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Posts posted by jester43

  1. GMTM (Tim Murray of the Sabres if not a fan) is also awkward with the media. Either way I take more credit on what they do in terms of talent on the field/ice and I for one feel Whaley's been a good GM. I'd give him an overall grade of B- since he's come here.

    WTF? Murray comes across as 10x more confident and knowledgeable than whaley! Whaley sounds like the village idiot talking! at one point today he said their record was "7and7and7."


    He is a sleeze, and he's responsible for all the leaks...today just removed all doubt. he was a yammering stammering idiot in the face of what were still relatively softball questions, given all that's been reported.


    i thought he got himself fired today...we'll see, i guess.

  2. I don't now if i ever posted this here or not...but I got married 10 years ago to a beautiful woman who had an 7 year old daughter. Having been single for a very long time before that, I was on a healthy stretch of going to 2-3 home games a year (I live 6 hrs away). I enjoyed many a good K/M spectacle and amore than a few bowling ball shots over that stretch.


    Anyway, in an attempt to bond with my new stepdaughter, I rustled up some amusing youtube vids of Ken at "work." Her 7-year-old self thought it was hilarious of course- so much so that we subsequently organized our first annual family ketchup and mustard battle...to be contested each year on New Year's Eve. It was just the three of us, but we had a hell of a good time.


    10 years and three sons later, there will be 6 of us taking part in "KMB-11" on December 31st.


    So is it bizarre? I guess...but it is way more funny and fun. We have our laughs and clean up and we are almost always in bed asleep before midnight. the pictures get out and people's jaws drop a little when they saw our 4, 5 and 7 year old boys hosed down with K&M last year, but I've definitely made Bills fans out fo them, so how bad could it be.


    To the guy who started this thread: Lighten up. I really don't give $h!t about what anyone else thinks of our goofy Bills fan traditions and neither should you. We're sort of a cult anyway, right?

  3. Whaley's a clown. He only gets credit for all his scary-good personnel decisions because the bar was already so freaking low in Buffalo to begin with. If we had a real front office at any point since Donohoe, he would be recognized by fans for the amateur he is. His job should begin and end with scouting free agents.


    If they are stupid enough to make Rex take the fall after we (i predict) go 9-7, I hope they enjoy the fan mutiny that follows.


    Are the Pegulas really stupid enough to make the same mistake with the Bills that they did with Darcy and Lindy?


    If so, I'm pretty sure I'll die without ever seeing a championship parade in Buffalo.


    Shaking my freaking head.

  4. "Lastly, I know if we get a couple breaks here or there we could've made the playoffs this year however still couldn't make a deep run but I'm not ready to blow it up just yet."


    To be honest that's why I love Rex. If he made the playoffs anything can happen. You think 9-7 Jets thought they could get to AFC championship game. For the life of me, I cant understand how Rex gets his Geno Smith and no talent secondary to barely lose to Brady and Pats and then media comes up with how Rex got outcoached. Ryan with the Jets was able to compete against teams had no business competing against. Not sure why here, his teams fold up (and he himself isn't confident in stopping good offenses anymore).


    I really think leaders and intelligent players are necessary for his complicated defense to be successful and I don't think he has that here especially at Safety and LB positions. You could say that is knock against him and his defenses and it would be hard for me to argue but I really think he can do special things with limited talent that few other coaches could do. Also, wont be as consistent as other coaches with his lax attitude but I love rooting for the guy cuz he's fun


    I agree with you bro. Only thing that hurts your credibility is that you were once a jets fan. Yuck

  5. Context: I grew up in Buffalo, diehard Bills fan, lived as a kid through the '90's Super Bowl.


    I've lived in the Boston-area for the last ten years because of school/work. This past month I was incredibly blessed to move back to Buffalo for work. As a football fan, living in exile for the past decade, I couldn't be happier to be back in Buffalo.


    WTF is with the negativity in this town?? We are alive for the playoffs on Christmas Eve. With a win, there is a good chance we will go into week 17 still alive. We have a historically good rushing offense and have a chance to knock Miami out of the playoffs, leaving the Fish with cleat marks on their back.


    We are scoring 26 points a game. Do I wish we were 9-5 instead of 7-7? Yes. But this team needs a SAFETY to make the playoffs next year. A freaking play-making SAFETY. Maybe a linebacker. Not a new GM, new HC, new QB. And I'm listening to Schopp and the Bulldog drone on about the drought and reading idiot columnists talk about how Buffalo should want to trade places with the Browns.


    I don't understand the Buffalo mentality where we have to ask permission from the outside to be relevant. The team is talented and the team is CLOSE. I am ready as the next person to see the drought end. But guess what - the drought might end on New Year's. And if it doesn't, I believe it will end in 2018.


    I for one, will be happy to gather with my family on Christmas Eve and watch a big game this Saturday and then do a little scoreboard watching after we run over the Dolphins on Sunday.

    right on brother, and i agree with you..although i do feel the Pegulas might consider rooting out whoever is trying to get Rex fired by ratting to the media and give them the axe.

  6. In the Steelers game the Bills looked like they were playing in snow for the first time. I realize the snow wasn't plentiful in WNY until recently and not sure how much time they've had to be able to practice in it. But it was pretty noticeable. Are they practicing in it this week? Because it's supposed to snow again on Sunday.


    A lot of the players we've drafted and signed in FA are from the south or warm climate schools. McCoy is the exception. I've always advocated the Big 10 should be more of a focus for cold weather teams. Leveon Bell and Ryan Shazier were the best two players on the field and they both played in weather and snow for years before going into the league. Shazier is from Miami but had 3 years of weather in college. Thoughts?

    as far as i'm concerned, playing in snow is an ATTITUDE. that's what made last weeks effort such sacrilege.


    I'm serious. to me, snow games are SACRED. to see them get rolled like that was utter humilation


    to me, it's russ and whaley bringing in a bunch of pussies...others will blame rex. but that is an argument for any of the many other threads in which it's currently being discussed.


    nonetheless. that was SHAMEFUL...an affront to Bills fans who would happily spend the whole day getting snowed on for an honest effort.

  7. You're taking things way too personal.

    not personal at all...I'm just not going to sit here and shill for management like some here. Especially when they make it obvious they have no clue.


    you listen to him talk and it's like he's trying to teach history to 4th graders. he just pulls stuff out of his butt to rationalize whether just happened.


    tell yeah what...Rex has not done a great job here, but he's had more past success at his job than whaley and brandon put together.

  8. He can't kill him now since he's still on the Bills. But I find it hard to believe he really believes in him.

    then he shouldn't have spouted all his triumphant bs last year when tyrod looked like he had a CHANCE of not being horrible.


    i still remember him on the radio in the middle of last season, bragging how tyrod's scary good quarterbacking proved that all he needed was to spend three years on the sidelines "honing his craft"...the implication being, of course, that whaley had figured something out that no one else knew.


    he doesn't know what he believes because opinion changes with the direction of the wind. he's a con artist like his boss russ.

  9. it's the guy buying the groceries...that'd be Whaley.


    missed on EJ


    mortgaged the future by using 2 first round picks on Sammy. Could have had Mack at #5 or sat at #9 and taken Odell Beckham or DT Aaron Donald and kept the second first rounder.


    overpaid on long term deals for underperforming Dareus, Clay, A. Williams, Hughes. re-did shady's deal.


    NOT in good cap shape for 2017


    Whaley hasn't done anything special at all.

    correct. and he's a huge bull **** artist on top of it. the only time he sounds like a real person talking on the radio is when howard asks him about his family. he and russ can go pound sand.


    Id' like SOMEONE ELSE to decide whether rex needs to go...other than the two guys who are trying to deflect blame from themselves for the rpoblems they preside over....this after they supposedly HAD to have Rex so bad they told terry to lock him in the basement till they got the contract together.

  10. I will never understand how some people can criticize the team, then react violently against an outsider having similar criticisms.



    I think it's very clear something has been broken at OBD for a long time. I think it's also pretty clear that several different positions of power within the organization are acting solely in their best interests. I've always thought Whaley has done a passable job, but if the entire situation is toxic the solution is to wipe the slate completely clean. I don't understand why Rex is still the coach and I don't understand why Tyrod is starting on Sunday. I've been willing to give Pegula a pass, but with the different information being leaked out (regardless of who is reporting it) it's hard to draw any conclusion other than the situation being pretty toxic. From my vantage point, Brandon has been the tie that's bound all the eras of futility together. As long as he's at OBD I don't see how anything is going to change.



    Cutler left the situation with only one place to go. He's a cancer.

    careful! I don't know how many times you posted in this thread (i just opened it and couldn't get past page 3 with all the russ/whaley ballwashing) but if you're not careful the management shills will be all over you..


    BLAME THE MEDIA!! :doh:

  11. Unless you want to throw in Pegula, there are four major scapegoats for the awful year we're having: Rex Ryan, Tyrod Taylor, Russ Brandon and Doug Whaley.


    Most people think at least one of them needs to go...many think all four need to go. My question is, who among them would you MOST like to see disappear from the Bills? Then who would you put 2nd, 3rd and 4th?


    You can elaborate or not. I'm just curious who fans hold MOST and LEAST accountable for the current state of affairs. My list:


    1. Brandon....first you HAD to have Rex, now we MUST get rid of him. You're still sticking your nose in football because you can, even though you obviously suck at it. We've sucked pretty much every single day since you were in charge of anyting here. Every time I see that sh!teat!ng grin on your face the instant we pried Sammy away from Cleveland for 2 1sts, I hate you more. I also believe he's a sleaze (once while ON THE AIR called Jeremy White "the first woman broadcaster" of whatever college hockey team he was doing play-by-play for. HAHAHA...what a tool.) and that he had something to do with the leak last weekend.


    2. Doug Whaley...I am tired of hearing about injuries being the Bills' problem. It's beside the point: after 4 years our depth should be much better. Overpaid for Watkins. Gave McCoy a huge contract extension for no good reason at all. Wasted a high pick on damaged goods twice now. Aren't teams who spend up to the cap supposed to be good once in awhile? You suck too.


    3. Tyrod Taylor. He's a great guy, but we are THIRTY-FREAKING-SECOND in passing yardage. He just cannot make the throws consistently, which is one of the reasons we've needed to use about 38 different wide receivers this year. He's getting them killed. The reason he's not at the top of the list, however, is I don't trust #1 and #2 to find anyone better.


    4. Rex Ryan...everyone's big scapegoat. I don't think the roster he inherited is as great as everyone makes it out to be. I think weak quarterbacking is a huge problem for this defense...as is haorrible depth. No one talks about it, but this TWO YEARS IN A ROW we bagan to suck badly on defense as soon as Aaron Williams went down. Yet, Rex gets blamed for that. Ok. I guess it's sort of his fault that Duke Williams never could pull his head out of his ass, but why is Duke Williams even on the roster?? Again, see #1 and #2 above.

  12. I almost never hear him bad talk a player ever. He is always the most rose colored idiot I've ever heard. I get it he works for the Bills but sometimes it would be nice to hear him actually get into the players. I have not heard this about Gilmore, and id be surprised if he doesn't change his tune after a game or so. Making more excuses for him or anyone else

    this is correct. his show is unlistenable. i remember how pissed off he sounded one time when EJ was still starting and someone referred to him as a "just a game manager"...like he was this dynamic talent that just hadn't been given enough time...i thought it was hilarious.


    he should just stick to calling the game. he's good at that.

  13. Why are people taking offense to this?


    Whoever the GM of the Cowboys is is doing a better job than Whaley. Can we agree on that?

    I'm sure not.


    Whaley looks competent next to Buddy Nix, Russ Brandon and Marv Levy, but that doesn't make him anything special. His dubious decision making with regard to Watkins and McCoy is well documented. And I'd love to know what tackles we passed on for Kouandijo.


    He's so full of baloney when he talks I can't take him seriously.

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