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Everything posted by jester43

  1. yeah me too...mcgahee has shown a knack for turning -1s into +3s...maybe that will be the boost this offense needs to outscore ari-friggin-zona at home. christ it better be..or else we just traded the #1 overall pick for jp losman.
  2. i think his "problem" is that he got hit in the head too many times and now he can't react fast enough to play the position. i agree that it is ridiculous to bash drew for the comments posted above...he is approaching the situation exactly as he should, and saying exactly WHAT he should. i would further assert that the reason the players are so loyal to him is that he consistently does all the things a good leader does...he doesn't point the finger at his teammates, he takes charge in the huddle, works hard, has a positive outlook, etc. etc. i understand his comments after sunday's game might be construed as a knock to his o-line, but by and large, he has handled himself with class and dignity throughout this very difficult period. he has not been a finger-pointer. i think his teammates recognize this and support him because of it. i believe in my heart they want him to succeed. the other side of the story, of course, is that at some point you have to perform. basically, i think it's safe to say that guy does EVERYTHING right, except for the most important thing, which is to help us put points on the board. that's why he's coming to the end of the line as a starting QB. i think his a teammates sense this, but are staying behind him as much as possible because they respect him so much. i said earlier, and i truly believe, that bledsoe will be benched after this sunday's game. i'm sorry about this, as he is everything a hometown hero should be...except good at his job. i really want him to succeed, but i think it's over. unlike many others here, i won't take any joy in seeing him run out of town after the season. and i don't think his teammates will either. but i think it's gonna happen.
  3. cards 20 bills 10 ...following which there will be a mutiny in the locker room, and matthews will get the start vs. the jets. look for 3 picks by bledsoe and the touchdown to be scored either on defense or special teams.
  4. well good morning! very nice!
  5. you heard it here first: the bills lose and then shane matthews get the start vs. new york.
  6. it is astonishing how many people identify with this lunatic isn't it? we are so close to being a fascist state right now it is spinechilling...and bush is both fueling and thriving on the paranoia the far right-wing machine has created. people are going to look back at this era in our history and view it with the same disbelief that they did the mccarthy era.
  7. there is no excusing mcgahee for that piece of stevestojan effort. moulds went to twice the effort when it looked like he had no shot to stop him...and what do you know, the guy went down. as far as i'm concerned he owes the entire team an apology.
  8. a female friend of mine (katie from the bills/chargers tailgate...some of you met her) just went to a girls-only party...came home with something called a "jelly osaki," which she can't stop talking about btw, but i digress... anyway, she said the highlight of the evening was when the hostess gave out free samples of some sort of "hands-free" orgasm creme...apparently it is to be applied by fingertip to the appropriate feminine anatomical structure (can i say "cl!t" here?), where it induces such an immense increase in blood flow that it can finish the job for you, if you know what i mean. at least that's what they claim. so one-by-one all of the women take their fingerfuls to the bathroom and return...and it was like clockwork...within 2 minutes the entire room was sitting there giggling, red-faced and slightly sweaty. in other words, it was a little of this: , and a little of this: . she said if you had just walked in the room, it looked like everyone had just eaten some kind of suicide chicken-wing sauce...but yet they were carrying on like the potsmoking scene from "9-to-5." i said it sounds like great stuff(!), and did they have anything like it for guys? she said no, but they were trying to get everyone to buy the $30 electric vaginas for their husbands and boyfriends. i told her my conservative friends over here at the PPP board said they were overrated, and i'm glad she didn't buy me one. so anyway jay, i think you're going to have some fun.
  9. i just want to know if anyone got on his ass for giving up on that interception return! that was disgraceful. i know he's young, but i lost a lot of respect for the kid on that play. maybe the blocker would have held him off, but jesus h. christ mcgahee, you're 20 effing yards from the endzone...PRETEND LIKE YOU CARE, AND FINISH THE PLAY! does anyone else smell a rat with this guy?
  10. "jagoff?" man, you need to relax. maybe YOU need to understand that this is PRO FOOTBALL...as opposed to world war 3. so let me see, your favorite professional football entertainment franchise is losing games...so you think the appropriate response is mob action. don't you think that is maybe just A LITTLE over the top?
  11. i think he looks like john turturro with a crazy wig.
  12. then we're looking at 3-4 more years of sucking, of course.
  13. another possibility is that increasing mcgahee's workload will improve the offense so much (as it did in the miami game) that it will strengthen bledsoe's grip on the starter's job (*ducks*).
  14. i don't. not any more.
  15. agree...if history tells us anything about ralph, it's that he's made a lot more bad decisions than good ones with this team. of course that's only ON the field...off the field he's made the best decision ever- to leave the bills in buffalo
  16. 1. the ralph...enough said 2. mile high...loved it! like a huge erector set...cool mountain air and a gorgeous view of the rockies from our nosebleed seats...now i know where that term comes from! 3. pro-player(fish)- maybe it was because i was there for a playofff game, but i have to say i had a great time there. loud rowdy crowd that was fairly respectful...though i did get hit with an ice cube out of someone's soda at one point...the little dancing dolphin on the jumbo tron made me chuckle...i don't know, i was mad we lost, but i had a good time there. the tailgate was great too. plenty of room to party. 4. three rivers...mainly for the atmosphere...can't get any more blue collar...although some guy started giving me stevestojan in the men's room for standing there wearing a bills hat...and i was in the middle of a 5-minute piss so there was not much i could do. 5. raymond james (tampa)one of the "new" designs ...nice place, but sterile 6. heinz field...see above. if i was a steelers fan i would hate that place because it is so "pretty" it just sucks the life out of the crowd. 3 rivers used to just shake...this place just gets "unsettled" when the steelers score. 7. the vet- like 3 rivers...but with more anger and less room to tailgate. glad it's gone. 8. meadowlands - parking lot was the worst tailgating experience of my life. way too crowded.
  17. i think he starts 11/7...after we lose at home to arizona
  18. i have no reason to doubt that, but if it's an engineering flaw, then why don't these same types of crashes happen more often?
  19. i'll say it again...if ralph is calling the shots on the field in any way, shape or form...this franchise is SCREWED until he dies.
  20. where'd you get the moorman jersey?
  21. i think you ought to consider the source on that one...
  22. NO MOORMAN?! DAMN! oh well...probably just as well i don't inflict my "jersey jinx" on the poor kid.
  23. i suppose we could win...but i am really just praying we score a touchdown before the outcome is decided. and why am i afraid kyle boller is about to look like the 2nd coming of joe montana running the 2 minute offense...?
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