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Everything posted by jester43

  1. wow. i don't think he belongs in the hall either, but geez...did you catch him banging your wife or something?
  2. i can't really argue with you, other than to say lynch is a little better than ordinary. willis mcgahee was ordinary. lynch is not a superstar, but better than ordinary. on the other hand, he's not going to be better than ordinary for long if our line doesn't stop letting other teams beat the piss out of him every week.
  3. this is so obviously true. they laid down again, just like in az. no other explanation for it, and anyone who even hints otherwise should be ashamed of himself.
  4. arizona and miami apparently.
  5. royal. what a joke.
  6. i am calling a loss in that game right now...and will be thrilled to report here for my ass-beating if i am wrong.
  7. i never used that word. what do they mean to you? dominance?
  8. you're forgetting they were very very luck to win 2 of those games. against very injured, and notvery good teams. they were never that good.
  9. nice collapse boys. that's some 2nd half team.
  10. as though the humiliation in arizona didn't? this team is not that good. i have been calling 5-3 since they were 4-0 and i am sticking to it.
  11. i WAS in eau claire at the time...but i moved back to PA. that's a nice part of the world. i miss it. i recruited a pretty good pair of twin boy distance runners from hudson right before i left.
  12. bench edwards. bring on jp.
  13. pretty normal i'd say. we had 8 inches in western WI on the first weekend in november 2 years ago.
  14. breaks are nice, but dominating across both lines wins games. we could use a few more man-sized plays from the big guys.
  15. i guess the fish saw the az game film.
  16. because that gives pretty much everyone an excuse to use it and it is not safe
  17. i think some the wingnuts' heads might explode over on the politics board if that happened. i think the bills might lose a few fans.
  18. holy crap...so now it is a media conspiracy to manipulate everyone's emotions so that when brady returns next year they have an award-winning story to tell? wow. is it really too paradoxical to just say get well tom, f--- off patriots, and be done with it? is that too complicated? i hope to god nothing like this ever happens to one of your sons.
  19. what?
  20. as someone whose VERY modest but highly gratifying competitive athletic career was ended by complications from a single injury, i feel for the guy. it would suck to go out like that. i have no sympathy for the coach, the franchise or the fans, but it would be hell to lose your career that way...especially if it was a REAL career, and not the weekend warrior kind. i miss being able to do my sport every single day, and i hope it doesn't happen to him.
  21. gentlemen...what a fantastic thread this is turning into! i'm sorry i missed the game, but i am really glad i didn't get pissed on from my ass to my elbow, or whatever, in order to watch it...i suppose if it had happened i would have wandered out into the sunshine and just waited for it to dry. it can't be toomuch worse than some of the hose-downs i've gotten from our baby over these past ten months.
  22. oh so now our line is too big to run block? give me a break. all that money and they are suddenly too big to open holes. bull sh--. the problemis they are very very AVERAGE, and therefore our RB posts average numbers. jackson has a hit a couple of big gainers as a change-of-pace back, but if the roles were reversed, we'd be reading the same posts wondering if lynch should be starting instead of freddy. the o-line is AVERAGE. that's the problem. i am not saying they can't improve and i hope they do, but they do not push people off the line well enough for us to post big rushing numbers. they should be lining up to suck edwards off after each one of these wins.
  23. i am right! arizona scored every time they touched the ball! i know edwards is a much better player, but i don't want to hear anyone on this defense directly or indirectly blaming what happened in AZ on losman. that defensive performance was a flat-out disgrace, and the unit as a whole was way worse than the bills offense was with losman. just don't go there whitner.
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