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Everything posted by jester43

  1. this is much cooler than haiku.
  2. zooba? zubaz? are those the striped things they call "stupid pants?" not a horrible idea, but i say wait about 3 more seasons and they'll be ironic enough to be back in vogue.
  3. the original post was ridiculous. of course the bills can make the playoffs. every team in the league has flaws. we know very well what the bills flaws are. but that doesn't mean they can't win 2 more games. a big difference, as was mentioned, is CONFIDENCE. this team has seen enough guys make big plays they they KNOW someone will step up if need be. that is an extremely powerful intangible and players know it.
  4. i'm glad you made it out! when i stopped in port a. for a hamburger on my way to the browns game, the story on the front page of the local paper was the tragic death of one of my dear old high school teachers...the guy had woken up at 6am with his house on fire, went outside to wait for the trucks. it was cold out so he thought he would sneak back in the front door to grab his coat. when they firemen came they found him dead of smoke inhalation. something really noxious was in that smoke and it knocked him out almost the instant he went in the door. very sad day for our little town.
  5. maybe, but only if we have NO MORE INJURIES. this is getting to be a pain in the ass!
  6. what i don't get is that ohio is getting buried, and here in central pa it is 57 degrees now(albeit rainy) with nothing but sun in the forecast for the next 4 days .
  7. i agree 100% about gowdy...my alltime favorite football announcer.
  8. 1975...i was 9 years old...we lived almost halfway between buffalo and pittsburgh, but unfortunately, my dad's salesman friend could only ever get us steeler tickets. but that year, we got lucky and got bills at pgh. tix. so mom, dad and i drove the 3 1/2 hrs to three rivers and watched buffalo clobber the super bowl champs. two plays stand out: sherman white and earl edwards clobbering bradshaw and running back the fumble, and oj taking a sweep around the right side 89 yards for a td. i think my family were the only 3 people in the stadium cheering... and it was sweet. i also remember a banner that hung in the endzone oj rolled into: "with the steel curtain, you can be certain, the juice will be hurtin." oj went over 200 yards that day. haha...suck it pittsburgh.
  9. yep that's what i'm thinking too. he's just not ready to play offense yet. too bad for us.
  10. i can't believe peters can't do anything that campbell can do...with regard to blocking, that is. it has to be that he doesn't know what he's doing yet.
  11. i always wondered how people get those "tri-horn" things into the game. i think i've only ever seen them at the ralph. i love the sound of them.
  12. l had a feeling losing campbell would screw things up.
  13. for a guy who hates the bills, weiler sure does have some awesome seasons...i know cause i sat in them once. down low by the tunnel...damn we had fun that day. i think the complaints about the offense are legit. and honestly, i think that as bad as bledsoe looks at times, the only thing that can save us is cowbells. thousands of them.
  14. dude, your cowbell's stuck
  15. i think they are both pretty sharp.
  16. i hear you...i sorta agree...but the real problem is that al our primetime games are road games....at home it's a different story.
  17. yeah it was budd dwyer....pa state treasurer i believe...convicted in a bribery scam. i will never forget it...i was still living in philly at the time and his trial and sentencing were big news. channel 6 in philly was the first and only station to show the actual suicide footage and so many people were freaked out by it, it did not air again. the other local stations did not show it. i was (un)lucky enough to catch the initial broadcast of r. budd's "nice shot" on channel six. being generally a little timid about acts of ultraviolence, i was freaked the !@#$ out. two shots of brown and i was ok, though. i know there are plenty of war veterans out there who have seen (done?) worse, but i had never seen any thing like that and it turned my stomach. sorry. i forget who the band was that turned out that "heeeeeeeeeeyy maaaaaan, nice shot!" song, but i should point out an earlier (and better)tribute song was recorded by the great early-industrial artist steve albini who wrote and performed "budd" with his solo project band "rapeman." it was an appropriately disturbing homage to the r.budd freak show.
  18. all are signed for 05 if i am not mistaken.
  19. sounds awesome...sorry i missed it...and thanks to udonkey for having the funniest screen name.
  20. there is no reason the niners should win this game, but on the other hand, there is no way the bills offense can be so ineffective and still win games...i thought we looked like sh-- on offense yesterday! and this was not the ravens we were playing!
  21. i have to ask you about your avatar...is she as much fun as she looks?
  22. well he seems to know the same things we do about this team. he said he's gonna ride'em from here out. astonishing for either of those guys to say that.
  23. i did happen to catch them friday when they were making their picks(francessa picked the bills, russo laid off the game)...i think it was russo who said..."i don't trust bledsoe on the road." he's right of course. but as long as the W's keep piling up, who cares?
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