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Everything posted by jester43

  1. he's not pro-bowl quality. never was.
  2. not bad, but i had to turn the volume down.
  3. i'm going with "sports hernia." he will need surgery. you heard it here first.
  4. let me break this down for you: the bills are owned by a doddering foolish old cheapskate who, even if he fired everyone on the payroll, has proven time and time again that he is not capable of replacing the latest franchise front-office scapegoat with anyone any more competent than the person he's replacing. and on the few occasions he's accidentally hired good people, he's managed to run them out town over one petty feud or another before they had a chance to win anything. also, he's been pleading poverty for years in order to lube up the fan base's collective bunghole for inevitable mayflower van convoy to toronto or perhaps l.a. so you tell me, what are we supposed to expect? i think what we should expect, until execution day finally arrives, is exactly what we're getting. i'll leave it up to you to decide whether that's enough. for my part, i am bitching up a storm, but for whatever reason i keep tuning in. go bills!
  5. lol...hamdan. yeah, THAT'S the problem!!
  6. ...which is why you'll never see his name on the wall. but seriously, since when did "angry" become the prime prerequisite for coaching greatness? chuck knox and lou saban weren't great because they were merely "angry." i agree you have to raise your voice from time to time, but to think that is the only thing this franchise is missing is laughable.
  7. i agree. i can't help but like the guy. i wish he could play better.
  8. thanks chuck. are you interested in coming out of retirement?
  9. not to nitpick, but couldn't they just be repeating the story that adam shreffntphner or whatever his name is went with this morning? until i hear it from the bills, i'm going to pretend i didn't hear it.
  10. well if that's what it is, mcnabb proved you will play like sh-- if you try to play with one. i ran a marathon with one and was about ready to sob by the time it was over. the same doctor fixed mine that fixed mcnabb's, incidentally.
  11. 2nd dumbest. george bush would have the bills 0-14 right now. no question
  12. the first thing i thought was "sports hernia" they feel minor...like you'll be ok with a bit of rest. then they don't get better. weeks or months later you break down and get the surgery. i think he's done for the year as well.
  13. who the hell cares if he fires jauron? he's not capable of firing a competent replacement so what difference does it make?
  14. i am not excusing jauron, who needs to be cut loose for any number of reasons, but good teams SPREAD the ball around. i want the ball to go to the fullback sometimes. but the players need to execute. losman should never ever ever be blindsided in that situation. if everyone does their job that play goes for 15-20 yards and we are back to dreaming about playoff scenarios for a few minutes. the problem is there is no accountability on this team and even though guys always say the right thing. they are allowed to !@#$ and fail way to much. and as the kids are saying these days, that was an "epic fail."
  15. my kid just turned 1 year old yesterday. right after the game today i pulled his bills hat on his head and took him to get our x-mas tree. he forgot all about the game, and for a little while, so did i. but oh will he suffer one day...
  16. no matter how bad a play call it was, it should never ever under any circumstances end up as a touchdown for the jets. the players fell apart with the game on the line. as usual.
  17. why the ambivalence? i fucjking hate the hell out of them.
  18. whatever. even if it was a bad call it never should have ended that way. too many bad players on this team to go with the bad coaches.
  19. it's all about: qb play o-line play defensive ends linebacker play coaching scouting drafting conditioning ownership in other words this franchise has no shot.
  20. honestly i am fuming. i shouldn"t be. but i just can't help it. it's like a sickness. and i am very sick.
  21. tom brady.
  23. i hate you !@#$ing losers
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