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Everything posted by jester43

  1. Why do the Bills hate people with talent? If not for that idiotic trade we're 2-0. Does anyone not think he hauls that last pass in EASILY??? We probably also still have Boldin, and at least a CHANCE to score some points today. My ass is chapped about this one...
  2. they're begging you to take the jets which ought to tell you something. the question you should be asking yourself is whether this team is capable of scoring 10.
  4. i'd buy his jersey tomorrow if the Bills showed some balls and signed him.
  5. um, no. slap that head a little harder. "Doping" is the generic term for the use of any and all performance enhancing substances. You're describing blood doping, which is practiced by distance runners, and occasionally long sprinters, but not jumpers. Jumpers would take either roids or, more likely, stimulants that are on the banned list. And, if you'll note, he's not suspected or accused of doping. He just didn't file paperwork needed to enable out-of-season testing. This is an important part of being a pro, because it's one of the few weapons we have against wanton cheating. It's pretty clear he didn't do it because he's gone about as far in t&f as he's going to go. He hung it up after he failed to make the olympic team last year- he just didn't bother jumping through any of USATF's hoops because he had football to worry about. Goodwin was good pro in the LJ with an international medal to his credit, but he's at an age where it's time to make whatever money he can in football before reality sets in. Because you're not going to pay the bills being America's 8th or 10th best long jumper.
  6. "people" wanted frank reich to start too.
  7. Jeez, this place... Wtf is "scurrilous" about reporting a public statement by the DCP?? They named a restaurant as being under investigation in an alcohol-related incident, and the owner of the restaurant claims they weren't open that day. What problem exactly do you have with that?
  8. I'm not happy Sammy's gone...always loved him and I do not view him as damaged goods. most of his lost games are due to one injury which, while serious, can be overcome permanently and (i predict) likely will be. what's more, Tyrod's inability to hit guys in stride certainly contributes to everyone's injury risk. Then again... http://www.buffalobills.com/video/videos/Russ-Brandon-Doug-Whaley-on-NFL-Draft-Round-1/786aa0a6-f3a2-448c-a874-cd930f457999
  9. pulled pork shoulder that's been in the crock pot about 6 hrs. saute a big mound of broccoli rabe and diced garlic in oil until it cooks all the way down (takes awhile to do it right) and then mix the pork in. stuff as much of this mixture as you can into the best sub roll you can get- don't forget a slice or two of provolone. you're welcome.
  10. Holy crap. We live close to Hershey park, and since we have 4 kids we get season passes. They have that exact same ride there...called "the claw." I call it the puke factory, but my 7 and 9 year old sons love it, so i ride it with them anyway. i have to stare straight up in the air to keep from getting sick. two nights ago i let them go on without me, and i must admit it was a little stressful watching their little bodies getting flung back and forth and up and down suspended only by that restraint. but they meet the height requirement, so i guess it's "safe." I also guess I can assume that the multi-billion dollar enterprise that is Hershey Entertainment has slightly stricter standards for safety and the mechanical integrity of its rides than "Amusements of America." I hope. Ugh. RIP and condolences to all affected by this tragedy.
  11. i could go on all day with this one. i started watching/attending winston cup races in the 70s and i can't sit through it anymore. the drivers are now trust fund babies, who are every bit as spoiled and entitled as the pro athletes we complain about. i also hate that phony-ass fake hillbilly attitude they stamp every part of the sport with, right down to the king phony darrell waltrip in the booth. he was a twat when he drove and he still is. the cars have become very uninteresting. souped-up dinosaurs. the whole idea of a million-dollar "stock" car is an oxymoron anyway. they spend zillions of dollars redesigning every aspect of the cars every few years, and then stick carburators on them?? stupid. and the new "format" is hilariously dumb. talk about lipstick on a pig. i turn on the tv and see "stage 2" or whatever they call it and i just change the channel. i hate the new tracks. too wide and too easy to race on. i loved and miss rockingham, where the fastest way around was a couple feet from the wall. the sport is pretty much dead to me. thank goodness i live in an area with some of the best dirt short track racing in the country. to me that is the only "real" racing left because it is the most accessible to regular guys. tell ya what, i really respect guys who come home from work every night and commit all their free time to getting their dirt car ready. it takes real passion and commitment to the lifestyle. and it is more entertaining than the nascrap on tv!
  12. I was at the 2000 opener vs Tennessee, sitting way at the top corner of the upper deck. everyone yelling the whole time, wanting blood, etc. i didn't think the game was that crazy loud, but a few days later, my buddy, who watched it on tv, said the noise on the broadcast sound insane. Can anyone confirm or deny? From where I was sitting up in the sky I would not have known either way. I knew it was loud, but i wasn't sure it was "all-time" loud. the loudest game I personally attended was in 1980 when we bitchslapped the steelers 28-13 to go 9-3. it all but ended their season, and their run at the top...it was also the game that legitimized our status as a serious afc title contender (even though nothing was clinched and the pats were still a game back). dad got us some nice club-level seats, and when Curtis Brown went 34 yds to put us up 21-10 i thought my ears would explode. utter euphoria... That 1980 bills team was really good, and even though we often talk about 2000 as the year we "should have" gone to the super bowl if not for the TN robbery, to me the '80 team was the one that was closer to getting it done. if not for fergy having to play in SD on one leg, I say we win that game and play for the 1980 AFC championship at RICH vs Oakland. Wouldn't THAT have been something? We'd already smoked them earlier that year (though Plunket didn't play), and had gone 11-5 against a really tough schedule in which 4 of our 8 games out of the division were with 11-12 win teams! I went to three home games that year (including the rams OT game where the players all came out and danced with the cheerleaders), but that steeler game will always stand out to me. Stadium held a full 80000 then and there were only a smattering of steeler fans then, unlike today. good times...
  13. how can you fault a guy for wanting to hang'em up a little early, rather than too late? these guys know what's waiting for them if they hang around too long. and, for the record, the idea that the lions were better off without him is laughable.
  14. of all the anger and frustration accumulated in 47 years of loyal fandom...i have never been so pissed off and frustrated as i was at the end of this game. even angrier than the music city cheating rip-off loss.
  15. well said. this board needs a standing ovation smiley. thread should have been locked here.
  16. You just need way too many guys on a football team...not like hockey where (*theoretically* at least) build around just a few stars to create a couple of dominant lines, and presto...you're in the hunt! i have to laugh at the people who say Cleveland is in such great shape. they turned themselves into an expansion team on purpose...but how many expansion teams become any good within 5 years of entering the league?
  17. Bravo. Also proves what a Mr. Magoo our owner is...sad to say, because he's honestly trying, which is something Ralph rarely did.
  18. he's a huge idiot and i want no part of him. ...a poor man's ryan leaf
  19. no, it isn't. grow up. oh my god...
  20. lotta hostility in this thread.
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