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Everything posted by jester43

  1. speaking of the pats' secondary, a funny aside: the pats signed hank poteat this week, whom i could never call that, because when he was in my MIDDLE SCHOOL phys. ed. class in 1990 and 1991, his name was "henry." i will never ever forget when i was teaching the wrestling unit one fateful autumn day in 1990. henry poteat, all 150 lbs of him, had made mincemeat of the entire class, despite having never wrestled before in his young life (that's what nfl-caliber genes will do for you , i guess). well, in order to give the kid a reasonable challenge, some kid suggested that I should wrestle him, even though he, at the ripe old age of 13, already outweighed me by 10 pounds. but on the other hand, i WAS the middle school asst. wrestling coach, so what did i have to fear? so the 2 of us squared off, he, on one hand, being already built like a tiny locomotive, but on the other hand being totally clueless about folkstyle wrestling. so when i shot the double, he reflexively sprawled (as i had tought him), and, in abject panic, locked his arms around my rib cage and squeezed as hard as he freaking could. the fact that this maneuver was patently illegal was of little consequence to the class, who gasped at the raspy sound of several liters of air being forced from my chest in mere fractions of a second. so there i was laying under a kid who, though only half my age, both outweighed me and was literally squeezing the life from me. the illegality of his frightened tactic notwithstanding, i was in big trouble here. jesus h. christ, was he strong. so i did the only thing i could do in the situation...i tapped out on the mat and called the requisite 1-point penalty on him for "locked hands." when the battle resumed, i got smart and WAITED FOR HIM to shoot! one easy "sprawl and spin" later, i had the take down and had vanquished my little african bam-bam, though it was me who was by far the worse for the wear. 10 years later he was in the nfl, and i have to say that looking back on that day, i was never surprised.
  2. bledsoe will be the bills starter in 2005. write it down.
  3. do you honestly think brees is going anywhere? i don't.
  4. i have always though williams could be good, and while i am happy we got rid of him when we did, i have no doubt he can still be good nfl head coach. bottom line is, people can learn from theri mistkes...and if greggg can learn from his (and hire some competent assistants) he can be successful in this league. and anyway, perhaps belichek will go back to being an idiot when weis and (quite possibly) crennel fly the coop? just a thought...
  5. not sure...all i know is that the pats will have those steeler fans drying their tears wit those stupid !@#$ing gold towels.
  6. has he ever played a road playoff game?
  7. the jester kiss of death: i have thought the patriots would win since early october. (eagle, steeler, and falcon fans rejoice...cause that can only mean one thing...)
  8. sort of throws cold water on all my "bring me coughlin" beggings and pleadings from the last off season. oops. thanks TD.
  9. whatever...brady is damn good and he plays onthe best team. i have thought all along the pats would win the superbowl and i think he (or more accurately he and his team) is going to make big ben look like the rookie he is. although...damnit- i sure wish we could have drafted him. ben, that is.
  10. stop that.
  11. yeah well ...you are right, but i don't think marino should feel too bad...he can take solace in the fact that being an a-hole truly is it's own punishment.
  12. it's actually more than that if you consider that kelly's career was ended early by the beating he took his final season...the concussion vs. jacksonville was merely the exclamation point at the end of a long sad sentence.
  13. it is asinine to blame manning for that asswhipping. that colt team was- as i predicted they would be- just bitchslapped along both lines of scrimmage. next week it's pittsbugh's turn.
  14. i agree with that. i feared that losing those 2 tight ends would kill us and i think it turned out to be true. also, i agree with your other post. the defense is good...but not good enough. the steelers game was a cold bucket of water wasn't it? if you are going to WIN THE SUPER BOWL (and after 35 years of rooting for this team i will never be satisfied with anything less), we should never ever ever ever allow a 9 minute drive with the game (much less the season ) on the line. i think that tells you all you need to know about our defense...all the glowing stats notwithstanding.
  15. the #1 problem with the bills is the same as it's been for about 10 years...the offensive line is not good enough...some years have been better than others, but we're not where we need to be. we improved this year, and that's encouraging, but we're not there yet. i think most of us agree that bledsoe does not react quickly enough to pressure to just put this team on his back(like favre dose with his sh------- team, for example). but if we are going to play him, we need a better line. one that can line up 4th and 1 on any defense in the league and get the first down 90% of the time. one that can give him time to do what he is best at...which is throwing the deep ball. if this line can get better...that is to say good enough to hide drew's weaknesses...we could be having a lot of fun here next year.
  16. this column was in our local paper (harrisburg) and i could not agree more. read it if you're still interested in this story. http://pennlive.com/search/index.ssf?/base....xml?penncoljon p.s. : :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: to hypocrite network sports guys. you all suck.
  17. ross tucker is one of my favorite bills..i got to meet him once when he was with the skins because they had training camp at the college where i coach track....he also became very good friends with our throws coach (who landed an asst. strength training job with the skins while they were in carlisle) and had dinner at his house quite often. when the bills signed him as an afterthought (remember, the skins released him), my colleague said "you watch...ross will hang around and hang around until he works his way into the line-up. the bills will never be able to get rid of him." apologies if i have told that story before, but i think it is sort of cool. go ross!
  18. me neither, but i think terrel deserves a vote or 2 as well. imo, he has actually made donovan mcnabb a better quarterback. not that anything owens vick or anyone else could do will get these guys off peyton's johnson...
  19. wellllllllllllll...that figures........
  20. honestly frez...i don't care about that matchup...i just want the jets to suffer the tortures of the damned....and then i want to see herman edward try ot explain to the new york media why he came unglued and tried to punch out bishop harris on the sideline....TOO SWEET!
  21. let them taste the agony...cmon bolts...
  22. please just read this page right here: http://forums.theganggreen.com/index.php?s...c=33738&st=2820
  23. good for you man...we should all make $$$ off the jets' misery. !@#$ them.
  24. b-u-l-l-s-h-i-t call, but i like it that way better....anything that maximizes the suffering of the jets and their fans is cool with me.
  25. another one othose times when i was WRONG, and damn glad about it! although i have to say, that was a bull sh-- call on barton. whatever though...!@#$ the jets...i hope they lose and their fans can B word about it for the next 8 months.
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