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Posts posted by jester43


    The Eagles coaching staff lost faith in McCoy in short yardage and goal line situations last season. He looked like a RB who didn't want to pay the physical price any longer.


    He blamed fatigue for the obvious decline in explosiveness.


    That's where the "declining" narrative comes from.


    The fact that his ypc dropped and his carries are stacking up simply supported the Eagles opinion.


    If you think 4.2 yards per carry from a contact dodger like McCoy is anything equivalent to the impact of 4.3 from a pounder like Lynch then you just don't understand the different ways the run is used to impact the result of the game.


    Like I said, I expect Shady to run for a league average ypc and I don't expect he will turn into a ground and pound RB.


    I believe he will continue to dance and try to bounce runs outside and it will lead to a lot of drives that both include a 12-15 yard run and a bunch of negative-to-3 yard runs that end with a long conversion attempt on 3rd down or a punt.


    I would LOVE it if he proved me wrong and was one of the top 10 in both ypc and carries and put up 10-15 TD's and all those things but I don't think it's gonna happen and I have good reason not to.



    I was responding to being told that everything about him was "well above league average" so I pointed out that his ypc was just league average.


    Earlier in the thread I said I expect him to run at a league average ypc clip again.


    The rest is you hyperbolizing what I said.

    no, you just hate the bills.


    The article is titled "McCoy not getting it right now", which itself comes with the implication that, as a man, Jerry Sullivan has a high ethical standard with which McCoy, (whom he reminds the reader in the second sentence of his article is "a man they call Shady"), needs to abide by.

    Even though McCoy may outwardly act as a good person, (throwing a football into the stands for the fans, hugging the owner, and conducting a cheery press conference), and even though he admitted that he acted in error to present his party in such a light, and even though McCoy clarified the issue by admitting it was one of his group of friends that made the post... Jerry Sullivan still would choose to judge another man, with the implication being that, he, Jerry Sullivan, is qualified to pass judgement on this case, and McCoy is a "bad person", and Jerry Sullivan has declared this to be so, so McCoy must make amends not with a higher power, but with Jerry Sullivan himself.


    The fact that a man is so willing to judge another, despite the object of his judgement apologizing for his actions and taking steps to lead a good life in Buffalo, flies in the face of thousands of years of moral conduct codes that human beings have generally agreed to follow with regards to how we treat one another. The fact that the mere mention of Jerry Sullivan's name brings up pages upon pages of people complaining about his character and the way he treats others, should serve as a notice to Jerry that he is living out of balance. He is too harshly judging young men who play a game for a living, and bring much joy to the people who watch them compete.


    Jerry Sullivan needs far more spiritual guidance than any of the athletes he judges.

    he sounds like a lot of people who post their opinions on this site.

  3. ok i think i got it....


    astro opine what homer fans want to hear = genius

    radio guy opine what homer fans don't want to hear = evil, incompetent with sinister agenda


    by the way astro, i welcome and appreciate your reports...and i hope EJ (or, for the love of god, SOMEBODY) really looks great and turns the corner. its just that the level of confirmation bias here is astonishing. so many fans can't handle hearing opinions on these players that they don't agree with that they create media boogeymen in their minds....it is sad and funny at the same time.


    I don't think they want to see him fail...they want to prove themselves right (that he was a reach and a mistake). Proving oneself correct is more important to a lot of people than just having an adult, intellectual conversation in which both parties can make points without either having to "win."

    what fantasy world do you guys live in?

  5. i agree it looks that way, but why? It makes no sense that they would want him to fail.



    like some guys have a weird bug up their butt when it comes to "the media." ...the first of which is they carry on like "the media" is one person with a conspiratorial agenda.

  6. Dead at 60...Curtis was an underrated "role playing" RB for the Chuck Knox-era Bills.

    Oh my gosh! Terrible news. No doubt he was underrated! I can still hear Van Miller yelling his name as he slashes off-tackle for 8 yards! I loved this guy on the Chuck Knox teams. And those were some wonderful teams. RIP sir... You will never be forgotten...

    Honestly, I can't believe this thread isn't three pages yet. That is pretty sad news as well. Maybe too many of you are too young to remember..

  7. Wow this thing took a funny turn...oh the contempt!


    I don't agree that pro sports are "slavery."


    I don't think much of that artwork.


    I don't know why he doesn't seem to realize how lucky he is to have made a killing and be out with his health intact.


    But, I would love to line up all the people who feel justified judging Aaron Maybin and having Tim Graham write the story of their life...I bet we'd learn all kinds of funny stuff. It's always the most self-righteous that have the skeletons in their closet.


    Some of you guys need to lighten up. I'm sure you're not so perfect either.


    The story didn't "need" to be written any more than anything else about the Bills needs to be. But he was a high profile player with an interesting/different story. And now it has been told.


    Have a nice day!


    ps...i hate weed also.

  8. that surgery sucks. i had it 8 years ago on my left knee and now it is basically worthless. i was an extremely active athlete person and now if i'm on my feet all day i'm limping. sports are out, other than a little cycling. no more running, no more beer league hockey, no more ultimate frisbee...i have a buddy who plays rugby and i was about to take it up but that is out of the question now.


    the rehab is pretty miserable (what rehab isn't, i guess). i spent 6 weeks post-surgery on a couch with my leg in a machine that flexes/extends the knee slowly once per minute. 8 to 12 hours a day of that. oh and my wife was pregnant, so i couldn't help her with anything. You can imagine what a pleasant mood everyone was in.


    It took almost two years for the pain to go away so that i could walk around without pain. i know other people have had better results, but there are a lot of stories like mine. Knowing what it is like for me I really hope that kid is able to pull it together and do what he loves again.


    honestly some days it hurts so bad i'd have been luckier to have my leg amputated at the knee so i could run on one of those prosthetic legs that look like leaf springs.


    So, good luck Jadaveon Clowney. I hope you make a full recovery.

  9. I wonder how much truth there is to the way the Ralph Wilson bills were run. If this is some of the truth, it's no wonder we haven't made the playoffs in a generation.

    Hmmm....yeah, no wonder.


    Ralph had his one big drunken spending spree in the 90s but he spent the rest of his career nickel-and-diming this franchise into the joke status it has deserved since then. Soooooo many stories like this...is it even a question anymore? Do we have to bring up his coaching/front office hires? Coincidentally, Maybin came along at the absolute low-point in all of this.


    There are dozens of guys here who love to sneer sarcastically at you..."heh, Ralph is cheap <_< ," but while we know he (RIP and thanks) had strong philanthropic instincts, his refusal to pay the going rate for talent hurt the franchise badly.


    I'm not suggesting Maybin deserved more than he got, but how many stories like this do we have to read before it sinks in?

  10. Bills


    New Zealand All Blacks Rugby

    Colorado State Football

    Beat me to it!


    1. Bills

    2. Sabres

    3. New Zealand All Blacks Rugby (hope you did not sleep through a fantastic win yesterday)

    4. USA Track & Field (drugs and all)

    5. Temple basketball

  11. "Fergy back to pass, pressure's on, he's running backwards, and they've got him, 15-yard loss and here comes Greg Cater, the Bills are out of field goal range. How do you like that!"


    Sadly, yes.


    Talk about a witness to suffering!


    RIP Van, you were the greatest.


    @kevconnorsespn: If you missed it-our tribute to the late #VanMiller tonight. A legend & an icon. RIP.


    wow that brings a tear t0 your eye! :(

  12. Sad, news...I did not know he had cancer. I definitely loved the 70s Raiders and it was cool how often channel 2 would put them on at 4pm (with the great Curt Gowdy calling the games).


    It's been said already and I concur...those guys reminded you a lot of the 88-93 Bills. So much fun to watch and I was thrilled when they finally got over the top by smacking Minnesota around in the Super Bowl.



  13. Still on page 1 and it has already morphed into a Sully B word thread. Awesome.


    Every one of us has had lots and lots of opinions/hunches/predictions about our team that were subsequently shown to be, uh, ill-advised. The Dareus column was one for sure.


    I will even agree that sometimes these guys just say things to stir **** up. I bickered with Harrington about the Sabres all winter, because I thought he was just trolling fans who saw 30th place as the best way out of the Sabres' abyss.


    I contend that if any of us had to publish opinions for living, we'd say all kinds of stuff that would be proven dumb or false, and that most of us (at least those with a sense of humor) might even "poke the bear" once in awhile.


    But I give BN columnists the benefit of the doubt most of the time, because it is a fact that they see/hear more than we do. Their opinions mean more because they are based on more first-hand knowledge.


    Besides, it's just sports. Why do I need to agree with a sports columnist all the time to like reading their stuff? Not pointing at anyone in particular here, but some people need to unwad their panties just a bit.

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