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Delete This Account

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Everything posted by Delete This Account

  1. cloud's are moving in, and out. jw
  2. note: there are provisions to Schobel's $2 million bonus that are tied to playing time and/or showing up. he can't merely pass his physical and they hand him a check. jw
  3. new rule: people who talked to Aaron Schobel today now only allowed to win. i win. jw
  4. he told us he reported at 257 upon taking his physical with the Bills, and then added: "Must have had a good meal or something last night," or something close to that. jw
  5. got the same thing. just filed my piece. jw
  6. dammit, polka people, answer me this question: who the hell stole that kishka? jw
  7. Tom Waits: "Rain Dogs" bought it because it was critically acclaimed when first came out. upon first listen, thought it was a pile of noise. never revisited it for 2 or 3 years until i was looking through my vinyl collection and decided to give it one more spin. holy mother of god, was i wrong. it's an album that now ranks among my top 10. jw
  8. that's not entirely accurate. they are partners in the league based on the fact their salaries are directly tied to revenues generated, and plenty of that money having to do with TV contracts. like it or not, the TV share each team gets has had plenty to do with setting the salary cap bar. yes, the players are "employees," but it's not to say they don't have a stake in the league or its revenues. and that's where the difference comes in. my salary, for example, is based on an agreement reached between my employer and union, but it has very little to do with whether the AP generates $1 billion more this year then it did last year. barring a bonus, i would still get my salary. that is not the case in the NFL and most pro sports leagues. jw
  9. well, i'm thinking you posted something about not feeding trolls, because you felt that responding to trolls feeds their egos and gives them a place and right to further jabber on mindlessly about things and provide opinions that really have no relevance or hint of an actual thought. and what happened is some thought they would respond by providing comical comments in regards to your original post. the fact that some apparent trolls were outed in this thread should not come as a surprise, considering the very nature of the people on this board. so, by starting a thread about not feeding trolls, you actually wound up doing what you were hoping not to do. the trolls are now being fed, though it's unwise to believe that by opening this thread, you've managed to filter the trolls all to one area. as it seems, someone recently started an insensitive thread about Chris Fischetti, a thread in which i felt it important to respond because, well, that's just my nature. now, as to your question, yes, i think i understand the whole purpose of what's going on. trolls, however, being trolls, sometimes don't know if they're trolls and take offense to being called that, which means, like it or not, they'll likely get fed one way or another. jw
  10. but ... i wasn't on the radio today. jw oh, waitaminute. i was.
  11. thanks very much. i have forwarded the prize money to a charitable cause -- the jw drinking fund -- so you're fully assured that the money will be spent wisely and liberally (oops, is that a bad word?). and your generosity is unprecedented, since the cash prize money was $1.38. your gracious contribution of more than $1.37 million then was certainly appreciated. as for your offer to place my name on your article, i will humbly decline as that is considered a big no-no in this business. as for the fact that there are now 22 posts on the "23rd post wins" thread, it's apparent that some posters have stripped their posts off the thread. i, however, have verified that crayonz did, in fact, secure the 23rd post when the thread was closed. the decision will stand (or sit, whichever way you want to put it). jw
  12. no better place to nap. jw
  13. hey, i'm on the radio. who else can say that? jw
  14. i then hesitate to respond to this, because haven't we all been waiting for you to leave, huh? jw i kid, kid.
  15. i hereby declare -- and how should i put this -- crayonz as the wiener, uh, winner. wow. jw
  16. Ralph Wilson was steered toward Miami because the AFL wanted to base a team there. Once the AFL's bid -- stress AFL -- was shot down by local politicians, they moved on and Buffalo was recommended to Mr. Wilson by a Detroit-based sports editor. jw
  17. no, musta missed that. come again? jw
  18. recalling the good old days, when this thread was in its infancy. jw
  19. i may be drunk now! jw
  20. not posting drunk? now that would eliminate 6/7ths of this board. there is no room here for sober observation from what i've found. jw
  21. too bad it's not THE winner. jw
  22. let me start'er off. jw ADD: Promise to close it once 23rd has been achieved. ADD2: so as not to add a post, the winner shall be the #23rd post, with this one being the first.
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