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Everything posted by jester43

  1. i thought that was pretty funny too.
  2. for the last 12 months i have heard nothing but bitching because gregg williams and kevin gilbride were too stupid to realize that we needed to run more. remember how predictable the offense was last year, when all we did was throw? remember how happy everyone was when we hired a head coach who promised a run-first attack? and now when the "smashmouth" didn't work, suddenly the problem is that we need to "open up" the offense? HEY RALPH: the "problem" is the same this year as it was in 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995 and 1994: OUR OFFENSIVE LINE BLOWS. i realize the old man signs the checks, but if they make radical changes to their offensive philosophy because of the post-game ramblings of ralph wilson...well, then we are in worse trouble than any of us realizes. the only decisions that should guide the offensive philosophy of this team are based on the following question: "what play can we run next where there won't be any defensive players in our backfield before you can count to one-mississippi?"
  3. yeah really...this was such a happy thread when it started!
  4. as a kid we would drive through j-burg on the way to pgh for pirates games, i always wondered how people tolerated living in johnsonburg...the whole town reeked of dirty socks and sauerkraut. i used to just gag. of course, this was the 70s, and i hope for their sake it has gotten better. and regarding straub...my summer job in college was with a natural gas company, repairing and replacing the lines. a couple of the old-timers who had developed diabetes always said straub was the only beer their docs would let them drink, because "it didn't have sugar." didn't sound right to me, but whatever...
  5. congratulations coach85. i have a really good friend who graduated from fairfax county schools (chantilly, i believe)and she had only good things to say about them. she graduated in'96, and just finished her ph.d. at jmu last spring. anyone (or should i say, everyone?)can make grammar mistakes tapping out informal notes on an internet message boards...but hardly anyone can deal with roomfuls of hyperactive adolescents! and regarding cortland, education is what you make of it. it's possible to get a world class education just about anywhere if you are willing to work hard enough. but really, it's not even an issue at cortland...i happen to know their phys. ed. program is top-notch. jack daniels aside, a ton of p.e. research comes out of cortland every year...i'm sure you had some excellent profs. we had some fantastic ones at temple as well...another "party" school.
  6. fair enough...but are we allowed to win any games while all this is going on?
  7. the only hope the bills have is if fiedler doesn't play. otherwise the dolphins win for sure....they might still win anyway.
  8. was that the game where they broadcast it with no announcers? that had to be 1984.
  9. totally agree on ben. i wanted him all along...too bad it was not to be...
  10. as bad as bledsoe looks at times....his "badness" is vastly exacerbated by the fact that the line completely breaks down every third play! that's why this offense will NEVER amount to stevestojan with the current cast of characters. perfect example yesterday....we get the ball with 55 secs left, and on the first play, they get to us witrh a 4 man front... and bledsoe goes down. can he get rid of the ball quicker sometimes? sure. but in that situation he should have PLENTY of time. the line sucks, and donohoe sucks for not taking it more seriously as the major problem facing this team.
  11. coach d....nothing personal...i really hope you enjoy rooting for those other teams...but i just couldn't do it. my teams (bills, sabres) are my teams, and all other teams just aren't...that's just how it is. no matter what, i can't get excited about other peoples' teams, and i could never whip up a phony interest in them just because the bills suck.
  12. same here...in the past my buddy and i would have been dancing on the room on a td like evans'....but we just sat there, because we KNEW that WITHOUT A DOUBT, they would BLOW IT. how sad is that? we've been watching this team our whole lives and tom donohoe has sucked the joy right out of rooting for them.
  13. we as fans can second guess a lot...but i don't think any of us knows enough to say whether milloy's ready to go....you have to give the benefit of the doubt on that one. i'm sure he'll be in the line-up the moment he's ready.
  14. it would help salvage the remaining respect i have for the guy if he would speak openly about the situation....but i am not holding my breath...
  15. the day i finally GIVE UP on the bills (and i admit that i am closer than i have ever been)is the day i find something else to do on autumn sunday afternoons..."adopting" another team is not, and will never be, a consideration.
  16. the d&c story today said mularkey finally opened his mouth and chewed somebody out on the sidelines. then...shazam...2 touchdowns. when are these young coaches going to realize that you can't work like you're trying to win a popularity contest? i said "bring me coughlin" about 50 times last winter. maybe the giants will implode, but i find it very interesting that they used him to replace of those "real good guys that everyone loves"....and all of a sudden they are winning. hm.
  17. according to my buddy who ran there, it's a good place to go if you want to play d3 sports...as most of their teams are very good. but get this, they have a renowned track/xc coach on their staff who has a ph.d. in exercise physiology, has written several books, and has worked as a consutant for the united states olympic training center. the guy was featured once in an issue of runners world in an article entitled "world's greatest coach." his name? DR. JACK DANIELS. now THAT, my friends, is a PARTY SCHOOL.
  18. i expected them to collpse in the 4th quarter to lose by TEN....not TWO! hey, things really are looking up!!
  19. that's because you're incurably SWEET. cranks like me have run out of patience.
  20. he is being realistic. donohoe does deserve to be fired. this team is an embarrassment.
  21. what a disgrace our team has become.
  22. there is no way this team beats miami. fiedler will carve them up.
  23. bless your heart rudy...let the record show that when everyone wanted to string yoU up for your pesssimism, i defended your right to proclaim MISERY! now that you think we have a shot at respectability, i can't back down (plus i have consumed 7 pints of strong british ale this evening)from paying you your due respect! RUDY IS DA MAN! ....GO BILLS!!!
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