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Everything posted by jester43

  1. i miss him too, but we couldn't afford him. period. i wouldn't have wanted him to sign here for what the vikes gave him.
  2. this is a joke, right?
  3. it makes me want to puke too.
  4. I am watching him on espn news right now, and i cannot even describe the hideousness of his pimped-out high-button sport coat, vertical-stripe-collar oxford and VERY FAT tie. aye caramba!
  5. i thought you were gonna tell him to say, "IT'S GOOOOOOOOOOD!!! AND THE BILLS HAVE WON THE SUPER BOWL!!"
  6. lucky bastard! get on that!
  7. the honeymoon's over. i bought into the hype as much as anyone, but now he's been exposed. this was supposed to be a good team and it has been anything but...and this is after 4 years. maybe losman will turn this thing around all by himself, but judging by the last 2 QBs donohoe sold us on, the only thing i know for sure is that he's isn't good at picking QBs. unless we win 5 or 6 of our last 7, there will be a huge drop in ticket sales next year, which will be the beginning of the end for donohoe.
  8. i am tempted to go 2nd, but i'll say 3rd.
  9. i agree...i think WGR was trying to make something out of nothing with this story. he's not randy moss, but he's the biggest difference-maker on the roster. moulds is going to be in the league a long time and i, for one, do not want to see him hoisting the lombardi trophy in any other uniform but ours.
  10. i love threads about "board culture."
  11. and the sooner we all realize this...the happier we all will be! personally, i'm in awe of the man...not necessarily because of his football wisdom, but because he has somehow managed to turn every his comment into some larger-than-life emotional issue for many who frequent this place. if i am not on this board for (god forbid) 8-12 hrs, it never fails...when i do log on the first thing i will see is an ICE post, followed by 57 replies. HOW DOES HE DO IT!? that, my friends, is a GIFT. ICE, i and my fellow threadkillers (you know who you are) are duly impressed. B)
  12. you don't lose your job to injury....unless the guy who plugs the hole outplays you. what's so hard about that?
  13. well then steven... i think TDs in trouble if things don't turn around real quick, because about 95% of the seats were sold before opening day...i don't know the exact percentage of course, but remember how many games sold out IMMEDIATELY or were down to single seats when the single game tix went on sale? i think the REAL reason the rams sold out is because there were hardly any seats left to sell...everyone bought them in the summer when we all thought the team would be good. i'm sure the cleveland and pitt games will sell out because the opposing fans will snap up whatever seats are left. and i am sure there won't be many, because, again, we all thought the team would be good, so the seats sold. the question now is, how many more seasons will bills fans be fooled into we are building something around here? i have lost confidence that we are going anywhere anytime soon, because i don't think donohoe is capable of assembling a winning roster. we'll find out next summer how many bills fans agree when the seats go on sale for the 05 season...my prediction is that because the bills sucked this year, and because we can't exactly blow the team up and start over, attendance will be WAY down in 05. i think people finally realize the emporer's naked
  14. wait a minute...i don't know how old she is...but i am guessing she is mid-40's...she is holding up pretty well...but nonetheless i'll leave her to mr. spellings.
  15. no way! it always gets a huge response at shows. probably "penthouse" is the most widely adored of their albums..but a lot of people like "bewitched"...i also think "days of our nights" is exceptional...it has a really cool cover of GnR's "sweet child o' mine." but yeah, penthouse is probably their signature album.
  16. you're missing the point...i'm not picking on the marine.
  17. i am a loyal fan who owns their whole collection...minus a few obscure b-sides. i even have the new "dean and britta" CDs. luna released a new (and final) disc called "rendezvous" about 4 weeks ago. it is exceptional. i thought their last one (romantica) was a litle bit of a letdown, but the new one is up to their usual standards. one great thing about living in the northeast is that most of their following is there, hence most of their shows are there as well. i must have seen them 20 times by now and it never gets old.
  18. '94...that was before all the concussions and sacks
  19. i don't blame the marine for being put in that situation and making a bad decision. anyone can panic and make a bad decision. i blame the immoral leadership in this country for putting him there.
  20. i just got my tickets for the final luna show in baltimore which is next monday night at the ottobar...not sure there are a lot of luna fans here, but i thought it was worth a shot. LUNA
  21. that is great news...i'm sure she'll be a beauty...congratulations scott.
  22. huh? "come back to win the game?" what is this "come back" you speak of? oooohhh...now i get it...like in the jax game, and the raiders game....and the 1st jets game... is there a rule against the bills doing that or something? i can only remember other teams doing it.
  23. of course he's a prick...he's made a career out of being a snide smartass. but he's right that we need a change at qb....i'm not sure it'sa going to make any difference, but we need a change at qb, that is for damn sure. when jerry comes out with his "this-whole-mess-is-hopeless-till-TD-gets-fired" rant he will be a prick and a jerk about it too. but he'll also be correct.
  24. considering who drafted losman, i am no longer convinced he's even a POTENTIAL upgrade. maybe mularkey has already decided this himself...i don't know, i'm not at practice, but considering that last 2 QBs donohoe's staked his reputation on, i don't know why you'd think this guy's going to be any better than what we have. and after the pathetic showing last night by that band of losers masquerading as the bills, i don't see that it matters whether losman or bledsoe or shane matthews plays qb. we're still going to get our asses beat accross the the l.o.s on offense 90% of the time, and on defense at least 50% of the time. i don't think there's a qb in the history of this league who could win with these clowns. they had EVERY REASON to come out looking for blood last night and they rolled over. again. seriously, it is going to take YEARS to clean this mess up, and it's not even going to START to happen until we get a new GM.
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