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Delete This Account

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Everything posted by Delete This Account

  1. shoot, i wrote he was unhappy in April. jw
  2. why make it go away? i don't see the point. if he feels bad, it's generally our job to make him feel a little worse, or at least to have him buy a round on the house. who's up for it? jw
  3. speaking of bush-league: notice that banana boy hasn't come back with any response. jw
  4. i believe they've tried to do so at LT but missed on a couple of free agents. they'll keep looking, is my guess, but chances of addressing that position from this point going forward are relatively slim. from my perspective, this is a team that's building with what it's got, and planning to address other key holes next offseason. jw
  5. people: no one was upset as far as i know about Tebow going to Denver. in fact, Ralph Wilson came out the next day and said the Bills had no intention of drafting Tebow and if the Broncos took him in fear the Bills were going to do so with their next pick, well, they were essentially fooled. i never got the impression the Bills were seriously interested in Tebow. i believe they liked the kid, but not to become their quarterback of the future. in hindsight, it becomes clearly evident that Buddy and Chan dropped plenty of hints that Spiller was going to be their pick. and, i think, many drew too much focus on Jim Kelly having dinner with Tebow during his visit here. so, to repeat, no one that i know of was visibly upset once Tebow was off the board: though, that would be hard to tell considering Bills officials didn't meet with the media after the first round was over. jw
  6. would tweeting make it more official? jw
  7. it was invisible to me, unless a frown formed on the charging buffalo. jw
  8. my apologies on stevensville. but ya know what's curious: banana boy never told where he's from so that he could enlighten us on what this captivating hometown of his is like on a tuesday night, where the fountains perennially flow with gold, and the bartenders always have lovely stories of how the workers always stay downtown and never go home and never get too drunk and tip 40 percent, and where cherubs sing from gleaming spires of glass that reflect in the sun to form rainbow prisms on the always perfectly manicured park lawns, where dogs don't pooh, and kids run wild and free; it's a place where the newspapers -- all 17 of them -- have staffs of 613 reporters, each of whom works day and night to satisify these lustful cravings for baseball and football and even hockey, even if the sabres are out of the playoffs. but then again, in a place like this, the home team is never out of the playoffs, because they always win the champoinship, and all the minor league baseball teams -- from single A on up to quintessential A -- play before packed houses, and they never play a road game, and everyone catches a foul ball and goes home happy. it's a wonder why he'd ever leave. jw
  9. i'm told the Bills weren't seriously exploring any trades for Lynch at draft time, nor after they selected C.J. Spiller. now, that may have changed in the weeks that have followed, but the Lynch trade was not on the table at that point. jw
  10. cool, don't come back. and i say that, because: 1) you musta been with all 3 of your friends (me, myself and I) 2) i just had four buddies from Ontario come up last weekend and we had a hootenany. 3) let's get this straight, you paid maybe $6 for a bisons ticket, ate for probably $15 (not including your Shirley Temples), so all in all it cost you $35 to cross the border, if you bought a hot dog or 3. 4) in Montreal, where i just came from, all of that, including the 7 beers and 3 shots i had, added it up to say $105. 5) there are slow times in sports. what were you expecting, a game story on the Bills losing to New England? (i know, which one?) 6) i've spent a week in London, Ontario, one night, and still found something to do. 7) yes, in most cities but Buffalo, TUESDAY, is generally the night everyone goes out. 8) and i'm sure you're just living it up in, where, Stevensville? sheesh. jw
  11. with this being the offseason, the only surprise would be if a team was ranked 33rd. jw
  12. sounds like a cool name for a song. jw
  13. 2 days alcohol free! jw
  14. well, i was holding my own against you, wasn't i? so what's your problem? jw
  15. -- after the first day of my drinking, managed to get up by 10, and back on -- or is it off -- the wagon a few hours later. -- after the second day of my drinking, managed to get up by 10 again, but the stale beer breath, combined with the ringing headache were far more noticable. it also took a few beers to go down before the taste was re-established. and those were a tough couple of beers. i am, however, a professional. -- after the third day of my drinking, there was pain everywhere. my teeth even hurt, and i was in no way a functional human being until about an hour ago. that said, it might be time to ... nah, a fourth day shall not occur. jw
  16. this is only the second time i've gone on a three-dayer. and the first time was the three days that followed my final exams as a senior, which was a long time ago. that said, it hurts when i type. so i shall stop for now. jw
  17. after three days of drinking, i am now done. it was a splendid and memorable weekend ... i think. jw
  18. Blackhawks in 6. jw
  19. oh, i see i didn't miss anything. jw
  20. hey, what i miss? jw
  21. forget cost and everything else. you'll pay and arm and a leg and be thankful for when the roofers finally go, and they've not done further damage to your roof. i am not making this up. the roofers we had were drunk for most of the month they were here. they fought and argued and left a huge mess. and they wound up spending a month here because, in part, the foreman, was hauled into jail on a warrant in Lake Placid of all places. and two years later, as we were having our eaves cleaned out, we were informed by the cleaner, from another company, that the reason there's standing water in our eaves is not becasue they're plugged but -- they installed the eaves the wrong way, point down from the drain! good luck. jw
  22. you know, i'm starting to get this feeling that no one will ever win this thing? jw first last post from Montreal and it just might be a short stay (sorry, Lori).
  23. hey, what's up? jw
  24. only a couple? c'mon. i am a PROFESSIONAL writer. i shall not be sold short. jw
  25. oops, change of plans. no vacation for me. heading to Montreal next week for Eastern Conference finals. jw
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