1975...i was 9 years old...we lived almost halfway between buffalo and pittsburgh, but unfortunately, my dad's salesman friend could only ever get us steeler tickets. but that year, we got lucky and got bills at pgh. tix. so mom, dad and i drove the 3 1/2 hrs to three rivers and watched buffalo clobber the super bowl champs. two plays stand out: sherman white and earl edwards clobbering bradshaw and running back the fumble, and oj taking a sweep around the right side 89 yards for a td. i think my family were the only 3 people in the stadium cheering... and it was sweet.
i also remember a banner that hung in the endzone oj rolled into:
"with the steel curtain,
you can be certain,
the juice will be hurtin."
oj went over 200 yards that day. haha...suck it pittsburgh.