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Everything posted by jester43

  1. you're eating wings...we just popped a bottle of nobilo pinot noir, the ABs dispatched Ireland and now the Bills are coming on. How much better can it get? oh- i suppose if the Bills showed up that would be cool.
  2. but under my plan they are gone for good. there is no way you can win an eight team division with a 9-7 record. you'd almost HAVE to win 12-13 games.
  3. have a ball man...we are warming up with the ABs/Ireland game here...setanta is just getting around to showing it 2 days later. at least we get tomorrow's munster game live!
  4. i remember being mocked for saying "bring me coughlin." ah well. if he was here playing smallball like the bills do we'd probably still suck.
  5. yeah, but it's actually MORE games in the division than they have now! with my system you get 8 divisional games vs. the current 6.
  6. THIS is how it should be. there should be four divisions with 8 teams each. the bills division- call it the AFC EAST- would be: buffalo n.e. pgh jets miami cleveland cinci balt. 1. you would play each team in the division ONCE a year (alternate home field each season), EXCEPT that each year you would play a home-and-home with ONE other team in your division...it would rotate. So maybe this year we'd have 2 games vs. pgh, then maybe next year it'd be the jets, etc. This would account for eight of your games. 2. You would play 4 games a year vs. the other AFC division. these would rotate each year as would the site. so everything is predictable. 3. You would also play 2games per year vs. NFC east foes and 2 games vs. NFC west foes. that adds up to 16. ONLY THE WINNER in each division is guaranteed a playoff berth. THEY get the byes the first week of the playoffs. the other 4 teams in each conference would be wild cards. they duke it out for the chance to play the division winners (who will ALL be very good teams who earned the week off and the home field ). this would almost certainly END the sham that is 9-7 playoff teams who won their crappy 4-team division. THIs system is better because: - it gtives us more natural rivalries. -keeps crappy teams out of the playoffs and eliminates crappy division winners. - and it REALLY mean something if you won your division. can you imagine the dogfight each year in the division listed above? frankly my idea is so good that not only can i not believe the nfl doesn't do it, but i can't even believe i thought of it.
  7. you're 100% right. i don't care if he breaks every one of jerry rice's records. i don't want to see him on the tbd homepage ever.
  8. the All Blacks just kicked Scotland's A.SS 32-6...finally got to watch it last night...cute wife cozied up under one arm, cold beer in the other...toasty fire cooking in the fireplace...no stress, good times. not one iota of shame or humiliation watching overpaid losers get pushed around.
  9. no but she weighs 110 and i am positive she could get the passer quicker than any of our DEs.
  10. halftime to be extended 15 minutes because the line at the tampon machine in the locker room will probably be extra long.
  11. considering the start we had to this season, that drive was one of the all-time great humiliations in franchise history. someone should have been cut or fired (preferably a lot of both) on the basis of that drive alone. YOU ARE GROWN MEN AND PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES. SHOW SOME FREAKING PRIDE. MY WIFE SHOWS MORE GUTS FINISHING A 5K.
  12. since 1999 we have gone through an endless cycle of sucking/sorta promising/sucking/sorta promising/sucking ....like a treadmill to NOWHERE. in my case, i go back to the early 70s and it is mind-boggling to me that in the era of free-agency THIS is the longest current string of suck i have ever witnessed. no playoffs since 99? ...with the unprecented ability to completely turn over a roster that exists today? that is a total disgrace. and there is no reason for it other than that we have a clueless owner and a zombie for a coach and a bunch of OVERPAID pansies on our o-line. it's just a total cluster!@#$ and if you think this team is going to the playoffs please PM me for a great price on the peace bridge. this just another overhyped underinterested squad of losers like the last 7 batches that ralph has served up. the ingredients change but it is still the same schitty dish. oh- and now the miami game is in toronto. another big middle finger to the fans. f the whole franchise. rant over...i got work to do.
  13. hey Merc, I know how you feel...you and i will probably both be watching next monday but it will be easy to flick it off and go to bed with another listless performance. another year, another bunch of gutless pussies masquerading as lineman disgracing our uniform. it gets REALLY EFFING OLD. i'm so sick of this organization from the top down it makes me downright hostile
  14. funny i don't hear any of these douchebags crying about our "power ranking" these days...
  15. lol sam aiken torches us.
  16. i said this team was a fraud at 4-0 and i am very sorry to report i am still correct. buncha fukn sallies. this endless year-after-year treadmill to nowhere is killing my interest in football altogether. maybe after 38 years i need a new hobby on sundays.
  17. doesn't matter. team is beaten.
  18. not me. they need to do something to change the momentum of this game. they're playing like pussies and on their way to laying down altogether.
  19. so did george w. bush. oh- i see your point.
  20. i would call the whole lot of them a bunch of fkn fagz, but i have too much respect for fagz.
  21. this team makes me sick.
  22. he's getting pushed around after he releases and it is making him squirrelly
  23. please move this team to toronto.
  24. bills are a huge fraud slants and screens will seal our doom i wish i was wrong.
  25. team is a fraud.
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