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Posts posted by jester43

  1. overtraining and not enough recovery time. Guys of all sizes are going down, not just bigger ones like benjamin. Stretching is probably the worst thing ... ligaments shouldn't be stretched, all that does is weaken them

    stretching has no effect on ligaments because they are not connected to muscles. I think you're talking About tendons.


    Ligaments connect bone to bone. They are not ever stretched intentionally.

  2. Can anyone with a medical background and/or strength training/PT background attempt a theory as to what is going on with NFL players tearing ACL seemingly so often? What gets me is that the ACL tears happen frequently on non/low contact plays.


    My thought is something I've seen others propose--that these guys have become SO big and SO muscular that their inertia when going one direction and then switching quickly to another creates a load that is too much for the knee to handle. It can't take the force of the change of direction and then tears.


    Now, I have no data that shows there are more ACL/knee ligament injuries than back in the day, but when OLineman used to be 240 pounds it's just a totally different scenario for the body.


    I also liken this to Tiger Woods' situation. He had already had knee troubles fairly early in his career because of the sheer viciousness of his swing, especially the snapping motion of his left knee through impact. His trainers/doctors told him not to get above 180 lbs because his knee couldn't handle the load, yet he ignored them and bulked up to almost 200 lbs, having an especially large upper body.


    Are these guys TOO big and muscular for their own good?


    Also, this got me thinking. I'm surprised that sports doctors haven't yet come out with a way to provide reinforcement to the ligaments of athletes, especially in the knees, in an effort to prevent tears. These guys and girls are absolute beasts compared to athletes of years ago, yet the vulnerabilities of the joints and ligaments remain unchanged. Yes, the treatments are better for tears, but I just wonder when someone will be proactive about things like ACL tears and actually create procedures to help prevent these injuries.


    i think you're right. Football is rife with roids and this is a consequence. I also think tiger was on them. These guys have way too much to gain and the testing is a complete joke.
  3. in my idea of how things should be, we'd have had 2 games by now ...1 after the each of the first 2 weeks of camp. then week 3 you're getting ready for a real game.


    they can take all that other time and use it at other points of the year to install their offense and whatever....use it for things other than live practice.


    they don't need 6 weeks to get ready for a 16 game season. it's overkill and the players pay the price.

    ps...i know they're not hitting every day....but there is plenty of hitting over a 3 week stretch of camp. live practice against another team is foolish. but the NFL whores these guys out to do it, so they do it.

  4. Huh? The second preseason game hasn't even taken place yet

    in my idea of how things should be, we'd have had 2 games by now ...1 after the each of the first 2 weeks of camp. then week 3 you're getting ready for a real game.


    they can take all that other time and use it at other points of the year to install their offense and whatever....use it for things other than live practice.


    they don't need 6 weeks to get ready for a 16 game season. it's overkill and the players pay the price.

  5. The reasons were already spelled out. Much of training camp is mandated as non contact with plenty of off days. There are no more full hitting two-a-days for example. So your point on 2-3 weeks of collisions isn't valid. You don't have to agree, but with the current CBA it is what it is whether you like it or not. C'est La Vie.

    Not valid? if camp had been done after 2 preseason games we'd not be doing this!
  6. I disagree. With CBA limitations on offseason OTAs, minicamps, and practices, preseason is more important than ever to build chemistry and evaluate rosters.

    you would!








    Seriously, as long as it is a level playing field, what difference does it make? You don't think the players would welcome an extra 2 weeks of OTAs if they could cut that much off preseason?


    We are talking about taking 2-3 weeks worth of collisions out of a sport where the number of collisions is positively correllated with brain damage, chronic orthopedic difficulties and early death. So tell me again, why do we need 6 weeks of preseason?

  7. when are the dopes who run this sport going to shorten the preseason/camp part of the season so players can get some relief from all these unnecessary injuries. The entire training camp/preseason should be three weeks tops. it's so ridiculous...these guys are training like crazy all year round anyway...they're plenty fit , and all we're doing is mowing guys down.


    is the piddling amount of money they make on preseason games worth more than all the destruction to the talent? we couldn't cut it to two preseason games and have a better product?

  8. i didn't have one but just thought it sounded like it based on when he got hurt (lifting weights) and the resulting ab pain, plus the surgery and recovery time.

    ah I see. Well I can see that it could be a hernia, but a "sports hernia" is a different beast.


    Sports hernia is a small ab muscle tear that in itself is not debilitating, but result is: all the muscles that criss cross on the pelvis over tighten to provide stability where it is lacking due to the initial muscle tear. This over-tightening of the other muscles is what friggin hurts. It takes a long time to develop though... My case over two months between the initial tear and the point at which I gave up and went to the doc.


    In fact if it would t have been for a co-worker who got his diagnosis after a year of shuffling around the gym (we were teaching p.e. At the time) I would certainly have suffered with it for much longer. This guy limped around for almost 2 years before getting a proper diagnosis. We both wound up being fixed by the same doc who did donovan mcnabb.

  9. Everything seems to point to a sports hernia IMO.

    What exactly points to a sports hernia?


    Did you have one? They don't come on quickly at all.


    The come on gradually. There is never any point at which you're writhing in pain and need to taken to the hospital. It's an nagging pain that worsens over a matter of weeks.


    I had one. I felt the acute tear in my ab muscle that I thought was a little pull. I was able to train on it for for 2 months. And I even ran a 1/2 marathon on it only 2 seconds off my lifetime best....and then a month later a marathon within 3 1/2 minutes of my PR. But by that point it hurt like hell.


    i bet ANYTHING it was not that.

  10. Panties are definitely wadding up around the league. That's how you know Rex is onto something here. I assume these were discussed elsewhere, but still...




    When people are crying that you're not playing nice enough, you're probably doing something right.


    I don't have the link, but the NY writer who wrote last week that Geno got punched basically because Rex was a bad coach last year...I'm sure a lot of you guys saw that. Just laughable.



    This may be, I'm not a daily reader of Carrucci, but he's been a respected NFL journalist for years now. There has to be something other than old age which drives someone to say what they do.



    no, it couldn't be that... <_<

  12. Joe B. just on Sirius as well -- completely massacred EJ. Said he has been "terrible" and said it's a "very good chance" EJ won't be on the roster to start the season.


    Unreal, these guys.

    so if he's not on the roster to start the season, will you be starting threads blaming the media for EJs demise?

    Best interest, or do their bidding? The war in Iraq was something Israel has wanted the US to do since the mid-90's. Now we have to fight Iran, too?

    100% correct.

  13. http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-training-camps/0ap3000000508492/ODB-dazzles-again-with-one-handed-snatch


    I understand he is talented. I get it. But if we had a camera on Sammy at all times during training camp I'm sure we would have similar footage.


    I predict Sammy outperforms OBJ this year.


    I don't care if they have Eli and we have the three headed monster (EJ Cassrod)





    i'm not getting involved in stopping anyone's woodie. you do what you want.

  14. I apologize for starting a separate topic for this, but I just didn't know into which of many threads it could fit.


    I listened to Vic this morning on Sirius -- he called in to the Ross Tucker and Booger McFarland show to discuss all things Bills. It was a painful listen, but of course Ross and Booger ate it all up because they think Vic is the expert.


    Among Vic's musings:


    -- really has a hard time with the IK signing; just can't envision that sort of violence in the locker room and thinks the Bills took "too much of a PR risk" by bringing him in because he's just a backup player, and "why do that?" Showed no indication he knows the facts of what exactly happened in Jests locker room.


    -- all signs point to Cassel as the starter because he fits best what Roman wants to do. Mentioned that Cassel can run the READ OPTION. WTF, Vic?


    -- mentioned Taylor as someone intriguing who has "made a case for himself" and is "clearly established as the #2 QB." No mention of EJ whatsoever -- nothing.


    -- Ross asked if the QB situation is "really that bad;" Vic said everyone has struggled and Cassel won't do anything spectacular; regurgitated the "Bills trying to win with strong running game and defense." No mention of Bills' playmakers at skill positions or the fact that all QBs learning a new offense.


    -- Booger asked if Dareus should get a contract in line with Suh and Gerald McCoy; Vic said yes he should and he views Dareus as the MVP not just of the defense but the entire team. When they hung up with him Booger took issue with this; said Dareus is a "step down" from Suh and McCoy because he doesn't make enough "splash plays."


    Anyway, discuss.

    1. I am first in line to stick up for media guys and I think their observations generally more astute because of the things they see/hear that we dont. But I disagree with Vic. And really, screw "PR." That's something for sportswriters to worry about, I guess.


    2. It seems pretty clear that he runs the offense better so far.


    3. it seems pretty clear that Taylor is 2nd best, so far. It cracks me up that fans are still offended that media professionals report what they see regarding EJ. Utter hilarity that some allege an "anti-EJ agenda."


    4. not really sticking his neck out...but isn't that what most would say? sure they can get better, but there is no reason to predict this will be an explosive offense.


    5. wtf do i care what a guy who calls himself "booger" thinks of Marcel Dareus???

  15. Not crazy to think a guy from a mid-major (I guess that's what you'd cal LA tech?) would need a year to blossom. He costs nothing and he has had a good camp. His highlights from college are pretty damn good so we have absolutely nothing to lose by signing him. I can't believe anyone is worked up about it. You would expect it from media guys, but fans?


    all these "risky" moves live and die on Rex Ryan's ability to lead, so we'll know pretty early what kind of coach he's going to be. Some guys can turn talented misfits into a cohesive unit....madden and Flores did in Oakland and bbellicheat has been doing it for years. Now that Rex is on the same page with his personnel poeple ( like Whaley has a choice, ha!)we will hopefully see the same thing here.




  16. i love it. Rex is turning the bills into the crazy kid on your street who you thought better of messing with. how long has it been?


    i was on a team where the captain was a bad actor, until the coach couldn't ignore it anymore and let him go. the kid kicked and screamed and went berserk, but you know what shut him up? not one guy on the team stuck up for him.


    that's how you know.


    welcome to Buffalo, IK.

  17. In the old days with more preseason games and two a day practices, it seems as though teams with younger players especially at the QB position might have been in a better position to compete during the first few games of the season. That didn't hold true for the Bills last year. But I read quite a few posts talking about "new giant playbooks" and the "offense always being behind the defense". And it occurred to me that teams with QB's like Rodgers, Brady or Big Ben probably don't have any issues with those sort of concerns.

    hey, i have an idea...there should have SIX pre-season games!

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