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Everything posted by manbeast

  1. and ruined him
  2. Alot of mocks list him as a guard. best OT maybe trade down but still OT. DE 2nd round and if we trade down and can get an additional 2nd another OT. move maybin to LB where we had intended for him to be all along. I heard a rumor about the NFL demanding a rookie salary structure. This will eliminate that ever happening again.
  3. So why are you still on our blogs.
  4. There are not that many vacancies.
  5. don't fprget opponent passer rating.
  6. Bruce Smith had a 5 game season and had only 1.5 sacks.
  7. i think most of the LTs in the league would disagree with you.
  8. they already know who they are hiring he must have told them who he liked as pos coaches. god help us if that isn't it i know i would want to give input on pos coaches if i were dc.
  9. that's what a DE is measured by like it or not one of the networks did a comparison of DE's and his tackles were even more eye poping unfortunatle NFL.com didn't do the home work this network did I haven't been able to find it online anywhere. As far as seymour that's my whole point Bruce rushed the passer and stopped the run. if i am not mistaken that is the whole idea behind the 3-4 is that 3 larger line men clog the holes the pass rush threat comes from the OLBs thats why his numbers are so impressive.
  10. He did it for almost all of his career your arguing with nfl network and espn and I looked into it myself as best as I could. Just to give you an idea Richard Seymour has 43 sacks over his 9 year career Bruce had 106 over the first 9 years of his career and only played in 5 games for one of those seasons.
  11. you really don't know anything about football do you the next closest in that style defense doesn't even have triple didgets.
  12. OJ was great but I wasn't gonna say it because that's not what this threads about but here it is did Barry Sanders ever have a supporting cast. they are tied for greatest all time if anything Barry edges him out.
  13. It's not even the fact that he is the all-time leader in sacks it's the numbers he put up in a 3-4 defense.
  14. We are not talking about the most beloved. Norwoods stats were actually good.
  15. unless our new DC is on the Vikings or Colts staffs.
  16. Bruce Smith is the only guy that is argueable the best at his position of all time and the arguement against that isn't very strong.
  17. Do they lead the league in any stat and how many games did they start.
  18. Well at least we know there is nothing thin about Greggo or is it Preggo. I am happy he is in the super bowl I think he is due.
  19. Decent he is one of the best if not the best DC in the game thats why he gets head coach money as a coordinator.
  20. You will hear them cry for years when he is gone and that comes from the top game day dogs at ESPN can't remeber which one said it though it might have been FOX oh well its the truth though.
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