that, some might question whether i don't have anarchist leanings. i certainly won't go that far. what is true is my lifelong aspiration to live up to the lofty goals established by those rebellious yellers and cranks who have influenced my creative side. and as straight as AP copy can be, i've found that my influences have helped shape a phrase or two in my day on the wire. what bugs me about the "liberal dumbass" comment is that it lacks dimension. it's an easy label that can be applied anywhere, like a post-it note. given what matters to me, a phrase i've used in this thread, i'm left with two choices, to stop posting on PPP or engage. and i chose the latter because i've never been a fan of walls, fourth, fifth, whatever. jw
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