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Delete This Account

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Everything posted by Delete This Account

  1. 1. didn't realize john badham directed that thing. 2. didn't realize it was up for 3 Oscars. 3. forgot that Dabney freakin Coleman was in this thing. jw
  2. puh-lease. shotgun© has been called. see for yourself. It has been called amateur. jw
  3. also free for this year's Stanley Cup finals and likely the next few Super Bowls, too. jw
  4. i was sick. as for next April 20, options are now open. jw
  5. this is the only code cheat to win this thread: called, shotgun© has been. jw
  6. covering sabres. drinking later. jw
  7. first off, i thought this was some kind of legal firm. second, no team is going to shun a player simply because of his agent. Parker represents numerous high-profile players, and it should be noted that he still has several on the Bills roster: Jairus Byrd and James Hardy. third, Nix has on numerous occasions stated he's not in this to make a big splash. that's an indication that he's going to concentrate on building up and establishing the core of this team before adding to it in free agency. and that starts with next week's draft. i also can't see Nix dealing away draft picks for veterans, because he's also stated that he intends to build the team through the draft. and there is every indication that Nix, for now and rightly or wrongly, is keen on holding on to his talented players, and that includes Lynch. jw
  8. yes, winners generally require a driver when it comes to parades. thanks for offering gs. shotgun© jw
  9. shotgun© has been called. i have won. jw
  10. hey, no one's ever called "shotgun" on last post. though, the phrase is generally recognized when approaching a car for a long or short trip, i've been advised by my crack legal team that it does translate beyond the realm of vehicle. recent evidence has been uncovered that Christopher Columbus used "shotgun" (it's a loose translation) when calling on who gets North America first. (unbeknownst to him, the native indians and Vikings had made similar calls, which is why the court case has yet to be resolved.) and that is but one example. Biblical texts show that Moses called "shotgun" prior to heading up the hill to get those famed tablets. and i could go on ... be that as it may, given the international legal precedence invoked in making such a declaration, i heretofor call "shotgun" on last post. i win. jw
  11. i don't understand what your fourth graf means. i stand by what i've posted. jw
  12. winner or not, i wouldn't count on trade happening. jw
  13. i wouldn't be too sure. jw
  14. i dunno, something smells about this whole thing. jw
  15. hey, me too. jw
  16. or, what about making a trade in which the Bills trade their first- and second-round picks to Detroit. and then, before making a selection, trade that choice to the Raiders for their first and second-round picks. then, Buffalo could turn around and trade those two picks to Indy for Peyton Manning, after which, they then trade Peyton Manning to Detroit for two picks - say the ninth and 41st selections in the draft. at which point, the Lions trade Manning to the Raiders for the No. 2 overall pick. Oakland could then turn around and trade Manning to Indy for the two picks the Colts picked up in the deal with Detroit. jw
  17. did someone just post something? jw
  18. i don't care what anyone says, one of my tops is Folsom Prison Blues by the one and only Mr. Johnny Cash, who actually was a rocker in my books.
  19. forecast is not good. but there's always hope that this, in fact, will be the final post. jw
  20. Max, i was kidding around. i meant no disrespect. my apologies if you took it the wrong way. jw
  21. i'm familiar with Gaslight Anthem. the '59 Sound was a good album, though i find it a little wanting after the 10th spin or so. i also found some of their earlier stuff happened to be very poorly produced and a band still trying to find its way. with all due respect to billsfan89's opinion, and this is not a knock directed at you, i understand where you're coming from on the Springsteen connection, but i don't know if i'd call them a "punk Springsteen." Gaslight seems to be a straight ahead rock and roll band without Bruce being the frontman. i do have a Hold Steady album, "Boys and Girls ..." and was disappointed. i thought they were a band trying to do too much. not bad, but, it didn't thrill me. thought the production was a little overboard and the direction a little too over the place and lacking focus. part of this is taste on my part, so i would suggest that these bands be checked out and people come up with their own opinions. for me, the reason i began this post, is it takes a lot to convince me to like a band. and the DBT's have seriously caught my attention. jw ADD: I do think Astrojanitor, who's opinion on music i've come to enjoy and respect, put it best by referring to the DBTs as being, "one of the rare bands that seems to never peak." and that, to me is a very good thing, because consistency is a tough nut to wrangle in any business.
  22. i'll keep you posted. jw
  23. there's always one of you, isn't there? where in goodness gracious does this say this is a Wilco thread? do the letters DBT somehow spell out Wilco, for some reason or am i some ways dyslexic? man, i bring up a good rock solid band that's been flying way under the mainstream radar -- though, that's not tough to do, given the bieber's and bubbles that make up mainstream these days -- and someone always has to come up with a wilco reference. it's like the gdam rush fans and their tom sawyer tributes and spirit of radio gaga comments whenever canada and music are mentioned in the same area code. holy cow. if you want to start talking about Wilco, i'm sure you could easily fill up your own thread by starting a post. this is a, read this carefully, Drive By Trucker thread ... and i'm just goofing with ya. Wilco's good. jw
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