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Everything posted by jester43

  1. i sympathize with you man...it's hard when you're on a bike because you're not as agile. it's much much easier when you're running, because you can turn around and rooster your fist and scream at the top of your lungs to the dog that if he takes one more step toward you you're going to knock his !@#$ing head off and then reach down his neck, grab him by the balls and pull him completely inside out right there on the street. the dogs that i have done this to generally "sense" the danger and back off. honest to god, i once held off 6 junk yard dogs running up 32nd street in philadelphia with this technique (coupled with a kick to the chops of the largest and most aggressive pooch, who apparently did not speak english). and because i lived, i have complete confidence in this technique and believe it to be effective on 99.9% of all unleashed dogs. i will admit however, that there is one rottweiler on my usual route that, if it came down to it, would stand a chance of surviving should it come down to a me-vs.-him battle to the death. on the other hand, my tried and true intimidation technique would be my only chance, so i'd try it anyway. in your case, it's hard to turn around abruptly and scream and kick and threaten to behead the dog when you are zipping down an 18inch wide shoulder in heavy traffic at 20mph. so i would also recommend the pepper spray. good luck.
  2. i give the guy credit for not blowing smoke up your ass!
  3. the bottom line is that TD tried like hell to get ben and he couldn't (or so it has been said). so i guess it's a moot point. i know i wanted ben all along but i knew it wasn't happening. and realistically, if he HAD come here we would all think he sucked by now because he would be struggling like hell behind this clusterf--- of an offensive line.
  4. (my first laugh of the week)
  5. i can't root for any other teams. i sorta like the pitt cause the bus helped me beat ice in fantasy football a few years back ( ), but really i will just be playing out the string watching the remaining bills games....then rooting for all the underdogs in the playoffs. ...again...*sigh*
  6. none of mcgahee's "good" games were over 4 yards a carry. both he and travis are plenty good enough, but our o-line sucks stevestojan. remember that 3 years ago, antoine smith was all the running back new england needed to win the super bowl.
  7. there is nothing about losman per se that screams "BUST," but after watching donohoe continue to !@#$ this team up with his piss-poor decisions for the last 4 years, i have to figure he will be a disappointment until proven otherwise. we are on a treadmill of sucking until there is change at the very top.
  8. good for you! at least you made productive use of the time!
  9. i cannot believe what a train wreck this team has become. 20-0 at halftime- i figured only a chump would lose sleep on watching these guys flounder around like my old junior high team. between the play of the bills and the espn crew all but fellating tom brady, i just couldn't stand it anymore. my congratulations to everyone who managed to stomach all 4 quarters...whoever you are, you would do really well on fear factor. thanks donohoe...and keep at it...you'll run this franchise out of town yet... :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  11. i am so sick of watching this team suck. i'm going to bed.
  12. but for every 10 yarder he breaks, he gets buried at the line, or in the backfield once or twice. that's why his average sucks. this, of course, is not an indictment of mcgahee, but of our pathetic o-line. will donohoe EVER wake up and improve the line??? i don't see that exchanging one mediocre guard for another (reuben for villarrial) really made much of an impact...the impact has been all mcgahee.
  13. cute?! yikes! i noticed because he is one of a few people on this board i've actually met!
  14. be sure to pick up the new steve earle album...his new song "!@#$ the fcc" will have you marching in the streets! (you are 1000% right to be pissed by the way, that is bullshite)
  15. yeah, really! !
  16. i have sort of been "in and out" myself this fall (mainly due to work) so i don't know if there were any tumultuous anouncements associated with this little factoid...but anyway, today i found myself wondering why i hadn't seen any g. host posts lately. so i searched him and saw that he quit about 2 mos ago at EXACTLY 9999 posts. i don't know if it was calculated or not, but i thought it was sorta funny! anyway....G., WHERE'D YOU GO!?
  17. mcgee can survive at corner with vincent playing safety...that is if he can play at or near 100$...which is not a given in his 1st game back...
  18. i prefer the old ones..but the new ones are not the worst. i was happy when they unveiled the new ones because i was afarid they would eff it up as bad as they did the sabres.
  19. it was 95 and it was returned by my neighbor lee woodall. he lives back here in carlisle
  20. what he said.
  21. i believe that was the game in which vinitieri missed 2 game-winning FGs...one at the end of regulation and one in OT.
  22. sorry if this was already posted.....
  23. they say he was walking last night so it looks like he'll be ok. thank goodness. judging from where he got hit, and how weakly he held that "thumbs up," i wouldn't be surprised if he has a pretty bad concussion. meanwhile, he's getting better for sure, but he'll never be the player we need him to be till he loses 30-40 lbs. hell, he'd probably be a probowler within 2 years if he could get 20 lbs off...and keep it off.
  24. yeah, and apparently his act as worn off on stamer! wtf was that?! he makes 1 special teams tackle and all of a sudden he's dancing around like some kinda football ninja out there?! embarrassing!
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