have said before, don't like jack white. though his sound is somewhat unique, i find that to be a problem. it's a little too unique and over the top. much of the stripe's albums i found to be unlistenable. and his over-the-top meddling influence in producing and helping record Ms. Loretta Lynn's solo album a couple of years back took away from -- and did not add -- to what was otherwise a very solid project.
it's as if jack went into the thing thinking he could be for Lynn what Rick Rubin was to Mr. Johnny Cash in producing the American recordings. white's effort proved far too meddlesome and, if not over-ambitious, too egotistical to put himself in a position where he thought he belonged in the same studio as someone like Lynn.
it would take a lot for me to change my opinion on him, because right now, it's obviously low.
i do respect that some here like him. and there's nothing wrong with that.