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Everything posted by jester43

  1. are you kidding? online petitions ALWAYS send a message that the people are not gonna take it anymore! POWER TO THE PEOPLE!! FORCE RALPH OUT!!! UNNNHHHH!!!!!
  2. ok great idea. i am in...now then- 1, 2, 3, ....let's all get ta FORCIN'!: UNHHH! UNNHHHH! UUUUNNNGGGNNNHHNNNNHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anything happen yet? does jim kelly own the team?
  3. well done on the season, but i was expecting an 18 or 20 point post for the final game.
  4. he is an upgrade isn't he?
  5. what was that exactly? i hope it wasn't too negative because a lot of us like his columns- they are by far the most interesting in the buff-news.
  6. Oh what the hell... I'll dredge this up again.
  7. since when do security guards overhear who is being fired and who is being contacted?
  8. what a complete embarrassment to the nfl that this could happen. i hate the patriots as much as any of you, but it is disgraceful that an 8-8 team is playing when an 11-5 team isn't.
  9. no, i don't.
  10. i keep hearing that word "scrum" on the postgame shows and now i am seeing it here. please cease and desist, as the the clusterfkuk we saw at the end of the first half is an insult to real scrums everywhere....a fekking disgrace is what it was, not a "scrum." this is a scrum.
  11. who cares. football's over.
  12. based on the today's game, there's about 3 dozen coaches and players that need to be run out of town along with him.
  13. god, pleaase prove you are not a fraud and a lie by allowing bills fans a shred of dignity at some point before they ship the team out of here once and for all. i won't hold my breath.
  14. they are a bunch of fekking losers. the way the game ended proves it.
  15. exactly as long as it takes for all the viable coaching options to disappear.
  18. lol edwards bitching at the coaching staff.
  19. so did the wind disappear or something?
  20. well, this is the azz-fugging i predicted we would need to get the coach fired. i'm gonna predict right now he goes. i wasn't sure until now. look for ralph to hire someone even MORE incompetent to replace jauron.
  21. what happened to the wind?
  22. hey go easy on'em...it's REALLY WINDY.
  23. whitner hurt his vagina attempting that tackle
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