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Posts posted by jester43

  1. thebandit27, on 17 Oct 2016 - 09:29 AM, said:thebandit27, on 17 Oct 2016 - 09:29 AM, said:

    See how you need to broaden the scope to say "unjust policing" in order to make it fit?


    Kaep was very clear: murder in the streets and then getting paid leave.


    That's what I have an issue with; it's not the de facto protest

    call it whatever you want. he's used the same terminology I used and he still has a valid point.


    you look great sitting up their on your rhetorical rhetorical high horse, but the facts are still that way too many people are being killed by cops for no good reason, and justice is not being served. if my use of the term "unjust policing" seems sneaky to you, then I would counter, that so does claiming theirs no such thing as fascism because some political scientists disagree on a precise definition


    meanwhile, all the arguments I've heard against his protest boil down to one of the following..

    - Oh, it's not REALLY that big a problem -like white people would know (racism).

    - He can protest, but not THAT way (fascism).


    Of course for the some dead-enders, it is a combination of the two!


    Either way he's a hero, and history will judge him kindly.


    Yeah, I've done that in the past.


    Here you go. Now, tell me what you're talking about:


    Main article: Definitions of fascism

    Historians, political scientists, and other scholars have long debated the exact nature of fascism.[22] Each interpretation of fascism is distinct, leaving many definitions too wide or narrow.[23][24]

    One common definition of the term focuses on three concepts: the fascist negations of anti-liberalism, anti-communism and anti-conservatism; nationalist authoritarian goals of creating a regulated economic structure to transform social relations within a modern, self-determined culture; and a political aesthetic of romantic symbolism, mass mobilization, a positive view of violence, and promotion of masculinity, youth and charismatic leadership.[25][26][27] According to many scholars, fascism—especially once in power—has historically attacked communism, conservatism and parliamentary liberalism, attracting support primarily from the far right.[28]


    This is it for me. I have no problem with the protest. I have a problem with the fact it's based on a false narrative.

    if you want to assert that coerced flag-worship is not an inherently fascist practice, then that really is it for you.


    and your so-called "false narrative" of black people disproportionately being the victims of unjust policing is not false.

  3. If you have a problem with CK, you're telling the world that unarmed black people being gunned down over and over by cops for, AT BEST, dubious reasons is less of a concern than what someone does while the national anthem is playing. that is so immoral it defies logic.


    that is also straight up fascism...or racism, depending on what is behind your objection.


    this is 'merica in the 21st century. hoo-ray. vote trump.

  4. Yes, Shady ran like Hell, but Without that pick 6, it's a different game. Still, one of the worst offenses in the NFL moved the ball too easily against this D. Can't wait until Dareus is back and healthy, and I"m really interested to see what Shaq can do.

    yes, it is astonishing how good we can make fitz and case keenum look. brady can't wait to get a shot at this defense.

  5. ...and then out again after two games. I fear this issue won't be resolved until he can give the foot legitimate "down time" over the offseason.

    Not that it matters right now, but was there ever a reasonable explanation given for how this injury occurred? It was a Jones fracture incurred in the off season right? Correct me if I'm wrong but that is an injury (as opposed to an overuse injury) that only occurs acutely righr? What the heck was he doing??

  6. As Jimmy Garoppolo carves up the phins secondary, looking very Brady like in just a game and a quarter, it appears another great quarterback was missed.


    I was on this board pleading with the Bills to pick this kid, but we didn't need him, we had E.J.


    Good job, Doug, you and Buddy have put this team in the position its in, simply by passing by quality quarterbacks.


    Neither of you two would know a quarterback prospect if he hit you in the nuts with a football!


    Harv Shitz, you know I love you brother, but I think gropoopleo will turn out to be just a guy. He's just being coached by the best ever. We don't really have much experience with that here.

  7. I have the strongest possible logic and reasoning.


    It's because we are the Bills and they can't rip our hearts out completely in September. That's a process reserved for Late October, early November.


    We are outmatched, outcoached, and have no business winning this game. Which means we absolutely will win.


    Then, we are going to rip off 2 more and gets our hopes right where we need them.


    If you've been a Bills fan for more than a few years, you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.


    For other reason.....

    • Still can't believe that TT just forgot how to play overnight and expect to see an improvement in play
    • I believe fully that Gilmore and Darby are better than they were last Thursday. They've proven it.
    • Aaron Williams should be good for more playing time.
    • Rex KNOWS he is playing for his job on some level. Not to get fired soon, but the season is his resume.
    • They are going to force the ball down Sammy's throat and probably Clay too a little.
    • 0-3 is rare, even for us.






    And if I'm wrong, the race for a top 3 pick and head coach begins. For me, I'd hope for a top 3, trade back, get Chad Kelly for reasons, and I wouldn't mind seeing Todd Haley/Josh McDaniel get another chance. But I reserve the right to change my mind

    i think it will be a close game, but i expect us to choke it up in the 4th.


    these kinds of drastic changes do have a way of shaking people up and making them focus. i called the win in detroit with orton, however lucky that was.


    but this qb isn't even as good a passer as orton. so it will be tough to finish the job.

  8. The Pegula's pressuring Rex to fire someone to appease casual fans (that don't understand football) that are disgruntled because this is a bad team when in reality it was a bad team 4 months ago.


    The Pegula's are just Ralph Wilson with bigger pockets.

    i don't know what else to do other than just hope the marvez story is made up....because it the pegulas' judgment is that bad, there is pretty much no hope for this franchise.

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