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Everything posted by jester43

  1. the school bought me an anatomy model to use in my health classes...you know, one of those (almost) life-size models from which you can remove the various organs and tissues for teaching purposes? well, my #11 rj jersey is now proudly adorning the new anatomy model. and i think it is a PERFECT use for the jersey of a guy who spent half his time broken into pieces because he couldn't avoid a pass rush. so now the dummy has a new name...call him "rob." he's "standing" behind me now and he looks great...i guess i better keep an eye peeled for outside linebackers when i am standing near him though .
  2. believe it or not he's a long-time season ticket holder. i know because i bought his tickets once not too long ago(he also makes and sells bitchin wing sauce). so i guess he has the "right" to go all ape stevestojan on the bills from the top down...i guess . on the other hand, as down as i am on this franchise right now, i can't come close to matching his negativity...it is just way over the top. i wonder how a guy who seems to hate the team with such zeal can even bother with seasons...and he lives 8hours away to boot!
  3. how long will it be before the numbers 8 and 9 find their way into this thread?
  4. dude don't sweat it. nothing wrong with your posts. say whatever the hell you want as long as you root for the right team on sundays. B)
  5. well said....hey, it was an awesome q&a with the media if nothing else! doesn't do much to restore my faith in drew as a qb, because it has been so long since he's played well...HE TALKS A GOOD GAME FOR SURE, but i'm not sure he has it in him to lead us to more than a handful of wins. i think he needs to go. BUT I HOPE I AM PROVEN WRONG OF COURSE !
  6. why would he do that? he would risk losing an easy scapegoat.
  7. (that avatar is pretty funny. where did you find that?)
  8. ok well, i guess there are a lot of people chuckling. ...just that none of them are me..
  9. LOL...DUDE, I DOn't think "it's safe to say it's over," but unless something changes soon the whispers are going to get louder...
  10. btw....WHY NOT!?
  11. heh heh...good one!
  12. you and me both...and i would respect mularkey a lot more if he would set drew down next week...not that i expect to see it...
  13. i saw the red flag on the ground but the sound was off the in the sports bar i was in so i could not hear the announcers. all i know is mularkey asked for a review and the ref came and explained something to him....then it was second down. anybody clarify what was said?
  14. gregg williams must be having a good chuckle this morning.
  15. yeah, that is the real point here isn't it? as much as it pains me to admit i was wrong about bledsoe being able to get it done here...it hurts WORSE to finally bow my head and admit that donohoe has really !@#$ed up this team. i always try to give the benefit of the doubt for as long as possible, but i have run out of excuses for some of these guys that he has sold us on. every time ted washington reached out with one arm and stopped a running back in his tracks i just shook my head. sam adams on his best day never plugged a hole like fat ted.
  16. i was thinking that about halfway through the third quarter...i mean honestly, who could be bad enough to give up points to this offense?
  17. i agree with every point but #2. a bag of hammers was what he hit the raiders with. the same 20-some carries would have yielded half the yards with mcgahee carrying because he can't YET wear down a defense. not that the bills "wore them out," but travis became more effective, for the most part, as the game wore on. but whatever. as somebody said last week, i wouldn't care if they blew this team up and started over. it's just disgusting.
  18. i'm with you. the sheer number of passes thrown at the knees and feet of wide open receivers is more than i can take. i have been behind this guy since the beginning...always willing to give the benefit of the doubt, but what more can you say? he CAN'T move this offense! i'm ready for shane matthews. at the very least, one more performance like that, and he sits.
  19. didn't there used to be a guy named "marc in montreal" who posted here?
  20. ice...awesome post...i am really sorry i missed out on hanging with you guys last weekend. i would love to have seen that conversation, or had one of my own... i bumped into butler after the famous "RJ-slices-the-colts-to-ribbons-and earns-the-start-vs.-tenne." game. he was super nice but he wasn't as interested in talking football as he was in hitting on my girlfriend. ah well, we were all in a great mood that day...
  21. of course we all wish you the best of everything bill. you are all in my thoughts. i wish your wife the peace and solace she deserves.
  22. as a patriots fan, i suggest you perform your 12-step program at the edge of an 11-step pier
  23. just out of curiosity...did they set up on the 219 ramps?
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