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Everything posted by manbeast

  1. As far as th combine goes Cambell looked great and Ilike his attitude, but I am concerned with his medical history.
  2. I want a LT. lol
  3. I agree and actually said this in another thread. Mularkey actually had JP turning the corner. Although I like TO and he is dangerous we don't have the luxury of droping alot of passes. I have been saying not fitting our system to the players has been killing us for years now. You can't ask a gun slinger to play conservative and a west-coast style QB to chuck it they had their QBs mixed up.
  4. Fiedler, Stewart, Tomzak, or Thigpen He doesn't need a big QB to be successful. I think we will stick with what we have for now unless someone wows Nix or falls to us. I still would not mind McNabb but I don't think we can part with a pick this year for a player that may only play 2 or 3 more years. I thought Butler was more than adaquete RT but he retired and made another need.
  5. I think we are set at RB,OG, and the secondary I would say we might be set at LB but we really won't know that untill training camp. We could DE, NT, LB or trade down. I think we would trade up for an OT if we had to. I don't see us trading up for a QB. FA factors in to some of this but not much we don't have the luxury of best available player at this point although the FO has said it doesn't care what the fans think. Truth is at this point nobody outside OBD has a clue.
  6. Gailey can work wonders with a less than stellar QB I don't see us giving up valuable picks to get a QB. Not impossible though Nix will have the final say. Hopefully Ralph doesn't.
  7. No but thats not his fault, Terrell Davis won't get in either.
  8. Its been a good discussion some of you guys did a good job of research and actually convinced me of some things and others called names and tried to back up opinions with more opinions. To the ones that backed it up I respect you even if I didn't agree. Andre Reed was the only one who really had a chance to prove he was elite and he did. Eric Moulds I feel did better given the circumstances. Lee Evans hopefuly for our sanity will have that chance after all before TE got his first concussion Evans had the highest aypc in the history of the NFL through four games. I believe we have the off the turf pieces now if we can get the players. To the rest of you I am not going to say what I want to. You have a great night. GO BILLS!!!
  9. Actual Lofton's production was roughly half of Taylors 9 year career in four years with the bills and he didn't start a single game the first 2 seasons. roughly 2700 yrds and 21 TDs and a much more impressive ypc average. craig was a better recieving threat arguably but not the as scary running TT had 8 cosecutive 1000 rushing yard seasons would have been more if he didn't have to share. Watters put up 6 in a row but not with SF he only had 1 in four yrs with them. Craig put up 2 in a row 3 in his whole career. Although 1000yrds rec and 1000 yrds rushing in a single season is very impressive.
  10. If I believed what you said up top then why would I call him a great reciever those names had nothing to do with the OP that was an off topic discussion. Not with the original post. They actually had to do with The greatest reciever ever to play the game. although they are relavent to the discussion. Like I said nobody can truely prove or disprove it what I want people to see is that we need to at least try to back up our opinions and be open minded I already changed my mind about who had the better cast around them because someone used factual infomation and didn't try to back up an opinion with another opinion. I watched Moulds play and Reed and Evans so my opinion out weighs yours unless you back it up. I do believe he belongs in the HOF but if it is so overwhelming why isn't he there. how is it that Evans gets all the blame. He's not a #1 BS. He's a #1. On a team with a bad line.
  11. I know who they were sally. do you really want to mention those RBs in the same breath as TT. Do you really want to mention those recievers in the breath as James Lofton. Watters best years were in Phily and Seattle. Hopefuly you read what I was responding to and I am sorry if you didn't realize that I knew the answer to that question what I was saying was that those names don't impress me with the exception of Watters post 9ers career. Don't get me wrong Craig is great but not when compared to TT. In 1985 Craig put up one of the best seasons by a RB. But TT put up 2000 yrds from scrimmage how many times. Twice and twice he was close.
  12. Who were the other WRs and the RBs on the 9ers prior to '96.
  13. I never down graded Reed I have repeatedly said all three are great WRs in my mind. You are all missing the point.
  14. Schouman looked decent before getting injured.
  15. We have a young team and alot of talent we don't need to rebuild so much as we need to remodel.
  16. This all had to do with the Evans bashing. I got sick of hearing it Moulds is my favorite reciever. I guss I have to agree with supporting cast overall for a career but if you read some of my post you will see some QBs you have surely tried to forget. I kinda baited everybody but I doubt it will work on these boards. The same people who have defende Evans on this board saying that he had a terrible cast will be the same ones that say he is not a true number one. The truth is all three were or one is great recievers. We are all so frustrated that we forget all the talent we had in the glory days and attack our good players that we have now. The truth is it is an impossible arguement because we really don't know how good the people we have are because we have so many weaknesses. One player can make a team great one year to the next not because they are superman but because they are the last piece of the puzzle the other players needed. Just 1 example what happens if we draft Mckinnie as the fourth overall pick instead of Williams. We blame the players far too often. If a reciever drops a ball thets his fault. If the rest of the team sucks and can't get him the ball thats not his fault.
  17. Very good you did some research but Kelly was his rookie year where he and he only started 5 games and genious Evans played in 2004 and 05. 2004 was his rookie year. I said decent not good a bad D doesn't finish second in passing D and don't even try to say its because teams ran it they were fortunate they were able to run because the could not pass it. I am done listening to the personal attacks. I am mainly trying to make a point. Maybe your right about Evans he and his supporting cast have had some of the worst coaching regimes I have ever experienced. But these coaches ruined two QBs. I will definetly put Losman and TE ahead of Collins, Holcomb, and Tolbert or what ever his name was and AVP. The only one who had anything good that was consistant was Reed but it was a different Era and it is easy to argue for Reed to be the best. The other 2 put up good numbers on less than stellar Os other than one year for each that they had a good O.
  18. I got to give you that one. Except he had Kelly his rookie year and started only 5 games. He had one year with drew Bledsoe and a good line. He had 2 good years with Flutie. One year you could even say was great 20+ yards a catch. Isn't it amasing when ever the guy had a decent supporting cast he had good numbers. Thanks for helping.
  19. Don't !@#$ with what I actually say and make it sound different.
  20. RB, QB minus one solid Bledsoe year. Why don't you back up what you say instead of just insulting people if you know so much. Proof of my knowledge is I can back my opinion up that is the whole point I am trying to make after the Evans post I am A huge fan of all 3 WRs. That 95% you talk about post baseless opinions with know facts and I am sick of it and if I can make one person realize that they need research before they make a post then I am successful. You my friend are the exact type that I am talking about. Some of the guys actually backed uo why they disagree and they will always have credibility with me where as you need to just watch the knowledge on the board and you may learn something. Last year was not the worst bills team I have ever seen We actually had a decent D last year but every one wants to knock the guys who back that up with facts. Its even Ok to have a baseless opinion as long as you don't call people idiots for not agreeing.
  21. You still havn't proved me wrong. I told you I couldn't back it up with stats. So who were the other solid recievers that Moulds had on the team that actualy drew coverage. By the wat will Terrell Davis make the hall. Where was the O-line. Bledsoe had one good year in BUF. Don't forget Beebe and Lofton and TT. Moulds was always doubled or tripled in coverage. The truth is that Moulds, Reed and Evans are all excellent recievers and my true point is that you really can't keep comparing them to each other I believe Moulds was the best and it is impossible to prove me wrong as it is impossible for me to prove you wrong. The problem is that there are alot of if onlys. Reed had all the benifits that neither Evans or Moulds had. Teams had to game plan around moulds they had toe game plan against Reeds hole team. As far as being stpid I backed my opinion up i didn't just throw it out there. I could keep backing it up but I would be here all day.
  22. Unfortunately I can't back this up with stats, but Both had better supporting cast. 1.The RBs,QBs, and O-lines (sorry guys TE, JP, and Fitz are better than the likes of VP, Collins you want me to keep going) He did have Bledsoe. 2.Having him on the team made Price look like a pro bowler 3.I know Reed's stats are monsterous but so are Kelly's, TT, Lofton need I go on. The only line that was better then BUFs was Dallas. I could go on and on but I will answer it as you bring it. Go ahead butcher away.
  23. QB,O-line,QB,O-line are you getting the picture.
  24. Your a fan with no brain.
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