thank you for actually taking a moment to read it. yes the home-and-home is lost, except for that one series per year. of course, that makes the one that is on your schedule each year thaqt much more exciting.
but i disagree in that the title would be decided by the luck of the draw. including your one home-and-home series, you'd have a minimum of 8 games against common opponents. that might be all you get, but statistically, you'd have a 50/50 chance of having 11 games against common opponents. that's not enough?
meanwhile, my system would create some genuine rivalries with teams like pitt and cleveland that we currently don't have, without taking the traditional rivalries off our schedule. it would be more like college football, which most people seem to really enjoy.
i just think it would be a lot more fun, and is way better than having 8 and 9 win teams in the playoffs; that is a TRAVESTY in my opinion.