let me break this down for you:
the bills are owned by a doddering foolish old cheapskate who, even if he fired everyone on the payroll, has proven time and time again that he is not capable of replacing the latest franchise front-office scapegoat with anyone any more competent than the person he's replacing. and on the few occasions he's accidentally hired good people, he's managed to run them out town over one petty feud or another before they had a chance to win anything. also, he's been pleading poverty for years in order to lube up the fan base's collective bunghole for inevitable mayflower van convoy to toronto or perhaps l.a.
so you tell me, what are we supposed to expect? i think what we should expect, until execution day finally arrives, is exactly what we're getting. i'll leave it up to you to decide whether that's enough. for my part, i am bitching up a storm, but for whatever reason i keep tuning in.
go bills!