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Posts posted by jester43

  1. i just want to know...is it still there? there has to be a way....what do you do? ice pick and propane torch? thousand pounds of salt? is april the best solution? is it parked in ice? or just 3 inches of slushy water?


    this thread needs updates.


    a good thread would be "vote for the TBD member most likely to be the owner of this car."


    I guess it would have to be ICE. :rolleyes:

  2. I think both Rex and the players came into this season with their noses in the air. The NFL and all of us thought they would be great, and they probably got complacent. Here's to hopin this season was a big wake up and the kick in the ass they need. I do expect a big turn around next year.

    i'm gonna go back and look at all 8 pages of this now, but i can't imagine it being said and more accurately/succinctly than this.


    As far as Rex's defense - what I have heard that backs up it is complicated and takes a long time to learn, are interviews from former players who have played in it. Stuff to the effect that man, was the hardest to learn but once you did.....


    Still, I share your feeling of queaziness. If you're a band director or a choral leader and your musical group isn't able to follow your overly complex music, you don't just put out a bad performance, you get out your pencil and simplify the score until they can perform it well. If you're a teacher, you'd be on the hot seat if your entire AP Calculus class failed the test - especially if they were all A students in previous years who scored very well on the math section of the ACT. Something was seriously broken at OBD this fall, and ultimately that's on Rex. He had the players, especially to start the season.


    I don't even buy the "injuries" thing, because the D was horrid at times before any injuries but McKelvin, and because Schwartz heavily rotated the DL last year while maintaining quality. Injuries hurt, no doubt, but the crap show preceded the injuries.

    agree with most of this...but i also think injuries really were the last straw. i don't know how many of you guys look at http://www.mangameslost.com/category/nfl/but it really does illustrate that, while we were dinged up in the secondary early last year, we were pretty lucky over all. i said this all last year and that is why i think marrone's 9-7 was such a mirage.


    this sitye also shows we got crushed this year...so much so i'm surprised there aren';t more threads here calling for pegula to bring rusty jones out of retirement. B-)


    that is also why i think/hope we're better than 8-8...as long as we don't lose to many starters due to cap issues. i'm also cautiously optimistic that rex is smart enough to put his ego aside and mold things to fit the players better..


    Mario made recent comments too about better understanding the D or simplifying it. Seems there may be something to it

    goddam it your 100million dollar man should be taking the lead there. i am embarrassed i stuck up for this guy as long as i did this year. team cancer.


    Rex IS the kind of coach you can work collaboratively with...the last two games especially prove it....many more 4 man rushes. due to the players input. but it sounds like he asked for it all year, and Mario especially was a brat about the whole thing, rather than working WITH coaches to make the best of things.


    I tried to see how this read on my irony meter, but it seems you broke it.

    How precious!


    I'm not the one rushing in to criticize a guy for doing a job he's done plenty well for 30 or 35 years. YOU did that, based on your own wild assumptions about some conversations you weren't even present for.


    YOU'RE the expert on sportswriting. YOU know exactly what went down in each of those conversations well enough to place blame, and punctuated it with a pompous dissertation on journalistic ethics.


    But I'M the one who broke your so-called. "irony meter."


    That's so cute.

  4. go figure.


    Vic doubles down on his story on shredd and Ragan interview this morning, trusts his source implicitly, and insists it isn't in contradiction with Whaley's new deal. He sayd the Bills "conveniently" leaked the info on Whaley to keep pushing a Kum-ba-ya message.


    I don't know why any of this is so hard to believe.

  5. Cmon eball .. you know it's true.


    If we were playing Pittsburg next weekend, Vic Carruci could have posted Obama's birth certificate from Kenya.. and no one would notice.

    that would be a shame, because what this board needs is more high-and-mighty lectures on journalist ethics. oh, and more gleeful high-fives over conflicting stories that "prove" something or another about some BN writer's competence.

  6. Let's start from the basics, oh Professional Critic of Amateur Media Critics. The News media is called "News" and not "Gossip Columnists" because they're supposed to report, well, "News" and not "Gossip". It's supposed to be backed up by sources, preferably independent sources. It's supposed to have credibility and accountability (be retracted if proven false). That's the whole idea behind protecting freedom of the press and protecting members of the media from being sued for libel. It is recognized that the press has power, with power comes responsibility to behave correctly according to journalistic standards and not risk undue damage to people's reputations and businesses.


    The unintentional humor in your post, is that by telling us you haven't wasted a moment figuring out whether "Gossip" (including Vic Carruci's reports) was proven correct, you've actually condemned Vic in stronger terms than the rest of us - you've basically come out and said he isn't writing "News", he is writing "Gossip" about whose veracity you don't care.


    I, on the other hand, want to see credible news sources. If, in fact, Carruci's source "embellished", then Carruci is using a poor source and he needs to start caveating what he reports from that source or questioning that source more strongly and backing it up by confirmation from a 2nd source. I keep loose track on whether or not a reporter's "scoop" has been proven right or wrong because credibility is important to me. When Schefter reports Marrone as a leading candidate for HC positions and all but has him signing a contract with the Jets before the dust settles from his departure here, well, when Marrone winds up as the OL coach for the Jags it lowers his credibility.


    You can't think how flattered I am by your interest in what us "amateur media critics" believe. I will answer by saying my belief isn't listed by you. I believe Carrucci had a source at OBD who believed the information he provided to Carruci. Whether the information that source had was embellished by said source or whether said source was given false or exaggerated information, I don't know and don't care - either way Carrucci didn't bother to confirm it with an independent source before publishing, so his credibility and that of TBN in general have fallen in my eyes. And all Carrucci's further stuff trying to reconcile his report with the report of a contract extension doesn't help his credibility because it makes little sense as any kind of sane employee management or negotiation strategy.


    If a newspaper can't be trusted to be credible, then it is of no more value than the myriad free gossip and blog sites in which the internet abounds and it should go out of business and stop paying its "professional" reporters, because what it's selling has no value. That is my viewpoint as an "amateur media critic" ie "consumer" or "customer".



    That was my interpretation

    That's a great civics lesson, but (AGAIN) nothing has been "proven false" by anyone!


    Insofar as any of this is "news" you almost have a point there. But in making it you just eliminated about 80% of sports journalism. And that doesn't even address the more obvious point...that sports is most assuredly not "news" but rather a highly addictive time-wasting form of ENTERTAINMENT(as I have proven to myself yet again today).


    But really, that Vic Carrucci should be expected to reveal a bibliography of his sources to satisfy your vision of journalistic prudence is also hilarious. You jumped to a conclusion because you have a bias to confirm about sportswriter so or BN or Caruccii or whatever. Good for you.


    At the end of the day all we have are two entirely plausible conflicting reports. No one knows what happened in that meeting but you are saying his report has been proven false? Ok. I'm reserving my judgment. I know that in the black and white world of adolescent girl gossip, you're not allowed to do that, but then again I guess I don't know the same "facts" as you.


    You all can go back to your little BN-hating circle jerk now. I hope you get some sort of "release" from it.



  7. My point (which you fail to comprehend due to the tight tinfoil hat on your head) is that you and Sully/Carucci rely on moon phases, jetstreams and a bottle of chicken bones to come up with opinions. I suppose conjecture now trumps actual facts.

    what are these "actual facts?" My point (again) is that we don't know what they are.


    You guys who talk about sportswriter a like they all have a hidden agenda are the conspiracy theorists.


    You want facts? Here's one: nothing that has happened necessarily disproves what Carrucci wrote.

  8. Headline #1: Whaley and Rex are given ultimatum (watch the fans scurry about)...Headline #2: Whaley and Pegula have agreed on a multi-year extension. I don't need a freaking transcript to figure out that Carucci shot his load on the first headline and it backfired. Your argument in defense of Headline #1 is laughable. Carucci cried wolf and his credibility is slowly falling to the Schefter-level announcing Doug Marrone as the next coach of the Jets.

    i see the point got right by you again. I'M NOT defending it headline 1. But unlike you guys, I'm not pretending to know what actually happened. and i'm not using the fact that 2 stories conflict to come down on 1 side in favor of another. that's for you gossipy girls to do.


    Carrucci could just as easily (or more likely, I'd say) been given his info by someone who's not under pressure to safe face...the polar opposite of rex/whaley/pegula! it's also possible Rex/Whaley have both bickered/disagreed AND grown close over this year. I'm guessing none of you have ever worked on a coaching staff? It's pretty typical. It's also possible Pegula could have sat them both down and said something like "look guys, I'm extending Doug because I want this to work, but A,B and C have blown up in our faces and you both need to do better."


    Besides, Pegula's own actions in the past prove that BOTH stories could be true. He extended Darcy right before he fired him!

    Well thank the baby Jesus you're above this whole fray. I take a lot of comfort in that.

    Your comfort is to me, so that is gratifying.

  9. not one person here knows that carrucci made it up or was lied to. but sooooo many kneejerk reactions...and assumptions of guilt.


    just because pegula denies it, doesn't mean it didn't happen. it also could have been that carrucci's source embellished. there's really no way to know for sure and we probably never will. it's also entirley possible that two different peoiple with knowledge of the conversation had completely different interpretations of what it meant.


    without a transcript, who could know?


    but boy oh boy does every little thing spark a shitstorm of squealing and bleating and finger-pointing by some of you guys. it's hilarious.


    vic carrucci doesn't need me to speak up for him. i haven't wasted a moment this year trying to keep score about whose gossip was proven true and whose wasn't ...but it's comical that so many of you do.


    but if carrucci does bother to write about this again, he'll probably stand by his source. i just want to know who thinks what here...

    a. he made it up

    b. he was "intentionally" lied to so he'd look bad (i'm sure everyone at OBD sits around cooking up plots to embarrass sportswriters...because they don't have enough to do).

    c. he's so sad about not being "connected" (since, you know, the 90s are just never coming back) that he quoted a janitor or someone like that.


    What I don't get is why single out McCoy? We have some cap issues, for reals, but McCoy is like the 6th highest payed player on the team.

    Mario Williams is big $$ guy #1, followed by Dareus, Clay, Gilmore, and Kyle Williams. I "get" paying McCoy. Roman has shown that he wants to run his legs off and he knows how to use him effectively. But all that money to DLman so they can drop back in pass coverage and be ineffective as pass rushers makes little sense.

    because they overpaid him. i like the guy and want him to justify the expense...but that will be really tough to for him do...

    Frankly I think Urbik gets a pretty bad wrap.......in pass protection is is right now better then Miller.


    Now...it is my hope that Miller continues to work on his game and comes into next season solid. Having a RT next to him that isnt total trash would help.

    agree...i thought he looked pretty rough at first, but he really seemed to improve as the season went on. for whatever reason.

  11. OJs greatest stat is the per game rushing average for a season. In 73 he averaged over 143 yards per game, second place is Jim Brown in 63 at 133.1. He destroyed that record. That record will be hard to beat, especially with longer seasons.


    That being said. he is a piece of crap human being.

    i think the word you're looking for is "sociopath."

    Wow, 5 parts is a lot.


    Here's my guess how they break it down:


    Part 1: Childhood through USC

    Part 2: the NFL playing days (the only fun part!)

    Part 3: Media darling and movie star

    Part 4: Murder and Trial of the Century

    Part 5: Life after the trial

    i have wondered for awhile whether mental illness/CTE issues played a role in his meltdown during the 90s. it's not that hard to believe. i predict his autopsy will show concussion-related brain damage.


    I don't think everyone with narcissistic/sociopathic tendencies acts out on the urge to kill an ex- who has moved on...but if you bake in some good old concussion-related mental instability...


    it makes too much sense.

  12. This past weekends game is why I became a Bills fan, ( 10 year old in NYC).

    Declining the ball, that caused a poor punt. Field position, Snow, Wind, Loud crowd, a big home field advantage.

    Thats Bills Football, I hope they never become like the Vikings, stale, indoor sterile football.

    NO DOME!!!



    I do not get to many games any more because of family/work responsibilities. When I could come (more 95-05 mainly) it was mostly December games. There is nothing better than bundling up and being outside in the winter hanging out with your friends. I mean, geez, is it really that hard to dress for December in Buffalo? Some people talk about it like its the South Pole


    But when my boys get older you're damn right I'll be back. . And I do not want to take them to a dome. I want them bundled up like Eskimos throwing the football with fires and food cooking on all four sides of them just like we do now. And I want them to get to see the hang-dog expressions of the other team when we get up and the weather gets nasty. No one remembers how much fun that Miami game was when the blizzard rolled in and they just quit?


    NO DOME.

  13. Pittsburgh should be the model for any new Bills stadium, IMO.


    Good, basic, clean stadium that fits the identity of the team. Can you imagine a Steelers dome?


    MAYBE you could lure a Super Bowl here, but I doubt it. Other than that, you would be taking away a big part of what makes Bills football great (when the team is winning).


    We are about to start watching playoff games. There will be snow, crazy fans, wind. It adds to the ambiance of the games. A dark, sterile, ugly dome just cannot compete with a place like Gillette Stadium (I almost threw up when I typed that) in the snow.


    Imagine a dome over Lambeau Field. It would be freaking sacrilegious! I say the same thing is true for a dome in Buffalo.


    I do have ONE caveat. The Arizona dome is an AWESOME stadium. It is so bright with natural light due to its construction that it's almost like being outside. They even have a grass field that gets rolled outside into the sun between games (that wouldn't work here obviously).


    Arizona NEEDED a dome because it's like 100 degrees there half the time. But overall, pro football should be played OUTSIDE in the elements. It's part of what makes this game great.


    "Oh you must not be a season ticker holder! It's cold!"


    Boo hoo.


    It's cold in New England*.

    It's cold in Cleveland.

    It's cold in Chicago (the windy city)

    It's REALLY cold in Green Bay. Dangerously so half the time.

    It's cold in Pittsburgh.

    It's cold in New Jersey.

    It's cold in Philadelphia.

    It's cold in Denver.

    It's cold in Seattle.

    It's cold in Baltimore.

    It's cold in Cincinnati.

    It's cold in Kansas City.


    So are Bills fans softer than fans in those cities? Not at all. Just look at the Jets game! Bills fans sold out the stadium and went to watch the team go 8-8.


    Imagine a world where the Bills are actually GOOD again! January. Snow falling. Home playoff game in the divisional round!


    Now imagine a cold, sterile, dark, airplane hangar like half the NFL domes are.


    No comparison.


    Open air stadiums are cheaper and just plain better. The stadium sells out most years now as it is.


    Lower the capacity a bit, add some new cool features, and field a winning team. There ALREADY is demand for Bills tickets now.


    PLEASE NO DOME IN BUFFALO! (unless it's pretty much a copy of Arizona)

    I love you man!
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