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Everything posted by jester43

  1. Oh goody...another newspaper writer for everyone to cry and complain about! I hope he's smart enough never to have a contrary opinion about anything- or the TBD 8th grade girls cafeteria table will get him good!
  2. i'm sorry the pickle juice doesn't play a more prominent role, but my sweetie will pleased, i'm sure. noodles, eggs, butter, pickle juice. got it!
  3. yes, that's as far as i got. but I need the EXACT recipe as it was originally written in the TBD cookbook TO GET IT JUST RIGHT. i tried the waybackmachine but all i got was links that 404d on me. i was hoping someone had it...somehow. too good to let just disappear. elbow macaroni...eggs...pickle juice. that's all i remember, but i know the recipe was exquisite. anyone?
  4. I want to show her how much she means to me by cooking her dinner for her birthday on Weds....but I'll only have an hour to prepare it. I remember this really delicious-sounding recipe from the TBD cookbook that took exactly that long. Something to do with macaroni and pickle juice. Can anyone find and post it? I tried and just kept getting 404s. Thanks, friends.
  5. that's it. it's our year. write it down.
  6. guy is 100% on when it comes to the mono-blues! looks like a high school team when they do that. i can't complain much about the teams ahead of them, except the cowboys pants have morphed into a weird color that is almost greenish. i don't think it's my tv(?)... ps...i will admit that i hate myself for getting sucked into these uniform threads so often.
  7. i appreciate the effort, but they did it wrong. if they want teams going for 2 more often they should have moved the ball to the 1 for the conversion.
  8. our o-line is going to suck balls again.
  9. if he had been been in a pats uniform when he choked up the atlanta game he'd probably be playing for the bills now. he sure wouldn't be playing for the pats.
  10. you MUST be kidding. there were two players between him and the ball when it hit the ground and he wasn't even facing the right direction to see it. he dove for it the instant he saw it.
  11. Does this mean the Bills will finally win the Super Bowl?
  12. i thought we wanted him before last season started, but wow what a jackass.
  13. that show is state-run radio. they deliberately avoid asking hard questions.
  14. haha...ok we'll see....we had the wost OL n football and Cyrus never saw a snap...yet the jury's still out. oh. ok. And does anything about that the Bills \have done this off-season indicate that they think EJ is starting material? I';m not calling Whaley incompetent (yet), but these are looking like 2 HUGE whiffs. So to say that "If Whaley says he's good, he's good" just seems a little bit dubious.
  16. As the great Nick Cave forewarned... "All things move toward their end, On that you can be sure." Although, I think the day when no one will want to bash someone else's head in for money is still a good distance off. Go Bills.
  17. i can't believe this is even a question. the answer has always been yes.
  18. bleah. I never was a fan. I was done with him the day he choked up the Atlanta game.
  19. First off, smart money is still that we get Clay. second, even if we don't, it won't be hard to upgrade Chandler. Options have been mentioned. Chandler, like Stevie Johnson is one of those guys that Bills fans overrate because he plays (or, "played") for the Bills. He's not doing anything that will be hard to replace. Sort of like Stevie in SF...who was so damn great they let him walk for nothing. As far as the guard position goes, I'm with you...we need some activity here! But I am not at all worried about it. I see very little chance that we won't add more talent at that position.
  20. Quite a flair that young man possesses!
  21. has anyone looked at their fumble rate when receiving punts/kicks? presumably those balls are inflated to the max. if their fumble rate was the same as other teams when receiving punts/kicks, but much less on plays from scrimmage, that would be pretty damning.
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